Anyone load 40 S&W's?


Jan 2, 2010
I picked up a set of RCBS Tungsten Carbide (3 piece) dies in 40 S&W and plan to load for the two Glock 40's I own. Plus, I inherited a huge supply of once fired 40 S&W brass. Anyone have a recipe using 150 or 165 gr bullets?
Bullet Weight (Gr.)	Manufacturer	Powder	Bullet Diam.	C.O.L.	Grs.	Vel. (ft/s)	Pressure	Grs.	Vel. (ft/s)	Pressure
125 GR. SFIRE 	Hodgdon 	Universal 	.400" 	1.120" 	4.7 	1059 	23,500 PSI 	5.3 	1172 	32,300 PSI 	  	  
125 GR. SFIRE 	Winchester 	231 	.400" 	1.120" 	4.8 	1060 	29,500 PSI 	5.4 	1132 	31,500 PSI 	  	  
125 GR. SFIRE 	Hodgdon 	HP-38 	.400" 	1.120" 	4.8 	1060 	29,500 PSI 	5.4 	1132 	31,500 PSI 	  	  
125 GR. SFIRE 	IMR 	PB 	.400" 	1.120" 	4.8 	1057 	23,800 PSI 	5.3 	1127 	26,500 PSI 	  	  
125 GR. SFIRE 	Hodgdon 	Titegroup 	.400" 	1.120" 	4.3 	1041 	24,700 PSI 	4.8 	1145 	31,300 PSI 	  	  
125 GR. SFIRE 	IMR 	700-X 	.400" 	1.120" 	4.6 	1069 	27,900 PSI 	5.2 	1143 	31,200 PSI 	  	  
135 GR. NOS JHP 	IMR 	SR 7625 	.400" 	1.125" 	7.1 	1173 	26,500 PSI 	7.8 	1273 	32,000 PSI 	  	  
135 GR. NOS JHP 	IMR 	PB 	.400" 	1.125" 	5.7 	1111 	27,300 PSI 	6.2 	1183 	32,500 PSI 	  	  
135 GR. NOS JHP 	IMR 	700-X 	.400" 	1.125" 	6.0 	1172 	27,500 PSI 	6.6 	1263 	32,200 PSI 	  	  
135 GR. NOS JHP 	Hodgdon 	Longshot 	.400" 	1.125" 	8.5 	1241 	25,100 PSI 	11.5 	1434 	31,900 PSI 	  	  
135 GR. NOS JHP 	Hodgdon 	HS-6 	.400" 	1.125" 	9.0 	1180 	27,400 PSI 	10.2 	1321 	33,600 PSI 	  	  
135 GR. NOS JHP 	Winchester 	AutoComp 	.400" 	1.125" 	8.0 	1236 	26,600 PSI 	8.8 	1342 	32,700 PSI 	  	  
135 GR. NOS JHP 	Hodgdon 	Universal 	.400" 	1.125" 	6.2 	1109 	22,000 PSI 	6.8 	1250 	32,000 PSI 	  	  
135 GR. NOS JHP 	Winchester 	WSF 	.400" 	1.125" 	7.1 	1166 	26,000 PSI 	7.8 	1273 	32,200 PSI 	  	  
135 GR. NOS JHP 	Winchester 	231 	.400" 	1.125" 	6.3 	1152 	29,900 PSI 	7.0 	1244 	33,100 PSI 	  	  
135 GR. NOS JHP 	Hodgdon 	HP-38 	.400" 	1.125" 	6.3 	1152 	29,900 PSI 	7.0 	1244 	33,100 PSI 	  	  
135 GR. NOS JHP 	Winchester 	WST 	.400" 	1.125" 	5.5 	1089 	27,900 PSI 	5.9 	1143 	31,200 PSI 	  	  
