25-06 CDL

Perfect idea! Remington rifle shooting Remington ammunition, now there would be no way for them to backpeddle on that one :!: :!: :shock: If it won't shoot their OWN AMMUNITION, what could they say then but oops, a bad one got past us :!: :lol:
We shall see. I am going to grab a box of Core Lokts this morning from the cheapest place I can find. I am going to check Wal Mart and then Dicks. Scotty
I grabbed a box of Remington 100gr Core Lokts this morning (cost me 30.00 stinkin dollars, this is why I handload!). I am going to keep all of my targets, as long as the shots land on the paper and send them with the rifle if it doesn't shoot. The only thing I could think of is the barrel if it doesn't shoot the way it is now. I will just pack it up and send it off to Remington if it won't print decent groups with their ammo! Scotty
Not a bad call. Something may well be wrong with the one you've got - it sure isn't performing!

We shall see I guess. Too bad really, as it really doesn't leave me with a whole lot of positive options either way. If it shoots modded like this, it is going to cost me some money to modify it permanently, but if it doesn't shoot, I am going to have to send it back to them and lose it in the black hole of Remington till they get around to it.

Or just sell it and start over! I would hate to pawn a pig like this off to another rifle guy though. Doesn't seem very honest. Scotty
Selling a rifle like that to someone you know could be devastating. There are a few people that I might be persuaded to sell such a rifle. :lol:
DrMike":2h005jxf said:
Selling a rifle like that to someone you know could be devastating. There are a few people that I might be persuaded to sell such a rifle. :lol:

Me too! :twisted: :mrgreen:

Just kidding!
Okay, I just got off the range a little bit ago. I used some cheap green box 100gr Rem Core Lokts. I shot one to make sure it was on paper at 25 and moved back to 100 yards. The first group was about 1.5 or so. Nice triangular group from a squeaky clean barrel. Let it cool and shot the next group, about an inch! Went and shot another group from another rifle and fired the third group. The barrel was still warm and it was about 1.25". I will post up some pics of the groups, but I think a bedding job is on its way shortly, after I slay a deer or two with it, Scotty
Glad to hear it worked out Scotty. Still 12" groups. You are just going to have to re look at those loads. It isn't adding up. Something you were resting it on. Something under the barrel in the barrel channel??? Good thing you tried a box of factory ammo. And what ever was the problem worked it's way out. I do so hate getting the phone call "it's working well for us" LOL I think I'd run a couple more of your reloads your were using through it now and see what happens. Curiosity if nothing else. 1 1/2" and 1 1/4" groups out of a bran new rifle and factory ammo. It may very well turn into a hell of a shooter.
I'd take a look at what the twist really is... I know a 1:10" twist is supposed to stabilize the 115 VLD... but, at your low altitude... and if the velocity isn't there... you might not be getting enough spin on them. Partially unstable bullets would definately produce the kind of groups you're talking about. If it shoots 100 grain crap Rem. factory loads in 1"-1.5"... then it should shoot handloaded NBTs pretty dang well. Maybe drop down a burn rate or two and try to hit those VLDs hard... RE-22 or 4831... something like that might do it.
Isn't three credit card thicknesses indicative of too much forend pressure? Not sure I've seen recent advice on actual poundage, but that seems like an awful lot. The last time I tried to purposely establish pressure, I know the satisfactory result wasn't that much. Maybe that wood moved a little since manufacture..
You don't have a different stock available to just try do you?
Just my 2 cents since following the thread. It sure gets the wheels turning. Throat to bore alignment comes to mind too. Have you ever done chamber casts, Scotty?

Sure hope you get it figured out!!!
Glad to hear the 100's are working! There are some mighty fine 100 gr bullets out there - and Nosler makes a mess of 'em!

With the 100 grain bullets I've had excellent results with H4350 - about 3340 fps with very good accuracy. H4831 produced the best accuracy from a different .25-06 I used to own, with 100 gr bullets.

If it shoots the 100's better than the 115's, forget the 115's and go happily kill deer with the 100's. They'll never know the difference.

Okay, here are some targets from yesterday. Sorry they aren't nicer, but I really wasn't thinking it was going to matter.

Here is the first group, after a sighter at 25 yards and a really squeaky clean barrel


Here is the second group, shot about 3-5 minutes later


Here is the third and final target shot about 2-4 mins later. I believe the larger group size is because it was about dark and the barrel was HOT! I don't ever shoot a rifle barrel that hot, but I wanted to see what it would do. Still, even with a HOT barrel, it still made a decent group. I believe proper loads will be excellent in the rifle.


I shot way faster and did not allow the barrel to cool much. I brought out my 308, just to zero so I had something to mess with and pass the time, but it was already getting darker, and I wanted to get some rounds down the tube.

I did away with the pressure point all together with the three credit card strips under the recoil lug. The barrel does not touch from the forend to the receiver. I believe that was the trick. I am having a hard time believing the rifle shot the Retumbo/115gr BT's badly because it didn't like them. It has plenty of twist to stabilize them I think? I will reshoot them later on, and get a solid answer on it. I just really believe it did not like that pressure point, or maybe it was way too much pressure. Either way, I am getting rid of the pressure point, post haste.

For right now, I am going to use the 25-06 for my nephew to hunt with. I am going to keep carrying the 45-70 till it gets dirty! I will stick with those 100gr Core Lokts for the rest of deer season here. Just don't have the time to mess with anything. After I am done hunting, I will pull the stock and glass bed it as 257 Ackley and Pop have taught me. I figure once it is bedded, it will be just fine.

It was a huge learning experience, and I hope you Remington or whatever shooters can glean some useful info from it. I was mad as heck and ready to give the rifle away. I still cannot believe somebody would market a rifle of their flag ship line and think that it passes as a great rifle. I told Jim on the phone, for a guy to save up a ton of money, put good optics and scope mounts on a rifle and not have it shoot decent enough to hunt with is unacceptable! A young person that spent his whole Summers earnings or even a family man who only has one rifle would have been out of luck! Granted, it is fairly inexpensive to bed the rifle, but who want's/can go through that trouble after dropping so much money on a new rifle! Sorry, not trying to be too hard on Remington, but they really need a restructure and house cleaning.

It is a very nice rifle though, handles excellent, trigger is very nice, wood and metal is nice. I like the CDL's alot, the Whelen is a stone cold shooter for me. Scotty
Me too, I think it should be okay though. With it floated like that, it seems fairly decent. I think the bedding will really help it shoot. I want it to be a good rifle. A 25-06 would be a great rifle to carry. I love to hike with the Whelen. Those two can cover alot of hunting I do. Scotty
I did, that was the very first thing I tried. I remembered you mentioning it sometime back and immediately went up stairs and got a few Q-tips. The crown was good as far as I could tell. No cotton burrs or grabbing. I am thinking the rifle just had too much pressure on the forend. Might have been okay with less also, who know. It is going to get floated and glassed like we talked about. Seems like that is the best solution to it. I shouldn't ever have to worry about it again after that. Scotty
It does look as if you are moving in the right direction with this rifle.
It feels alot better! This was the first two targets I used. Sorry it is such a hard picture, but if you look close, you can see where I "X'ed" the shot holes. There may be a couple that look like they are a group, but they are random shots while aiming at a different point! With no particular ryhme or reason, the shots were all over the paper. The good shot was one by the 45-70!
