270 and 130 partition question how far off the lands


Mar 16, 2009
are setting the bullets? I have been getting mixed results and was needing some general information. I have tried ..030 and .040 but have good days and bad days at the range. So I am wondering what some of you guys are doing? I can't seat the bullet much closer than .030 due to fitting in the clip?
Well if your limited by the clip then thats pretty much what your stuck with.

I would have started off by going as long as possible and working inword.

Most bullets shooe the best just touching or no more then about .020" off the lands.
Thats what I was wondering where do you start I am new to reloading. I can get to almost .025 from the lands I loaded some up today at that and some at .030. I will shoot them tomorrow and see.
For magazine loadings, all you can do is to load out to the max COAL that the the magazine will allow, and then vary your charges maybe a quarter to 1/2 gr here and there to find a more accurate load with the bullet you`re using, while remaining as close to the lands as you can get.

Some rifles prefer a greater bullet jump, while many more do not.
Big Squeeze gave you the correct answer. Ther is no magic with being close to the lands. I have loaded for a number of different SA rifles where the mag box limits the length of seating and most of them have been great shooters. WBY Mags have enough freebore that the bullet is out of the case before it reaches the lands. Think Barnes still recommends their bullets be seated 50 thou from the lands. Don't concern yourself with not being able to reach the lands, most barrels will have more than one sweet spot. Work with the powder.Rick.
Well the ticket was .030 off the lands I shot 2 groups of 4 toady I was experimenting with different brass, one was .6 out of a clean barrel and the other was 1 inch and I am fine with that. It was a new all weather rifle and 130 grain partitions. It also shoots 150's as well. Nirvana finally
Sounds like a fine hunting rifle, and there is nothing wrong with that.
Try .015-.020" off the lands. This is where I usually find a sweet spot.

Thanks JD I was not able to get them that close to the lands ran out of magazine space. But thanks I was wondering what others had done. I have two buddies with 270's both are shooting rugers and they can seat their bullets much longer than I can? But it is working well now so I am happy.

What rifle are you shooting?

You may be able to find a second sweet spot by seating farther away from the lands. Might want to try .050" off the lands, will fit the magazine too. :grin:

ehunter, what rifle are you shooting, scope, range set-up, etc.? Have you let a known good shooter try your loads in your rifle? There could be a technique problem with your range set-up. Any modifications to your rifle? If you are limited to 30 off the lands try seating deeper by 0.005 in three round groups until you reach the point of serious powder compression. For the WBY mags that I have loaded, I seat the bullet so the base of the bullet is at the body/shoulder junction and then work with the powder.Rick.
I hit it perfect last week 030 off the lands just about as long as I can get and I was getting actual .6 groups which for me is just fine with my shooting. I had one shot out of a clean barrel that pulled me out or it would have been .5 and my worst group was right at 1 inch.

I am shooting the Winchester ALL weather rifle, with a Leupold 2x8 vxIII using 130 partitions and Winchester primers and 60 gr H4831sc with Winchester cases. Now I am happy and will start shooting at the 200 and 300 yards ranges off the sticks. Most of my deer are killed in the 100 yard range and in since I will be hunting Blacktails even my mule deer hunting is in the Timber.

I was curious because I know that certain bullets like to be set further off the lands and that was really my question. I know for example the Honrady interbond likes to set back at least 050 off the lands for decent groups in my rifle and I didn't know about the Partition.