300 norma update

Jeff thank you, after this past week of medical mishaps, I am not sure what is real and what is only short mental excursions into La-la Land for me.

Now it makes sense to me. Cool idea to resurrect a chambering that probably most shooters have never seen. Norma has done some cool stuff with cartridges over the years. Keep us posted on it?
no problem charlie, the steel work is being down right now. he will get the stock on sunday so i would think i would have it online by next weekend or the following at the latest. looking forward to employihng it on an antelope.
I am interested in seeing your updates as it goes along. PT&G emailed me my tracking number and reamer drawing this evening for my 300 Norma project. I went with the Norma Match reamer .3425" neck and .239" freebore.
Will do Hoyt flinger , I got the barrel back from kampfeld last week the fluting was incredible as usual and shaved a bunch of weight of the barrel. All components are there now so Bruce said he will have it back to me a week from Saturday. The 22x47 lapua barrel is done and will be ready to pick up tomorrow so I will have.some results for you guys soon. My buddy and I won the Jordan match this past weekend, great shoot with targets out to 1350 yards. we won the overall and shot the highest scores for both days. I used my 6.5-284 with 1100 rounds through it on sat and the 6.5x47 on Sunday. my buddy used a suppressed 7wsm both days. won some money and met some great people.
usmc 89":2kooiy8w said:
Will do Hoyt flinger , I got the barrel back from kampfeld last week the fluting was incredible as usual and shaved a bunch of weight of the barrel. All components are there now so Bruce said he will have it back to me a week from Saturday. The 22x47 lapua barrel is done and will be ready to pick up tomorrow so I will have.some results for you guys soon. My buddy and I won the Jordan match this past weekend, great shoot with targets out to 1350 yards. we won the overall and shot the highest scores for both days. I used my 6.5-284 with 1100 rounds through it on sat and the 6.5x47 on Sunday. my buddy used a suppressed 7wsm both days. won some money and met some great people.

Great job Jeff! That is some cool stuff!
talked to my smith yesterday, the norma will be done next weekend. will have to use it on a deer for the first go.
Nee update, won't be done until next weekend. will let you know next weekend if it will be done the next weekend. :roll:
Tap, tap, tap, wait, wait, wait! I know that it is frustrating but hope it will be wirth it when finished.
true buddy, one thing I have become aware of is the fact that if there is any possibility for a delay it will happen. the Smith was not the problem, seems there was a small problem in the bolt stop hole not being drilled through the action to accommodate the retaining pin??? Word to the wise when asking the question when will my build be done? Your build will be done when its in your hands. I have no doubt it will be 100 percent correct when I get it.
That is the important part and worth waiting for. A couple weeks extra to build will be forgotten. A gun that is not right is forever
Yeah...I like stuff built the way I want it (customs)...but patience was never my strong suit, LOL.

They are worth the wait though...
Without a doubt. It's been a while for my 338-06AI bought the action last December and put the first round through it today.