135 GR. NOS JHP 	Hodgdon 	Titegroup 	.400" 	1.125" 	5.8 	1155 	27,300 PSI 	6.4 	1251 	33,200 PSI 	  	  
135 GR. NOS JHP 	Hodgdon 	Clays 	.400" 	1.125" 	4.0 	940 	22,600 PSI 	4.5 	1071 	32,900 PSI 	  	  
140 GR. BAR TAC-XP 	Hodgdon 	Longshot 	.400" 	1.135" 	6.4 	1090 	25,800 PSI 	7.0 	1185 	31,400 PSI 	  	  
140 GR. BAR TAC-XP 	IMR 	SR 4756 	.400" 	1.135" 	6.5 	1095 	28,300 PSI 	7.0 	1166 	31,700 PSI 	  	  
140 GR. BAR TAC-XP 	Hodgdon 	HS-6 	.400" 	1.135" 	6.8 	1025 	28,500 PSI 	7.2 	1096 	33,700 PSI 	  	  
140 GR. BAR TAC-XP 	Winchester 	AutoComp 	.400" 	1.135" 	5.9 	1089 	27,400 PSI 	6.3 	1154 	33,000 PSI 	  	  
140 GR. BAR TAC-XP 	Hodgdon 	Universal 	.400" 	1.135" 	4.3 	958 	23,100 PSI 	4.8 	1070 	31,200 PSI 	  	  
140 GR. BAR TAC-XP 	Winchester 	WSF 	.400" 	1.135" 	5.3 	995 	26,700 PSI 	6.2 	1109 	34,000 PSI 	  	  
140 GR. BAR TAC-XP 	Winchester 	231 	.400" 	1.135" 	4.4 	965 	27,300 PSI 	4.8 	1016 	30,400 PSI 	  	  
140 GR. BAR TAC-XP 	Hodgdon 	HP-38 	.400" 	1.135" 	4.4 	965 	27,300 PSI 	4.8 	1016 	30,400 PSI 	  	  
140 GR. BAR TAC-XP 	IMR 	SR 7625 	.400" 	1.135" 	4.6 	912 	28,900 PSI 	5.0 	972 	32,700 PSI 	  	  
140 GR. BAR TAC-XP 	Winchester 	WST 	.400" 	1.135" 	3.6 	819 	28,200 PSI 	4.0 	863 	31,200 PSI 	  	  
140 GR. BAR TAC-XP 	Hodgdon 	Titegroup 	.400" 	1.135" 	3.5 	848 	27,800 PSI 	4.0 	937 	32,900 PSI 	  	  
140 GR. BAR TAC-XP 	IMR 	700-X 	.400" 	1.135" 	3.3 	820 	26,900 PSI 	3.9 	933 	32,900 PSI 	  	  
140 GR. BAR TAC-XP 	Hodgdon 	Clays 	.400" 	1.135" 	2.6 	713 	24,800 PSI 	3.0 	783 	31,900 PSI 	  	  
150 GR. NOS JHP 	Hodgdon 	Longshot 	.400" 	1.125" 	7.5 	1184 	26,400 PSI 	9.3 	1320 	33,600 PSI 	  	  
150 GR. NOS JHP 	IMR 	SR 4756 	.400" 	1.125" 	7.8 	1189 	28,700 PSI 	8.3 	1248 	32,500 PSI 	  	  
150 GR. NOS JHP 	Hodgdon 	HS-6 	.400" 	1.125" 	7.8 	1076 	25,700 PSI 	8.7 	1201 	32,500 PSI 	  	  
150 GR. NOS JHP 	Winchester 	AutoComp 	.400" 	1.125" 	6.6 	1105 	24,300 PSI 	7.3 	1220 	32,100 PSI 	  	  
150 GR. NOS JHP 	Hodgdon 	Universal 	.400" 	1.125" 	5.4 	1066 	25,700 PSI 	5.9 	1165 	32,900 PSI 	  	  
