25-06 Load Development


Feb 9, 2015
So Ive got a 25-06 that shoots factory loaded 115 Partitions from Federal into half inch groups @ 100yds. (4 shots) Federal's website says they're coming out at 3030fps, but I've not checked that with my chronograph. The load data on Nosler's website also indicates that they found best accuracy with this bullet, powder, and barrel length at 3012fps.

So I went and bought some of the 115 Partitions. QuickLoad tells me I can safely take them over 3200fps with Retumbo, and I did so without finding any pressure signs. I used 6 different 1-grain increments to get there (55, 56, 57 etc), but accuracy wasn't great and once above 3075fps it was terrible. Then I loaded up another 24 rounds at 1 grain increments (55.5, 56.5, 57.5 etc), accuracy still not there. I've got Reloader 19 to try next unless you guys see anything else I should try with Retumbo. I'll put a link to my reloading notes below. Just kinda frustrated because this rifle shoots like this with other factory ammo.

100gr Rem Core-Lokt....... 1.25"
120gr Win PXP.............. .85"
115 Fed. Partition ......... .53"
100 Barnes TTSX .......... .42"
75 V-max Handload ....... .89"

Also... The bullet points on the factory loaded partitions have more of a blunted tip than the loose partitions I've got. Is that unusual? I still used factory ammo's OAL to make my own.

*edit* groups listed in the info below were taken at 140yards. Weird, but that's what the place I went to that day had.
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ ... sp=sharing
I've had good luck with IMR4350 in my wife's 25-06 with 120 gr. Partitions. The load her rifle seemed to like was 49.0 grs. which in the 22" barrel on her Model 700 MTN rifle chronographs exactly at 3000 fps. It shoots really well. H4831SC seems to be a really good powder in the 25-06 also.

I've never warmed up to the Reloder powders but lots of folks have.
Well, you've got a good-shooting rifle, which is a mighty fine thing. I'd kinda consider buying a case of that Federal ammo that shoots so well, and calling it good... (y)

Hodgdon's Retumbo is the powder I've learned to use with the 115 gr Partitions and Ballistic Tips, at right up to about 3200 fps with the Partitions, & good accuracy.

HOWEVER, there sure are some others worth consideration:

RL-22 gives excellent performance with the .25-06 & heavier bulelts.
H4831 does a mighty fine job.
H4350 is my choice for 100 gr bullets in the .25-06, providing 3350 fps w/good accuracy...

Play with the seating depth a bit?

The rifle wants to shoot well, you're just not quite feeding it the right stuff yet.

And honestly, I really would consider just buying a case of that Federal ammo.. Why not?

Best of luck, Guy
Yep 49 grs IMR 4350 or 52 grs H4831 with 115 - 120 gr bullets has shot lights out in every 25-06 I have seen. I have killed a few hundred deer with 49 grs IMR 4350, Rem. case, CCI 250 mag primer, 117 Sierra Pro Hunter. Usually runs 2950 to 3100 fps depending on the rifle. I have shot some with 115 Partitions with this same load but the Sierra kills just as dead, BANG FLOP, at half the price. Pay attention to your seating depth. These bullets like to jump a bit to the lands. Usually will find accuracy between 10 and 30 thousands off the lands.
joelkdouglas":yavwvvvm said:
I second Guy's H4350. I get boringly good accuracy with 100 grain bullets and 52.5 grains H4350.

Ditto in my Remington and Mauser .25-06s. One has a 24" barrel and the other a 22" barrel.

H4350 in any .30-06 or like-based case seems to give that "boringly good accuracy" in my rifles.
Agree that H4350, or IMR 4350, seems to work really well in that case.

But... I don't get bored with good accuracy! I get happy! :mrgreen:
1Shot":1qvy5jrg said:
These bullets like to jump a bit to the lands. Usually will find accuracy between 10 and 30 thousands off the lands.
which ones like this jump? The Partition or sierra?

Thanks guys. I've put off buying 4350 for too long. Ill have to grab some next chance I get.
Retumbo, RL22, RL25 and IMR4831 seem to be good powders with a lot of success using Retumbo with 115 gr bullets. I think I would start my focus there and play with the seating depth. You will know it when you find the sweet spot.

I've had excellent accuracy with .015-.020" jump in some rifles. My 338 RUM is loaded to just under max magazine length and shoots one hole groups. There is a lot of jump there.

Do you have a comparator gauge ? Check the loads that shoot well, you'll probably see a consistent number, load the Partitions to that and play with charge weight. IMR 4831 has been my most consistent powder for 4 or 5 .25-06's, bu there's lots of folks using other and doing very well.
No I don't have a comparator guage. I did just grab a can of imr4350 last night though. Can't wait to give it a try.
Mine does real nice stuff with RL19 and the 115 PT. Speed runs right at 3030 from my 24" barreled Model 70.

I am right around 53 grains in my rifle.
Thanks. My 7mmRM, and a 270win I used to have both liked RL19 so I've got some of that on hand too. It wasy only rifle powder til about a year ago. Maybe RL19 has spoiled me into thinking I should find sub 1.5" groups with every powder charge I try. Either way, between IMR4350 i just bought and RL19 it looks like I've got plenty of things to try this summer with the 25-06.
Hey Scotty are those 1/4" or 1/2" squares on your target & what range were you shooting at? Looks pretty sweet to me!

Most on here know I'm into IMR4350 using Sierra Prohunter 100gn & IMR4831 using the 110gn AB's.
Super accuracy in both cases with the AB's delivering great knockdown of quarry out to 300+yds.
The Sierra bullet provides some spectacular kills with superheated blood vapourising as the bullet exits.

Anyway, the .25-06 is excellent for all quarry in the UK and perhaps even some heavier stuff in other parts of the world too. I certainly reckon I'd use it on elk & can't see why a 110gn AB wouldn't bring one of these big boys down. Do any of you chaps agree....or am I stretching my imagination here?
Cheers ET
Those are 1" big squares and 1/4" little squares. That rifle is a shooter. I don't use it near enough since I have some other rifles I tend to favor.

I wouldn't be a bit scared of hunting elk with a 25-06. Knowing your limits and putting that pill in the right place would crumple em pretty well. I am not sure I would try to run one through the scapula on a large bull, but slip one into the ribs and it wouldn't go very far.

Bob Milek and John Wooters used to use a 25-06 quite alot and never seemed to have anything but great things to say about them.
As far as capabilities go, I don't see why a 25-06 with bonded, partitioned, or all copper bullets of 110 grains or more can't do anything the legendary 270 Winchester did before those type of bullets existed.
I have been using the 25-06 for around 25 years. I have killed a few hundred white tail deer with the caliber. I have never had the opportunity to hunt elk but if the 25-06 was all I had I would not feel under gunned at all with the proper bullet. I have shot a number of deer with the old Speer 120 grand slam and still have some. I can tell you that it is one tough bullet and if it will shoot stem to stern through a 200 lb white tail it will go broad side through an elk. This bullet is too tough for my liking for white tail deer. 117 Sierra Pro Hunter is my favorite deer drop them in their tracks bullet.
Guy Miner":249b7o84 said:
Well, you've got a good-shooting rifle, which is a mighty fine thing. I'd kinda consider buying a case of that Federal ammo that shoots so well, and calling it good... (y)

Great advice and I agree!
My 25.06 really loves RL22 and I use that more than any other powder. I've killed lots of deer with the 25.06 and my favorite and most lethal bullet over the years has been the Speer 120gr Hot-Cor. I also like the Nosler 115gr BT and the Sierra 117gr PH as both have also served me well when I use them.