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  1. E

    270 and 130 partition question how far off the lands

    Well the ticket was .030 off the lands I shot 2 groups of 4 toady I was experimenting with different brass, one was .6 out of a clean barrel and the other was 1 inch and I am fine with that. It was a new all weather rifle and 130 grain partitions. It also shoots 150's as well. Nirvana finally
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    270 and 130 partition question how far off the lands

    Thats what I was wondering where do you start I am new to reloading. I can get to almost .025 from the lands I loaded some up today at that and some at .030. I will shoot them tomorrow and see.
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    270 and 130 partition question how far off the lands

    are setting the bullets? I have been getting mixed results and was needing some general information. I have tried ..030 and .040 but have good days and bad days at the range. So I am wondering what some of you guys are doing? I can't seat the bullet much closer than .030 due to fitting in...
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    Is the copper the same in the Accubond vs the Partition

    Thanks guys I have to do a major clean with that gun. I mean foam bore ans sweets to get the copper out. I will JB it some more and check it again I am thinking its a rough barrel but I never noticed it being this bad when I was shooting the green box core lock. Last year I put in Honrady SST...
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    Is the copper the same in the Accubond vs the Partition

    I will take out some partitions this week and some accubonds and give them each a go and check it again.
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    Is the copper the same in the Accubond vs the Partition

    I am shooting them the same both are loaded to 58 grain of H4350.
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    Is the copper the same in the Accubond vs the Partition

    I am shooting a Winchester FW classic 06. I have used JB paste on this gun its possible that after all of my first work was done with the Accubond and cleaning and JB paste it improved it enough that when I used the Partition it was more smooth? That is a possible, I was just wondering if the...
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    Is the copper the same in the Accubond vs the Partition

    The reason I ask is that I am getting a bad cooper fouling with the Accubond but so far its not near the same with the partition? Its only in one of my rifles and I have cleaned and cleaned. I can shoot 10 or 12 Accubonds and the accuracy starts to drop yet I can shoot almost 20 rounds of...
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    30-06 Majority Choice In Taking Elk

    I think a lot of people drop out of the magnumb craze as well go back to the 06. It is a lot more fun to shoot at the range and as pointed out a ton of options for hand loader.
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    Looking at 270s.

    I have the all weather rifle in a 270 but have you looked at the new Winchester Feather weights they are running around $700. Guys on other forums are really liking their new rifle both accurate and well built. My gun has a great trigger and the bolt is like butter. Just another thought.
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    Having problems with 140 grain accubonds in a 270

    Cold_hunter well said :lol:
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    Having problems with 140 grain accubonds in a 270

    Thanks guys I am off to the range to give it one more try. No I am not crimping and I have tried 60 grains but it was not as good as the 58.5 that seemed to give me the best of the groups. I am going to try seating a little shorter today then I was and I am going to try two different types of...
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    Having problems with 140 grain accubonds in a 270

    I can't get decent groups I can shoot the 130 Hornady interlock no problem and get less than a inch .75 each time some times .5. For the life of me I can not get the Accubond to do the same. I am currently loading 58.5 grains of H4831. I started low and worked up and down the scale. I have...
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    Hornady new dimention sizing die problem

    I had a similar problem and I had to readjust the die to make sure that the die is almost touching the shell holder and some times I will pump them though twice that seems to fix the problem. I don't know if the die is off a little bit or not but I since I adjusted the die closer to the shell...
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    Wolf de-listing

    PETA HSUA already have law suits waiting to file to stop the states from managing them. This is going to be a long drawn out process.
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    300 win mag vs. 30-06

    o6 sombody had to say it :lol:
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    New Model 70

    Man I am liking this gun, I loaded up some 140 grain Accubond and some Hornady interlock 130 grain. I had less than inch in both on the first trip to the range. The trigger is excellent, no play crisp and the bolt is like glass and smooth. The stock is a little clunky compared to my Classic...
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    Myew new 270 just came in a Winchester all weather rifle

    TJroberts I picked the accubond because I wanted to use it as a backup for my elk rifle or if I like it better than my FW 06 I will use it. I was concerned about the ballistic tip because a lot of my shots are 100 yards and in and I have heard that BT going that fast can blow up? I have no...
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    30-06 Five Shoot group Under an Inch-AA2495BR

    thanks for info I only can find and have right now H4350. So I am playing with it today I had my first 3 shot group at a inch. What was funny was I thought I had the OAL figured out but these were seated shorter and they shot much better I may be back at the drawing board again. 58 grain...
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    Myew new 270 just came in a Winchester all weather rifle

    What are you going to do this fall I am hunting BT but I am going to Murders creek rifle.