150 GR. NOS JHP 	Winchester 	WSF 	.400" 	1.125" 	6.6 	1137 	29,800 PSI 	6.8 	1185 	33,300 PSI 	  	  
150 GR. NOS JHP 	Winchester 	231 	.400" 	1.125" 	5.2 	1024 	26,900 PSI 	5.8 	1116 	33,500 PSI 	  	  
150 GR. NOS JHP 	Hodgdon 	HP-38 	.400" 	1.125" 	5.2 	1024 	26,900 PSI 	5.8 	1116 	33,500 PSI 	  	  
150 GR. NOS JHP 	IMR 	SR 7625 	.400" 	1.125" 	6.1 	1083 	26,800 PSI 	6.5 	1159 	31,700 PSI 	  	  
150 GR. NOS JHP 	IMR 	PB 	.400" 	1.125" 	5.1 	1048 	29,500 PSI 	5.4 	1090 	32,700 PSI 	  	  
150 GR. NOS JHP 	Winchester 	WST 	.400" 	1.125" 	5.5 	1047 	29,400 PSI 	5.8 	1088 	32,300 PSI 	  	  
150 GR. NOS JHP 	Hodgdon 	Titegroup 	.400" 	1.125" 	5.1 	1079 	27,700 PSI 	5.5 	1147 	32,600 PSI 	  	  
150 GR. NOS JHP 	IMR 	700-X 	.400" 	1.125" 	5.2 	1080 	27,100 PSI 	5.5 	1143 	32,600 PSI 	  	  
150 GR. NOS JHP 	Hodgdon 	Clays 	.400" 	1.125" 	3.8 	923 	28,400 PSI 	4.0 	960 	31,700 PSI 	  	  
155 GR. BERB FP 	IMR 	SR 4756 	.400" 	1.125" 	7.2 	1147 	29,700 PSI 	8.0 	1195 	30,400 PSI 	  	  
155 GR. BERB FP 	Hodgdon 	HS-6 	.400" 	1.125" 	7.8 	1054 	24,300 PSI 	8.8 	1200 	32,600 PSI 	  	  
155 GR. BERB FP 	Winchester 	AutoComp 	.400" 	1.125" 	6.7 	1091 	24,800 PSI 	7.3 	1200 	31,600 PSI 	  	  
155 GR. BERB FP 	Hodgdon 	Universal 	.400" 	1.125" 	5.5 	1049 	26,000 PSI 	6.0 	1145 	33,500 PSI 	  	  
155 GR. BERB FP 	Winchester 	WSF 	.400" 	1.125" 	6.2 	1030 	23,500 PSI 	7.1 	1164 	32,300 PSI 	  	  
155 GR. BERB FP 	Winchester 	231 	.400" 	1.125" 	5.1 	979 	24,100 PSI 	6.0 	1130 	33,900 PSI 	  	  
155 GR. BERB FP 	Hodgdon 	HP-38 	.400" 	1.125" 	5.1 	979 	24,100 PSI 	6.0 	1130 	33,900 PSI 	  	  
155 GR. BERB FP 	IMR 	SR 7625 	.400" 	1.125" 	6.3 	1082 	27,300 PSI 	7.0 	1183 	33,000 PSI 	  	  
155 GR. BERB FP 	IMR 	PB 	.400" 	1.125" 	5.4 	1020 	24,900 PSI 	6.2 	1132 	32,300 PSI 	  	  
155 GR. BERB FP 	Winchester 	WST 	.400" 	1.125" 	5.1 	996 	27,400 PSI 	5.9 	1091 	33,400 PSI 	  	  
155 GR. BERB FP 	Hodgdon 	Titegroup 	.400" 	1.125" 	5.1 	1051 	26,200 PSI 	5.7 	1151 	33,600 PSI 	  	  
155 GR. BERB FP 	IMR 	700-X 	.400" 	1.125" 	4.9 	1010 	23,300 PSI 	5.5 	1134 	32,700 PSI 	  	  
