25-06 vs. 280

Depends on your range limit. To 500 yds, the 25-06 with a 115 gr BT would be a great choice. If you are going to shoot beyond that, I would go with the 280 (280AI) and the 160 gr AB with its .531 BC.

Sort of depends on the deer and the range. I'd personally opt for the 280, but then again, I handload. If you don't, your options either way are more limited. The 280Rem is easily the best compromise deer cartridge out there until you get into magnums and the like.
definately the 280AI. 120 TTSX @ 3400fps will do a number on them, You can always step up to 160gr AccuBond for the bigger stuff.
I'd have to +1 with JD on the .280, but obviously with bias. The .280 if you handload you have an awesome bullet selection as well.
Unless you were going to use the same rifle to shoot coyotes, I'd go with the .280. The bullets a person would naturally choose to load in the .280 are in the sweet spot for taking deer.
Personal choice will decide. They are both great certridges. If elk gets in there then 280...
OMG! Who woke up the .280 crowd? Go back to sleep you guys! :grin: Just because you .280 guys have one of the best all-around cartridges ever developed doesn't mean a thing.

I chose the .25-06 for my dedicated mule deer rifle, with high hopes of using it on pronghorn someday too. It's obviously the Right Choice, because it's the choice I made... :roll: Seriously, the two reasons I favor the .25-06 are; lack of recoil and dramatic one-shot kills on mulies. Very nice combination.

On the other hand, the .280 worshipers have got a good thing going - just don't let 'em know I said so... :grin: For deer, I don't think it matters; .25-06, .270 or .280... They'll all shoot good and kill quickly. All a fellow really needs.

Regards, Guy

That's funny !!! Keep it up, your about to be just like me.. you have a 270 and soon to be .260... you just need a .280 to fill your numerical gap... me... ya, that .270wsm would fill my gap just fine... :grin:
Powerstroke wrote
That's funny !!! Keep it up, your about to be just like me.. you have a 270 and soon to be .260... you just need a .280 to fill your numerical gap...

Thats funny I have a 280, 270 and am thinking I need a 260 to start it all off.

I have two of them.... :grin: now looking long and hard at the Sako .260... wow does it fit nicely !!
I'm afraid to jump to the 25-06, then it'll lead to a 6.5-06 then 30-06....
Wow, I just realized something...... I like this game..... :grin:
Powerstroke":srrurgji said:

I have two of them.... :grin: now looking long and hard at the Sako .260... wow does it fit nicely !!
I'm afraid to jump to the 25-06, then it'll lead to a 6.5-06 then 30-06....
Wow, I just realized something...... I like this game..... :grin:

The longer you play this game, the more you will need a bigger safe. :wink:

I have made 5 trips to WY. with the 25-06 (2 actually with it converted to AI) & it has never been lacking in any way for WY. Antelope, Mule Deer or
Whitetails here in AR. My older brother has a duplicate rifle, also converted to 25-06 AI. They are Sendero's that were re-chambered & accurized (even beyond Sendero standards) by Kirby Allen in Montana. They are Deer/Antelope/Varmit killing machines. For the longer shots, the 115BT is great. 2 years ago, I went out West with the AI & the 125gr. Wildcat bullet. It has a BC over .500 & is a wicked long range bullet. I get 3,325-3,350 with the 115BT & 3,250 with the Wildcat. I have also used the 120 Part. with great effect & out to 450 yards or so it is almost as flat & if you shoot big Hogs or Whitetails up close also it is a great choice. We use alot of other rounds for Deer/Hog hunting, but I guess between myself, my brother & some of our kids we have killed 50 head or so of big game with the 25 cal. & have not seen any shortcomings. As far as a pure Antelope round is concerned, the big 25's would be THE round.

As far as the 280 is concerned, it of course would be outstanding. As stated, the 160 would be a great addition for Elk or also as a high BC
long range bullet. For the 140 gr. & down in the 280, the 270 & 280 will offer about the same situation. For Deer sized game they offer anything you want. It was hard to do, but last fall on our WY. trip we took a Sendero as a spare, but used the 270 round. We thought it might be a sin that we had never used a 270 for any Western game. We used the 140 AccuBond which in my view is THE 270 bullet & it did great, but really nothing over the 25's for this hunt.

Here is the way I see it

1. If you are going to shoot Varmits much at all I would go with the 25-06.

2. If recoil is an issue go with the 25-06.

3. If you want to hunt Elk with the same rifle, go with the 280.

4. If you want a specialized long range set-up (over 500 yards), go with the 280/280AI or others.

For general Deer/Antelope hunting, you will be happy with either choice.

I have a short term solution if trying to decide between the 25 & 280 is keeping you up at nite. In the short term, split the difference in caliber
& get a 264WM Sendero. Shoot it this year until next Christmas, but don't shoot it alot. This will give you time to make your choice & when you do, sell the 264 to me for $250.00 & you are good to go!! :grin:

Good luck with your choice.

I like the way you think! :lol:

Add another notch for the 280 crowd here. Ballistically, the 25-06 can't equal the 280 performance. 55.5 grain IMR-4831, 150 grain Nosler Ballistic Tips... deer killer extraordinaire.

My 280 Remington Mauser.

Mark another one down for the 25-06. Have used one since I was 15, which makes 20 plus years. Deer, antelope, and my 4th biggest bull elk. Used the 120 Partition until the intro of the 110 AccuBond. To me the 25-06 and 280 have alot in common. By that I mean most people own one because they didnt want to follow the 270 or 30-06 herd. Despite the fact when comes to actually killing animals, the deer or anteope hasn't been born that would know which one they were shot with.