416 WBY VS Antelope? graphic.


Range Officer
Staff member
Oct 30, 2004
Ever get bored shooting at speed goats with regular (God's Chosen) cartridges? I did...again... so my 10 year old son Stephan wanted me to use the 416 WBY Mag for my third antelope tag, a doe tag. I was planning to use my 30-06 with 150 BT's but I said sure why not? Being a Crazy Greek explains it! :lol:
So my buddy Ray, Stephan and I headed west of Laramie Wyoming.
We located a mature doe 313 yards away. By the time I got set up for the shot she was 363 yards away. My 416 was stoked with BARNES X 300 grain with a stiff charge of H4350. Velocity at the muzzle is 3125 all day long as are the 1/2" groups at 100 yards.
I took the shot and the doe took off at a dead run. You can imagine my surprise! She ran 136 yards with no heart or lungs to speak of and dropped.
Upon closer examination turns out I hit her a little lower than I wanted. This is my fault due to the difference from 313 yards (initial reading) to 363 (when she stopped). Either way that 300 Barnes X did the job and beyond. Heart/lung--JELLO. Blood looked like it had been layed out with a pale!

Overall a great hunt!

entrance wound immediately behind front left leg


exit behind right leg far side---what a hole!

Doe --notice blood in backround!!



Ray and Stephan---Gorgeous Classicmark I

POP- Thats great, or crazy?! Ha ha, either way congrats. I never thought I would see an antelope shot with a 416 WM. I'll have to show my buddy this topic, he'll get a real kick out of it.

Congratulations on your goat. I think you need a larger caliber that shoots heavier, high BC bullets like a 50 BMG. :twisted:
Good shooting buddy!

GeorgeS":ebuogf36 said:

When are you going to stop using varmint bullets in that thing? :lol:


You know I would if it did not churn up 120 gr of powder per boom! :lol:
remingtonman_25_06":2bdiojsr said:
POP- Thats great, or crazy?! Ha ha, either way congrats. I never thought I would see an antelope shot with a 416 WM. I'll have to show my buddy this topic, he'll get a real kick out of it.

Like I said Remmy:

BTW....This is not the first time Look here! :lol:

Thanx buddy. Last firearm I will EVER part with! :wink:

I just returned from my hunting trip in Montana. Managed to get my first antelope buck this year. Not a large one, but I'm happy nonetheless.

The shot was about 125 yards thru the neck with my .30-.378 bee. Wait till you see the exit :) I'll post the photo tomorrow. I'm a little tired from the drive home.

Plz do and give us all the particulars including load velocity ...........
POP":hmiku7oa said:
Plz do and give us all the particulars including load velocity ...........

Sorry, I got wrapped up in "honey doos" this weekend. Funny how that happens when you spend three weeks hunting :)

Anyway, the .30-.378 load is 111gr of Retumbo with a 180gr AB to top it off. Velocity from my bee is 3450. I imagine the the impact velocity was REALLY high. The shot was only 125 yards (the closest I have ever been to a goat). I would have used the 270 bee, but the .30-.378 was the rifle at hand when we came up on the goats.

They were about 300 yards off the road, and we were able to sneak up to 125. The spotting doe finally alerted the group and they were about to run when I got the shot. The entry was in the middle of the neck on the left side, and the exit was the size of a large grapefruit. He was dead before he ever hit the ground. The bullet must have hit the spinal column as the windpipe was intact. I believe that the bullet hitting the bone and the bone fragmenting did most of the damage.

Last year, the 270bee with a 140gr AB at 3500 did a great job of dropping an antelope doe at 275 yards. Again, the AB performed well, but it hit the shoulder and the bone destroyed the lungs.

I shot a nice mule deer doe this year with the same 270 load at about 400 years. The exit was about the size of a fifty cent piece with a hole the same size thru the lungs. I LIKE the AccuBond bullets.

I spent four days trying to get a goat this year, and I did a really poor job of shooting, judging distance and judging wind. But I had a fantastic time just the same. Those goats are FUN to hunt.

I'll post the photos of the buck when I get home today. I got them out of the camera, but I forgot to upload them to my server.

Ouch. That is some power!
Congrats on your harvest.
madman":jilwxyr0 said:
Ok... here's a couple of photos. The top shows the exit....




Ok- a year ago I posted pictures of my Goat on this site, and I ran across this post as well. I didnt say anything then but this years addition prompted me to speak my mind. I am NOT about politically correct and I dont have a problem with blood or posting pics of taken game. However, I question whether posting pictures of massive exit wounds is necessary. IMHO it dosent show a whole lot of respect for the animal and cant help but give the "anti's" ammunition. Thanks for indication that the pics were graphic. I give you credit for being honest and shooting straight. I end this by saying its nothing personal and that I believe in free speech and "if you dont like dont look" as well. Again, I mean no offense, just stating my opinion. CL
cloverleaf":2sp79jo1 said:
Ok- a year ago I posted pictures of my Goat on this site, and I ran across this post as well. I didnt say anything then but this years addition prompted me to speak my mind. I am NOT about politically correct and I dont have a problem with blood or posting pics of taken game. However, I question whether posting pictures of massive exit wounds is necessary. IMHO it dosent show a whole lot of respect for the animal and cant help but give the "anti's" ammunition. Thanks for indication that the pics were graphic. I give you credit for being honest and shooting straight. I end this by saying its nothing personal and that I believe in free speech and "if you dont like dont look" as well. Again, I mean no offense, just stating my opinion. CL


I hear what you are saying and respect your thoughts and comments.
Many of the folks here, including myself, are true gun nuts. We are interested in developing our loads and learning about the exterior ballistics. Although some of the graphic pictures may be grusome, the intent is to share field experiences and evaluate bullet performance. There is no intention to show any disrespect towards the game animals we hunt.

Do you still need a patch? I think I may have one. Send me a PM with your address and I will mail it to you.