155 GR. BERB FP 	Hodgdon 	Clays 	.400" 	1.125" 	3.7 	879 	23,500 PSI 	4.1 	959 	31,300 PSI 	  	  
155 GR. HDY XTP 	Hodgdon 	Longshot 	.400" 	1.125" 	7.5 	1129 	24,900 PSI 	9.3 	1283 	31,900 PSI 	  	  
155 GR. HDY XTP 	IMR 	SR 4756 	.400" 	1.125" 	7.9 	1139 	25,900 PSI 	8.4 	1223 	31,300 PSI 	  	  
155 GR. HDY XTP 	Hodgdon 	HS-6 	.400" 	1.125" 	7.7 	1035 	26,500 PSI 	8.5 	1137 	33,200 PSI 	  	  
155 GR. HDY XTP 	Winchester 	AutoComp 	.400" 	1.125" 	7.0 	1109 	25,800 PSI 	7.8 	1223 	33,800 PSI 	  	  
155 GR. HDY XTP 	Hodgdon 	Universal 	.400" 	1.125" 	5.7 	1056 	23,900 PSI 	6.2 	1138 	31,800 PSI 	  	  
155 GR. HDY XTP 	Winchester 	WSF 	.400" 	1.125" 	6.2 	1070 	26,100 PSI 	6.8 	1159 	32,500 PSI 	  	  
155 GR. HDY XTP 	Winchester 	231 	.400" 	1.125" 	5.0 	937 	22,900 PSI 	6.0 	1103 	33,000 PSI 	  	  
155 GR. HDY XTP 	Hodgdon 	HP-38 	.400" 	1.125" 	5.0 	937 	22,900 PSI 	6.0 	1103 	33,000 PSI 	  	  
155 GR. HDY XTP 	IMR 	SR 7625 	.400" 	1.125" 	6.4 	1087 	26,800 PSI 	7.0 	1153 	30,800 PSI 	  	  
155 GR. HDY XTP 	IMR 	PB 	.400" 	1.125" 	5.2 	1030 	28,100 PSI 	5.7 	1084 	32,400 PSI 	  	  
155 GR. HDY XTP 	Winchester 	WST 	.400" 	1.125" 	4.6 	957 	25,400 PSI 	5.3 	1039 	32,500 PSI 	  	  
155 GR. HDY XTP 	Hodgdon 	Titegroup 	.400" 	1.125" 	5.4 	1058 	28,400 PSI 	5.9 	1139 	31,700 PSI 	  	  
155 GR. HDY XTP 	IMR 	700-X 	.400" 	1.125" 	5.2 	1054 	26,600 PSI 	5.8 	1138 	33,700 PSI 	  	  
155 GR. HDY XTP 	Hodgdon 	Clays 	.400" 	1.125" 	3.6 	854 	23,300 PSI 	4.0 	942 	30,900 PSI 	  	  
165 GR. BERB FP 	Hodgdon 	Longshot 	.400" 	1.125" 	6.9 	1091 	24,500 PSI 	7.8 	1199 	32,300 PSI 	  	  
165 GR. BERB FP 	IMR 	SR 4756 	.400" 	1.125" 	6.8 	1083 	29,100 PSI 	7.8 	1191 	33,100 PSI 	  	  
165 GR. BERB FP 	Hodgdon 	HS-6 	.400" 	1.125" 	7.4 	1027 	26,900 PSI 	8.1 	1108 	31,300 PSI 	  	  
165 GR. BERB FP 	Winchester 	AutoComp 	.400" 	1.125" 	6.3 	1051 	25,900 PSI 	7.0 	1171 	33,300 PSI 	  	  
165 GR. BERB FP 	Hodgdon 	Universal 	.400" 	1.125" 	4.8 	951 	24,200 PSI 	5.4 	1051 	30,500 PSI 	  	  
