Accubonds & Velocity


Sep 30, 2004
What is the minimum velocity required for a 150gr .308 AccuBond to penetrate and expand properly?

I have a very accurate 7.62x39 AccuBond load with 2150fps muzzle velocity. That's about 1890fps at 150 yards. Is this enough velocity for the AccuBond to perform properly on deer sized game?
I would say they would expand down to 1600 at the low end, maybe 1700fps. You'll be more then ok with almost 1900fps...If you were to use a ballistic tip, they'll expand down to 1500-1600fps...
Richracer1":30ngvyf8 said:

The links from the Nosler home page say that the min/max is 1800/3100 for the AccuBond, but this link says 1600+ with no max velocity listed. I'm just curious about the difference, has the construction changed so that they expand better below 1800 or something?

Also, how worried should I be if I hit game at close to 3100, is it going to fragment like a ballistic tip or what should I expect? I'm asking about the .277 130 grain if that helps.

So should I be concerned with 3500fps from my .257Wby? Will it turn into a varmint bullet and blowup?
What folks can expect when jacketed bullets traveling 3000fps or over hits an animal is going to be messy, plain and simple...

3500fps in the 257 WM is pretty fast, but if your using a AB or PT, and the range is 150 yards or more, you dont really have much to wory about. If the shot is under 150 yards, put it behind the shoulder, problem solved.

A diferent bullet is not going to do any less damage then the next when they hit animals at 3000+fps guys...There all gonna do pretty much the same thing and thats tear up meat, its the velocity, not the bullet...

If you impact heavy bone at 3100fps with a ballistic tip, its going to be nasty. Chances are you wont get an exit, but your going to get massive internal damage which still translates into a very dead animal. No deer is gonna take that and keep going..

Best way to solve meat damage is to put some distance between you and the animal, you dont gotta get so close as to throw a rock and kill em...

If guys wanna shoot deer at muzzle, use those worthless copper things called Barnes or something...Those were more designed for that purpose.
"If you impact heavy bone at 3100fps with a ballistic tip, its going to be nasty. Chances are you wont get an exit, but your going to get massive internal damage which still translates into a very dead animal. No deer is gonna take that and keep going.. "

I respecfully disagree with this statement. On more than one occasion I have witnessed Nosler B.T. bullets fragment so badly that the game was either not recovered or found days later. In both cases, the caliber used was 7mm stw. Nosler has for many years recommended that their B.T.s not be used on game when the velocity reached 3000 f.p.s
Ok, I want to know 3 things, what weight of NBT was he using? How far were the shots, and where did he place his shots??

People who have bad luck with NBT's is there own fault 99% of the time...

I just cant imagine any deer getting whacked with an STW, and not being found or fragmenting so bad that it was found days later...

I've seen my fair share and shot deer with lesser calibers and lighter NBT's at pretty much the same velocity and no problems...

The NBT is a "long range" bullet. Its not a close range 100 yd bullet and it never will be and it was never advertised as so...
remingtonman_25_06":3kc6dehi said:
Ok, I want to know 3 things, what weight of NBT was he using? How far were the shots, and where did he place his shots??

People who have bad luck with NBT's is there own fault 99% of the time...

I've seen my fair share and shot deer with lesser calibers and lighter NBT's at pretty much the same velocity and no problems...


A few years ago I was given a box of Winchester Supreme/ 165gr Combined Tech BT 30-06 rounds. I had a nice buck standing broadside at about 120 yards. The first shot, nothing he didn't move, I thought I missed. The second shot, same thing, nothing. After the third shot he turned, looked at me and started to walk away. Before I could fire the fourth round he fell. Autopsy showed the three fired rounds made a nice 2 inch 3 shot group just behind the front shoulder. Of the three, only one made it to the vitals. The other two exploded just under the hide. Can't for the life of me figure out how this could be considered "my fault"?

Needless to say the BT's are no longer allowed in our hunting camp.
What caliber was that 165-gn, 30-cal bullet shot from? OK, so it's a 30 caliber; what cartridge?

Whoops! 30-06, plain as day.

That's astounding. 120 yards with a 30-06 and you had bullets blowing up under the hide. You impact velocity must have been... what... maybe 2700 fps tops?


I still dont believe it....

Those deer must have kevlar vests...

I"ve shot more then a few with a 25-06 with a lot higher MV and I shoot for shoulders to anchor game. I've not once found a 115g NBT in any of my deer, as far as I can tell, there still going...That goes for the rest of the NBT's except for the deer that were shot with 55g NBT's. Those were the only ones that never exited.

I've seen A LOT of deer fold to NBT's from .22 cal w/55g NBT's on up through 300 Win mag w/ 180' NBt's and I"ve NEVER seen what you describe, especially coming from such a mild cartridge...

My family and hunting party doesn't really use anythign but NBT's for deer. We've found when we do our part, they do theres beautifully...
remingtonman_25_06 said:
I still dont believe it....


Well, you are entitled to your opinion.

Now, back to the original question. I am getting two different velocities from different sources. Nosler's web site has both 1600 and 1800fps for Min impact velocity for the AccuBond. I sent and email to Nosler and the reply was 1800fps. I called Nosler today and was told 1600fps.

I know 200fps isn't that big of a deal in most situations, but it is to me when I am starting out at less than 2200fps.
1600 is the correct answer. I'll be fixing that on the main site real soon.