160gr Accubond vs 160gr Partition for moose/carabou


Sep 30, 2004
My dad is coming up for a carabou hunt this fall and I haven't quite made up my mind between the 160gr AccuBond vs the 160gr Partition. Carabou aren't that tough and I'm sure either bullet would work with no trouble at all but there is the possibility of taking a moose on this hunt as well. Should I gamble with the better BC and wind bucking ability of the AccuBond or just go with the tried and true 160 Partition. If you guys have any experience with either bullet please share.
The one that would give me better accuracy would be my choice.
go with the Partition. dont get caught up in ballistics tables and make judgement on 2 inches more drop at 400 yards. both shot much flatter trajectories than you will likly be capable of utilizing. terminal proformance should be based on the largest animal anticipated. I have shot over 100 animals with partitions and know they will break bone and penetrate well. I use accubonds for deer and would also use for caribou. accubonds should work ok on moose with good shot placement but when spending money on an expensive hunt your best off preparing for the worst case scenario. I also would consider 175 grain partitions, the will shoot plenty flat and penetration is aswsome