165 GR. BERB FP 	Winchester 	WSF 	.400" 	1.125" 	6.1 	1034 	27,600 PSI 	6.5 	1081 	31,000 PSI 	  	  
165 GR. BERB FP 	Winchester 	231 	.400" 	1.125" 	4.7 	933 	25,200 PSI 	5.4 	1049 	33,400 PSI 	  	  
165 GR. BERB FP 	Hodgdon 	HP-38 	.400" 	1.125" 	4.7 	933 	25,200 PSI 	5.4 	1049 	33,400 PSI 	  	  
165 GR. BERB FP 	IMR 	SR 7625 	.400" 	1.125" 	5.8 	1010 	27,200 PSI 	6.4 	1103 	33,000 PSI 	  	  
165 GR. BERB FP 	IMR 	PB 	.400" 	1.125" 	5.1 	982 	27,000 PSI 	5.6 	1056 	32,800 PSI 	  	  
165 GR. BERB FP 	Winchester 	WST 	.400" 	1.125" 	4.8 	944 	27,600 PSI 	5.5 	1003 	30,700 PSI 	  	  
165 GR. BERB FP 	Hodgdon 	Titegroup 	.400" 	1.125" 	4.5 	960 	24,300 PSI 	5.1 	1060 	31,800 PSI 	  	  
165 GR. BERB FP 	IMR 	700-X 	.400" 	1.125" 	4.6 	994 	28,100 PSI 	5.0 	1043 	32,100 PSI 	  	  
165 GR. BERB FP 	Hodgdon 	Clays 	.400" 	1.125" 	3.4 	829 	27,500 PSI 	3.7 	888 	32,000 PSI 	  	  
165 GR. SIE JHP 	Hodgdon 	Longshot 	.400" 	1.125" 	7.3 	1139 	29,600 PSI 	7.8 	1185 	33,400 PSI 	  	  
165 GR. SIE JHP 	IMR 	SR 4756 	.400" 	1.125" 	7.2 	1075 	26,200 PSI 	7.9 	1168 	33,000 PSI 	  	  
165 GR. SIE JHP 	Hodgdon 	HS-6 	.400" 	1.125" 	7.3 	1013 	28,700 PSI 	8.0 	1098 	32,700 PSI 	  	  
165 GR. SIE JHP 	Winchester 	AutoComp 	.400" 	1.125" 	6.5 	1037 	25,600 PSI 	7.1 	1124 	31,500 PSI 	  	  
165 GR. SIE JHP 	Hodgdon 	Universal 	.400" 	1.125" 	5.1 	976 	26,800 PSI 	5.6 	1061 	32,900 PSI 	  	  
165 GR. SIE JHP 	Winchester 	WSF 	.400" 	1.125" 	6.3 	1055 	28,100 PSI 	6.7 	1115 	32,700 PSI 	  	  
165 GR. SIE JHP 	Winchester 	231 	.400" 	1.125" 	4.8 	946 	28,100 PSI 	5.3 	1001 	32,500 PSI 	  	  
165 GR. SIE JHP 	Hodgdon 	HP-38 	.400" 	1.125" 	4.8 	946 	28,100 PSI 	5.3 	1001 	32,500 PSI 	  	  
165 GR. SIE JHP 	IMR 	SR 7625 	.400" 	1.125" 	5.9 	1020 	27,400 PSI 	6.5 	1097 	32,100 PSI 	  	  
165 GR. SIE JHP 	IMR 	PB 	.400" 	1.125" 	4.7 	932 	26,400 PSI 	5.2 	1007 	32,200 PSI 	  	  
165 GR. SIE JHP 	Winchester 	WST 	.400" 	1.125" 	4.5 	916 	26,400 PSI 	5.1 	995 	33,300 PSI 	  	  
165 GR. SIE JHP 	Hodgdon 	Titegroup 	.400" 	1.125" 	4.6 	961 	27,000 PSI 	5.1 	1047 	33,600 PSI 	  	  
