7mm 08 Ruger American


Sep 4, 2024
Hey fellas plan on loading some 7mm 08 BT and Accubonds in my Ruger American y’all have luck with which bullets is better? Mainly used for Texas white tails
Both will work well for deer. When I had my 7mm-08 I used 120g BT'S over IMR4350, accurate and deadly.

I have a Ruger American in 243 Win for a truck gun around the property, it's amazing how accurate they are.
Not in a 7-08 but I rin the 140 gr. BT anf 150 gr, PT in a 7x57 Mauser chambered Winchester M70 Featherweight. I got 2800 FPS with the 140 and 2880, reduced to 2800 because of potential pressure signs. Accuracy was great ring .75" or less, with either bullet. Powder for the 140 gr was W760 and RL17 for the 150 gr. Data was for yhe 7-08 level loadings.That's the good news.
The not so good is the 140 gr. bullets are from one of the first lots of that bullet and the jackets were too thin. I think that's why I lost a deer a few years ago trashing my knee out while looking for the der and not where I was placing my foot. I haven't had the chance of using the 150 gr. PT yet on game but I'd planned on using it for a cow elk hunt. A car wreck cost me that hunt. If the current BTs shoot as well as those early ones then I'd say use them. Personally I'd also try the 140 gr. ABs. Not the 7-08 again but I did use the 30 caliber 165 gr. AB on a cow elk and one shot did the trick. It was also very accurate in my rifle.
Just my thoughts on this bit for just deer I'd look at the current Ballistic tip for deer and the AccuBond for deer and up to at least cow elk I might even try it on a bull elk should the opportunity arise. Personally, I prefer hunting cow elk as the meat is usually a bit better.
Paul B.
I bought a 7mm-08 earlier this year still haven't shot it yet. Have some ladder rounds loaded just lack time to shoot them. I could shoot them at my hunt property but it's close to deer season so don't want to spook deer prematurely.
I set up my 7mm-08 for this season w/ 20 rounds of each, both 140g. Both sit on top of Varget and release themselves at 2800ft/sec. If hunting in the woods under 100 yards I go w/ the AccuBond; if over 100 yards in the pasture or power lines I prefer the Ballistic Tip. -B
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I bought a 7mm-08 earlier this year still haven't shot it yet. Have some ladder rounds loaded just lack time to shoot them. I could shoot them at my hunt property but it's close to deer season so don't want to spook deer prematurely.
I follow the exact opposite approach: I do all my target shooting on the property where I hunt. The deer just get used to hearing those booms and don't react. Case in point: Last year or maybe the year before, I was out shooting in early fall. I have a mineral lick and trail camera set up near one of my stands, which is located on a ridge about 200 yards from where I do my shooting. The camera shoots videos, complete with sound. I captured a video of a doe working on the mineral block. You can clearly hear my gunshots on the video. She barely lifted her head. It's all in what they are used to.
I follow the exact opposite approach: I do all my target shooting on the property where I hunt. The deer just get used to hearing those booms and don't react. Case in point: Last year or maybe the year before, I was out shooting in early fall. I have a mineral lick and trail camera set up near one of my stands, which is located on a ridge about 200 yards from where I do my shooting. The camera shoots videos, complete with sound. I captured a video of a doe working on the mineral block. You can clearly hear my gunshots on the video. She barely lifted her head. It's all in what they are used to.
I was bow hunting last year and had deer coming in from behind me. As they got close the waterfall hunters started shooting and they were a few miles away, the damn deer turned and took off. Michigan deer are pretty skittish I have even been busted by a buck that stopped and looked straight up while I was 20 feet high in a climber. He must of figured out I was to big to be a roosting turkey.
The best attractants I have found is running the farm tractor and a chain saw. They come around later to see what they might be able to eat. They are pretty smart buggers.
Used both in the 7mm08 I had. Both performed well, no complaints. Shots were from 180-230yds. Had a load worked up for the 120gr BT when I sold it. Friend who bought it said it did just as well. We load the120gr in his 7x57. Give Big Game and Stabal 6.5 a try also. Dan.
PA deer are pretty skittish when they’re pressured but I’ve also seen a buddies son who was about 14 shoot right over the back of a deer and the three standing there didn’t even twitch. But as soon as he racked another round they took off, not sure if it was the noise or they saw movement but they were gone waving white flags everywhere. Found out he dropped his rifle and never sighted it back in and the scope was off by almost 2 feet at 100yds. The one deer I shot with my 7-08 was behind me moving fast in a conga line with 6 other does my scope was on 6x and she was 40ft away. I saw all brown and squeezed!!! Punched it through the boiler room both lungs she went 30 yds wobbled and fell. I ate the heart… no fava beans
Great bullet and 140 is pretty sweet in the 7mm08. I am launching mine at 2,840fps or thereabouts and they have a good balance of retained velocity, flat trajectory and penetration. I honestly don’t think you need an AccuBond at those velocities but being an Aussie I don’t hunt elk either, red deer is as big as my local deer get, Sambar further south. There is a lot to like about this little round.