.243 95 gr. Partition...

Ruger # 1

Mar 13, 2006
Anybody have experience with this bullet on deer?I've used the 95 gr. Ballistic Tip with great results, but I'll be hunting in some pretty thick stuff this year, where 50 yard shots will probably be max, so I want to try something a little tougher.Is the 95 gr.PT a good choice?Thanks.
It is my opinion that a Partition bullet at fifty yards will not make you any happier than a ballistic silver tip.....brush or no. If your bullet hits something enroute to the target, it will not, hit where you aimed. In my opionion bullets do not cut brush and continue on in the same path. But again that is just my opinion.
mbmm":rsivdk0l said:
It is my opinion that a Partition bullet at fifty yards will not make you any happier than a ballistic silver tip.....brush or no. If your bullet hits something enroute to the target, it will not, hit where you aimed. In my opionion bullets do not cut brush and continue on in the same path. But again that is just my opinion.


The advantage of the PT over the BT is you can bust a shoulder. The secret is to work up an accurate load and "thread the needle" through the brush.

I realize the PT will not go through brush any better than anything else.I was asking more from a terminal performance/penetration view point.Thanks for the replies though!
I'd be interested to hear the discussion on this, as well. I have some experience with 100gr Partitions in a .243Win, but I am currently working on some double duty loads, using 85gr-95gr bullets, and as such am very interested in how the lighter Partitions perform on coyotes and white-tails in this caliber.

I imagine they are better penetrators, as JD said, and will perform better at the velocities encountered 50yds in front of a 243Win, compared to the BT's. The question is, how accurate are they, generally, and how do the lighter weights perform on game? I grew up hearing my dad say to always use the heaviest bullet in the 243, which for him meant 100gr. I am starting to branch out from that a bit, but I'd sure like some vicarious success first!
I am planing on working with the 243 and 85gr partitions as a double duty load for coyotes and deer,pronghorn,black bear.But won't get to work on it for a few months.Sure wish they had an AB in 6mm :roll:
I use a 95 gr ballistic tip in my 243 for deer. It is accurate. I have not used partitions so I guess I can't comment on their performance. In my expierance, I shoot for accuracy, most of the deer I shoot are in the boiler room and inside 100 yrds (for the 243). Most of them never really open up and or come apart. I can count on the deer moving 20-50 yrds and dying. Small hole in small hole out(but the area inside is certainly disrupted)...Sorry for the long post...
I had a 243 that my son used when he was growing up .... used 105 gr. Speer in it. It always performed very satisfactory.
Ruger - I was pleased with the accuracy of the 100 gr Nosler Partition. My son and I usually use the 95 grain ballistic tip in his 6mm Rem, but we decided to try some 100 gr partitions instead. From the bipod, I'm shooting three of them into about 2.5" at 300 yards - with a plain old Rem 700 and a 22" Remington factory sporter barrel. That's darned near as good as the rifle shoots the 95 grain Ballistic Tips.

Unfortunately he hasn't taken a deer with the 100 gr Partition yet, but every time I've used a Partition of any kind on game, I've gotten good expansion and complete penetration! :grin: We wanted to try the partitions in his little rifle, not because of any problems with the B-Tips, but because sometimes we too get some close range running shots, particularly in the afternoon when we're working the little draws and side canyons. The accuracy at 300 yards was unexpected.

Not quite the 95 gr/.243 combo you asked about but the 100 gr/6mm combo was as close as I can come - and has worked out real well for us so far. My son is hoping to have an on-game report for all in October.

Regards, Guy
I used to own a Browning A-Bolt in .243 WSSM. The 100 grain Partition was my bullet of choice in that caliber. It held together extremely well and shot right under an inch, at 100 yards.

I also shot the 95 grain BT but only on coyotes. If you have to question if a bullet is enough bullet for the game you're after it's always better to use what you know will work for sure.

The Partition will not let you down!