308 Win Load Development


Range Officer
Staff member
Nov 4, 2004
I took advantage of the break in the weather and shot a few rounds in the Nosler M21 308 Win.
I think IMR 4064 is the powder for the 308 Win. 150 gr BT 46.0 grs IMR 4064, Nosler case Fed GM210 primer. Avg MV 2832 fps from a 22" barrel.
Just need to play with the seating depth and tighten up those groups. If I were shooting 2 shot groups, I would call it good.

The intended use is a woods rifle for WT deer however with this kind of speed it should be just fine for beanfield shots out to 400 yards.




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I shot a few more today loaded with IMR 4064.
47.0 grs turned almost 2900 fps.
I'll start seating the 150 gr BT deeper and walk it in.
Almost there.



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Thank you Mike. I'm pleasantly surprised with the speed. It's 30-06 territory and will certainly poleaxe any deer. Varget shoots very well but finding it is a challenge these days so I'm trying this path. I should have load development done in the very near future.
I think you’re right and will be able to close it up easily. You have plenty of oomph with your velocities. Shut the door on the flier and it’s all gravy. I really like the looks of your rifle as well.
It's moving at those velocities with the 150 BT, I never tried the 150 BT, but grabbed 4 boxes of those a couple of months back in case. It would be fun to try them out soon. IMR 4064 was an old powder I used to use for the 308 Sako back in the 90's and it was a tackdriver with the 168 Berger VLD. The 150's are wicked at those velocities JD.

Are you crunching them at 47 grains? Using a drop tube?
I shot a hog once with the Contender 309 JDJ, DRT. Similar ballistics to the 308 Win.
Gre-Tan custom XP-100 in 7.82 Patriot (15.5" Shilen Select Match 1-10T). I was hunting with this before the WSM's or the SAUM's came out. 150 NBT at 3001 fps, and the 180 Game King at 2775 fps.
This cow was with the 150 NBT.
Don't know if you have reload Swiss over there.
I think you do, but with another name.

It really pushes the 308 fast!I use it for some 150 gr monos and it deliveres
Looking good! Those 308's seem to just walk themselves into good loads, there's a ton of good powder choices for them. Haven't messed with mine for a while, last time I did it was with the 125 BT for my duaghter. Turns out I liked that bullet for whitetail :)... Reloder 15 has always delivered the goods for me in the 308
I'm in the same boat working up a load for my 308 Win however I'm trying Ramshot "Tac" 42.5 grains topped off with 150 grain BT. But I do have a couple of questions and I by no means trying to hijack this thread but here goes question one is this: How much more muzzle velocity will I get by switching to a magnum rifle primer instead of a large rifle primer and second: Is the Nosler BT able the crush bone ie.. a deer's scapula I know the PT or AB would be better suited for that specific requirement but since were on the topic of 308 Win load development I thought I'd throw that on out there.

The gain isn't always as much as one might imagine. There are other factors that must be taken into consideration. I have seen gains in cases based on the 30-06 gain as much as 100 fps. At other times, the gain was closer to 20 fps. The 150 grain BT will break the scapula, depending upon the velocity at impact. In effect, at any reasonable distance, the bullet will penetrate into the body cavity.
It's moving at those velocities with the 150 BT, I never tried the 150 BT, but grabbed 4 boxes of those a couple of months back in case. It would be fun to try them out soon. IMR 4064 was an old powder I used to use for the 308 Sako back in the 90's and it was a tackdriver with the 168 Berger VLD. The 150's are wicked at those velocities JD.

Are you crunching them at 47 grains? Using a drop tube?
Sorry I missed your question but I'm using a drope tube and at 47.0 grs of IMR 4064 there is no crushed powder.

30 caliber Ballistic Tips are not the fragile bullets that many perceive them to be. They have a robust shank, and I’m not the slightest bit surprised when they fully penetrate an animal. At 308 and 06 velocities the shoulder doesn’t deter me at all. A 150gr BT will break it and get into the pump works.
The 150 gr BT is tougher than you think. I recovered this one from jug #5. MV 2740 fps.



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The 150 gr BT is tougher than you think. I recovered this one from jug #5. MV 2740 fps.

That is dang good performance, always like your bullet tests, and the effort is appreciated!...I'm hoping the 6.5 flavor will be happy in my PRC. Should be a dandy deer/bear bullet, I should easily get to 3100 fps.