Search results

  1. J

    What are the best states to live in for hunting and shooting sports?

    Just curious which states are the most firearms and business friendly?? I’ve been a lifelong shooting enthusiast and self employed most of my life. I currently work in the oil and gas industry in Canada, but much has changed here. I don’t think a wholesale relocation is possible or advisable...
  2. J

    Alberta hunter host program, fyi

    Guess I mentioned that in 08, lol. A friend of mine hosted last year for some family from the Maritimes and they had a good time, but didn’t shoot anything big.
  3. J

    Alberta hunter host program, fyi

    Hello all, Just an fyi for anyone that doesn’t know. The province of Alberta allows nonresident hunters from out of province or country to hunt with a resident with a hunter host permit instead of an outfitter or guide. This has some conditions and rules attached obviously and requires a $40...
  4. J

    Finally back loading.

    Finally back loading. After many years of my reloading gear being locked in a job box, seldom used. Typically, brass and projectiles were tossed inside whenever I thought I’d have time to work with a particular rifle and bought components, but without organizing I never really got around to it...
  5. J

    2017 Hunting Pictures

    Nov 13/17 NE Alberta Whitetail. Been awhile, hope you are all well and had a great 2017 hunt.
  6. J

    Can I resize 300 RUM brass to 338 RUM

    The neck turning is a bit of a nuisance, but I was surprised in the past how much some factory brass varied on neck thickness anyway. I have seen 308 win cases where the cutter barely took any metal off on side of the neck and yet took a thou off the other side.
  7. J

    Can I resize 300 RUM brass to 338 RUM

    Up here in Canada, we're having a hard time getting brass for the 338 RUM. I'm wondering if there would be any adverse effects from necking up 300 RUM and pushing the shoulder back that .02" or whatever it is?? I realize that it'll be stamped wrong with the challenges that poses, but I really...
  8. J

    Seen two nice bucks this morning.

    I've got a couple friends within a mile of there, but that's a pea field, so I am not sure they'll range very far from it. They do tend to scatter and show up where least expected during the rut. Time will tell, somebody might get a dandy trophy this year or a great story about one that got...
  9. J

    Seen two nice bucks this morning.

    Seen this trio this morning at work. Now I need to get a map and start asking permission to hunt that area. Sorry for the poor pics, phone is only so good, but those bucks were huge.
  10. J

    Something new.

    So far, I've resized my brass which is actually 25-06 brass and tumbled it to knock the sizing wax off. I loaded up 5 with 51.0 grns of 7828 and 130 grain Accubond and fired them offhand off my deck, so far no proper bench, chrony etc. it's -29 today and -30, -31 the next two days and I go back...
  11. J

    Something new.

    I haven't been online in quite a long while. Haven't really had much to talk about because life still seems ridiculously busy. However, a long awaited rifle finally made its way to me That is a Cooper Custom classic in 6.5-06 with a New Zealand Walnut stock that I bought the blank...
  12. J

    Trail Cam Picture Sticky

    I didn't have time to set cameras this year, but this guy visited me at work today while I was loading my truck. Pics from an iPhone without any zooming. I got within 30-35 yards dressed in fire retardant coveralls with reflective stripes, furthest thing from camo. He did start following me when...
  13. J

    Building a 260

    Call Clay at Prophet River Firearms in Lloydminster, Alberta and ask what he has for New Zealand Walnut stock blanks. He is an importer and also sells some of the most beautiful walnut around the area. Since its just a block of walnut, there shouldn't be any issues shipping it. I just bought...
  14. J

    264 Win mag Vs 7mm rem mag

    Very nice Sako Fotis, in the 75 action no less. 3300 FPS with a .531 or higher BC ought to make elk in a couple zip codes nervous. I personally favor the 264 over the 7mm Rem mag, but have enjoyed the "Thunder" factor of the STW and would like to play with the RUM chambering too. I don't see a...
  15. J

    Remington model 700 VTR

    It took $235 for a skilled smith to make it shoot, Not including the AI chamber. I think the plain SPS varmint in alot better option if weight isn't an issue.
  16. J

    Remington model 700 VTR

    I meant haf it tuned, its about 2lbs and has alot less travel now.
  17. J

    Remington model 700 VTR

    I have one. Stock it was a 223 and grouped 6" at 100yds or worse. Since it has had: THe action trued, chamber opened up to 223AI, trigger set, bolt lugs lapped and the brake cut off and a new crown cut. The brake is quite deep and I suspect a poor crown was the root of the inaccuracy, but the AI...
  18. J

    Keystone Pipeline

    In the 60's it took 4X more energy to refine tar sand, technology has come along way since then. Now its stripped 1 atom of carbon per pass through a Catalytic seperator and becomes a useable product here. Starting with the lower grades of oil like roofing tar and plastics and continuing on...
  19. J

    Keystone Pipeline

    I've made my living in the oil Sands and Heavy Oil fields for the past 11 years. For any that wish to visit, there are tours one can take in Fort Mac and in alot of the in situ/steam assisted facilities. Most of the oil sands recovery is quite literally cleaning up the worlds largest naturally...
  20. J

    Canadian Politics

    That still puzzles me, they deported the Acaidians lock stock and barrel.