243, 75g vmax


Nov 17, 2005
Anyone out there having good luck with the 75g vmax from the 243? I"ve went through a box with H4350 and IMR4895 and cant seem to get much better then 1.25"-1.5" at 100 yards for 5 shots off a bench. Have tried quite a few different OALs and 2 primers. Might just have to try the 70g NBT...

I thought you had pretty good luck with the 75 gr V-Max.
Maybe the new rifle just doesn't care for them.

I always had good luck with my 243 Win using the Hornady 70 SXP and 70 gr BT.

You might want to try some Varget if you have it in inventory. If not, the Speer 70gr TNT HP, the sleek one, not the parachute profile one, is a great bullet to try since it is a flat base. Some rifles just shine with lighter flat-base bullets over a boat tail. I had a Savage that I tried force-feeding what I wanted to shoot instead of listening to what the rifle was telling me as I looked at my targets. Keep at it, for I'm sure there's a combo out there that wil work for you.
Well I picked up a pound of IMR4350 and Varget to try with some 70g NBTs...First time I'll be messing with varget, looks promising in the nosler book...3600+fps, most accurate powder tested (star at the top), IMR4350 should be decent to as its 3600+fps and stars at the top as well. Should find something that shoots with these combos above.

I acquired a Ruger target/varmint rifle, with the 26" heavy stainless barrel and brown laminate stock with 2 stage trigger. Been around a few of these rifles over the years and they were all 1/2 MOA performers with there preferred loads. Got a Leupold Vari X III, 6.5-20x40 w/dot reticle and elevation knob. I really like these rifles for being a Ruger and not a Rem or Win :)

I have 12 of the 75g vmax bullets left, maybe I should throw 2 loads together with varget and see what she does.

I have been shooting off concrete bench/ and lead sled at 100 yards, doing 5 shot groups for testing, against my typical 3. Figure for a heavy/varmint rifle 5 would be the way to go. With the 75g vmax I was getting 1/2 moa 3 shot groups, but I would have 2 out there aways with both powders and primers, as well as several different OALs...Looking over my targets, I did pull a 5 shot group that went .75" with H4350 at 46.5g, win case, 2.640" with either a CCI 200 or Fed 210 primer, thats the kicker, I cant remember which one it was as I only had a few of them left and just really used em to get rid of them, didn't expect it to shoot that much better but they did and I forgot to write it down!!!!!!! I then went back to the WLR primer as thats what was in stock and proceeded to try and duplicate that .75" and never could get anything much better then 1.25" with the WLRs. I"m thinking I need to try the CCI 200s or Fed 210s with that H4350 load again, and then try IMR4350 and varget as well. I"d like to get the 75g vmax to shoot as they are carried locally and are a bit cheaper, plus I love red and hate purple :)

I've never had trouble getting vmaxs to shoot, they are normally very accurate bullets. They do have a different profile then the 70g NBT though which could be the culprit. Which is why I tried the 55g NBT soon after I couldn't get the 75vmax to shoot.

I have a load worked up right now with the 55g NBT and IMR4895 thats doing 4000fps and 5 shots at 100 that you can almost cover with a nickel. Local store has them versus the 70g NBT so I bought them to see if it was maybe something with the rifle after the 75g vmax attempts. The 55g NBT work up went pretty smooth as expected, 1 powder, few diff charges in .5g increments, 1 primer, few different OALs and I had my load...I Just dont wanna use the 55s much, they are great out to 300-350 like a laser, but the wind starts pushing them around a bit much after that and they are just barrel burners...

I should have some loaded 70g NBTs with IMR4350 and Varget to try my next days off, weather permitting. Will also throw a couple last loads with those 12, 75g vmax I have hanging around as well.
I have a tang safety Ruger M77V, in 243, that shoots well under 1" with a max load of Varget and Sierra 70 grain BlitzKings. I haven't tried the Noslers, because these shot so well. Turns Pdogs to red mist.
I would think a 70 BT would be pretty fearsome on coyotes as well. Especially at those kind of speeds..
For the 75 gr V-max, 40.5 grains Varget with Federal match primers went reliably under a half-inch for me.

Interestingly, the 80 gr NBT shot the same with 38.0 grains.