2022 Season Plans


Nov 28, 2018
Well it August already, summer is nearly over and the seasons are right around the corner. I'm sure some plans have changed since we talked this spring, waiting on draw results, or what else these crazy times we are in might bring
What tags do you have to fill, where are you going, and what are you going to carry to try and fill them?

Myself I have over the counter Upland birds, Deer, Elk and Bear tags here in Montana and will also buy a wolf tag. My plans so far are -For the elk I will be hunting the mountains here in southwest Montana with my 30-06 and 165gr AB's. I will go after whitetails in central Montana with my 260 and 143ELDX , or 25-06 120gr deep curl. Bear and wolf will be the 30-06 while hunting elk. Wolf after big game season 260/25-06/243 depending on the area I go (wolf season goes to March 15th). I will have my 870 28ga with me while gathering firewood or just driving around the mountains scouting elk and looking for grouse. Depending on how the season and work load goes I'd like to pick up a whitetail doe tag and try a pistol hunt or with one of my 357 rifles. Those are my plans, all subject to change, but as long as I am able to get out a few times I will be happy.
Still waiting on my 2 daughters antelope draw, should be able to update in the coming weeks, and one has her deer tag.
I have Washington tags for bear, deer & elk. Also drew a late-season doe tag. And of course the dog will take me upland bird hunting for quail, chukar & pheasant. :)

Bear season opened August 1st. It's been over 100 degrees every day for a week... I haven't hunted yet but will get out soon.

During regular mule deer season, I'll focus on getting my son on a legal buck with that new 7mm Rem Mag Bergara of his.

We may or may not get out for elk. Depends.

Late season doe, the intent is to use my 30-30 Glenfield. :)

For some reason I'm interested in leaving my bolt actions in the gun safe this year and hunting only with single shot & lever action rifles. Why not? :)

Regards, Guy
Mine is rather boring compared to everyone but such is life when you have a rather new child.

I drew my Kansas either species/either sex tag in early July, so I'll be hunting mule deer with my dad in Northwest Kansas, unless I see a bruiser of a whitetail. If I can get a load worked up in my 280 Ackley, I'll be using that with 120gr Hammer Hunters. If not, I'll be using my 25-06 using 110gr Hammer Hunters or 115gr Partitions.

It's been a couple years since my hunting partner and I got out, so we're making plans to do an OTC antlerless hunt in January. I won't be hunting, but he will.

I also bought a preference point for KS pronghorn, as you need 6 to draw the tag.

And of course, I'll bring my Marlin 39a for squirrels while I'm in the field.
I'll be hunting whitetails in N Carolina the end of October .

I'll be hunting in my home state of Pa . archery , and rifle deer . I've been pondering on a muzzleloader tag , not sure . I've been seeing a few black bears fairly often , so I might buy a bear tag . I'm in two of the Pa elk draws too . I have 18 points for the regular draw , and 3 points for the late season draw .
My hunting buddy and I drew early deer tags that start 8-15 and run through 9-30. We also drew cow tags for WY and muzzleloader moose tags in AK. We were able to get Sawtooth elk tags here in Idaho and I'll try to get a returned non-resident elk tag tomorrow morning. My wife and mom drew really good elk tags and gifted them to my boys. Hopefully they get a couple 300+" bulls. We saw 2 bulls over 300" last year when my dad, my hunting buddy and I drew it. My dad gave his tag to my oldest son. My dad also drew a doe antelope tag this year and gave it to my youngest son. It's not in 2022 but I'm headed to Mexico for a coues, desert muledeer, and a whitetail hunt in Jan.
Squirrel opens in second week of Sept. Deer bow season end of Sept-end of Dec. Family got me a crossbow for Christmas so I'm planning on trying it out, see how that goes. Early doe season in Oct. Buck season starts Monday of Thanksgiving week for 2 weeks. Can kill does also. Muzzleloader season in Dec than the Heritage Season in Jan. It's deer, bear and turkey with traditional bow or muzzle loaders. Like going squirrel hunting after the deer seasons end. Squirrel season lasts till end of Feb. Using one of my CZ 22lrs. Also, turkey in Oct-Nov for about 3 weeks. Plenty of opportunities to get out in the woods. Planning on using my 35 Whelen, 270 Win and 35 Rem. All Remingtons by the way (Attention Scotty) CVA inline and .54flintlock for the different ml seasons. Dan.
Mine will be a boring season, owner sold her property where we hunted on a lease for 9 years for deer and hogs. I'll mainly will be focused on day hunts for exotics like Axis, red stag, nilgai and possibly an oryx. If I could find a trophy whitetail, it would be nice. All rifle hunts.
Mine is rather boring compared to everyone but such is life when you have a rather new child.

I drew my Kansas either species/either sex tag in early July, so I'll be hunting mule deer with my dad in Northwest Kansas, unless I see a bruiser of a whitetail. If I can get a load worked up in my 280 Ackley, I'll be using that with 120gr Hammer Hunters. If not, I'll be using my 25-06 using 110gr Hammer Hunters or 115gr Partitions.

It's been a couple years since my hunting partner and I got out, so we're making plans to do an OTC antlerless hunt in January. I won't be hunting, but he will.

I also bought a preference point for KS pronghorn, as you need 6 to draw the tag.

And of course, I'll bring my Marlin 39a for squirrels while I'm in the field.
What part of Kansas do you live in?
Mine will be a boring season, owner sold her property where we hunted on a lease for 9 years for deer and hogs. I'll mainly will be focused on day hunts for exotics like Axis, red stag, nilgai and possibly an oryx. If I could find a trophy whitetail, it would be nice. All rifle hunts.
Assuming you live TX?
For some reason hunting nilgai and oryx doesn't sound boring.
Sorry to hear about the lost lease.
It has been enjoyable to see what everyone is planning on doing for this season.
With the initial Wyoming draw it was total failure...First time ever.
Good thing is, I did get a leftover private land antelope permit, but no doe permits. I have small piece of private land to go after a buck. I will not be picky.
I will end up getting a OTC general deer license, and will likely use it for a public land mule deer
I did get two reduced price cow/calf elk tags. It is in a area that I have never been to before, but it will be an adventure.
I plan to use single-shot XP-100's exclusively this year, with the exception of some OTC doe/fawn whitetail tags near a little piece of land near Story, WY that Dan and I typically hunt on. I will use a 357 Magnum revolver or one of my Pachmayr Dominators (25 Creed or 6.5 Creed).
Center-grip 22GT with the 88 ELD-M for lope. May use the 6mm-284 with 105 A-Max's though too.
If my center-grip 300 SAUM XP-100 is done in time, I will use it for elk. If not the 280AI or 6.5-284 XP's will be used.
I have not decided on mule deer yet what to use. It will be one of the three XP's that are up for elk or possibly my 284 Winchester XP.
Besides enjoying hunting, I like using different guns.
Not sure if I will head to TX or not after the first of the year for doe whitetail and hogs.
Currently I live in Kansas City, but I grew up in Southwest KS, going to the northwest every month as that’s where both sets of my grandparents live
I grew up south of Wichita, on a farm outside of Belle Plaine. I have driven the I-70 corridor and I-35 more times than I can remember :)