7mm 120gr Ballistic Tip ?


Oct 19, 2007
I want to use the 120gr Ballistic Tip in my 7mm-08 for my daughter to hunt deer and antelope. I hear conflicting stories about its performance on live game. How will the 7mm 120gr Ballistic tip stand up at a muzzle velocity of 3000fps? I have heard it has a heaver jacket and doesn't come apart as easily as some other bullets, then I have heard it comes apart very easily at those velocities. I would like information on this bullet and your experiences with it.

You'll be fine with impact velocities under 3000fps. Above that, the BT becomes questionable. You might try downloading it a tad, as 3000 is pretty fast, and 2800 might be more shootable and still pretty darn flat. Either way, you ought to be alright.

Welcome to the forum!

The 7mm 120 gr BT is a very robust bullet. I is actually made from the 140 gr BT so it has a heavier jacket up tp the polycarbonate tip.
I have actually tested this bullet in my 280AI with excellent accuracy and the bullet held up shooting it into 1 gallon water jugs.
It will work very nicely in your daughters 7mm-08 for deer and antelope.

I started son #2 with a 7m-08 and 120 BT's. It is a great bullet. I had em loaded at about 2800fps and for whitetail and antelope it performed flawlessly with quarter size holes on exit. Without hesitation I used them in my own 7m-08 and would again. It is a great bullet.

We have taken truckloads of antelope with the 120 BT loaded to 3100 fps from the 7-08 using RL-19. Never ever failed. Ranges varied from 76-300 yards.