165 GR. SIE JHP 	IMR 	700-X 	.400" 	1.125" 	5.0 	997 	28,000 PSI 	5.5 	1066 	32,900 PSI 	  	  
165 GR. SIE JHP 	Hodgdon 	Clays 	.400" 	1.125" 	3.5 	851 	29,900 PSI 	3.9 	897 	33,300 PSI 	  	  
180 GR. BERB FP 	Hodgdon 	Longshot 	.400" 	1.125" 	6.3 	1013 	26,200 PSI 	7.5 	1150 	33,400 PSI 	  	  
180 GR. BERB FP 	IMR 	SR 4756 	.400" 	1.125" 	6.2 	999 	28,400 PSI 	6.7 	1063 	32,500 PSI 	  	  
180 GR. BERB FP 	Hodgdon 	HS-6 	.400" 	1.125" 	6.6 	924 	25,400 PSI 	7.4 	1041 	31,800 PSI 	  	  
180 GR. BERB FP 	Winchester 	AutoComp 	.400" 	1.125" 	5.7 	971 	26,700 PSI 	6.2 	1060 	33,000 PSI 	  	  
180 GR. BERB FP 	Hodgdon 	Universal 	.400" 	1.125" 	4.6 	925 	28,300 PSI 	5.1 	1002 	33,100 PSI 	  	  
180 GR. BERB FP 	Winchester 	WSF 	.400" 	1.125" 	5.5 	952 	27,600 PSI 	6.0 	1020 	33,500 PSI 	  	  
180 GR. BERB FP 	Winchester 	231 	.400" 	1.125" 	4.4 	872 	26,400 PSI 	5.1 	984 	33,500 PSI 	  	  
180 GR. BERB FP 	Hodgdon 	HP-38 	.400" 	1.125" 	4.4 	872 	26,400 PSI 	5.1 	984 	33,500 PSI 	  	  
180 GR. BERB FP 	IMR 	SR 7625 	.400" 	1.125" 	5.2 	937 	26,900 PSI 	5.8 	1018 	33,000 PSI 	  	  
180 GR. BERB FP 	IMR 	PB 	.400" 	1.125" 	4.7 	904 	27,100 PSI 	5.1 	979 	32,800 PSI 	  	  
180 GR. BERB FP 	Winchester 	WST 	.400" 	1.125" 	4.4 	868 	26,900 PSI 	4.9 	932 	32,000 PSI 	  	  
180 GR. BERB FP 	Hodgdon 	Titegroup 	.400" 	1.125" 	4.2 	901 	27,400 PSI 	4.7 	988 	31,900 PSI 	  	  
180 GR. BERB FP 	IMR 	700-X 	.400" 	1.125" 	4.2 	900 	25,800 PSI 	4.7 	986 	33,500 PSI 	  	  
180 GR. BERB FP 	Hodgdon 	Clays 	.400" 	1.125" 	3.0 	732 	25,400 PSI 	3.4 	809 	32,100 PSI 	  	  
180 GR. HDY XTP 	Hodgdon 	Longshot 	.400" 	1.125" 	6.5 	1009 	25,000 PSI 	8.0 	1159 	32,300 PSI 	  	  
180 GR. HDY XTP 	IMR 	SR 4756 	.400" 	1.125" 	6.1 	957 	25,200 PSI 	6.6 	1018 	28,800 PSI 	  	  
180 GR. HDY XTP 	Hodgdon 	HS-6 	.400" 	1.125" 	6.1 	876 	25,900 PSI 	6.9 	976 	32,500 PSI 	  	  
180 GR. HDY XTP 	Winchester 	AutoComp 	.400" 	1.125" 	5.8 	975 	27,700 PSI 	6.3 	1053 	33,200 PSI 	  	  
180 GR. HDY XTP 	Hodgdon 	Universal 	.400" 	1.125" 	5.0 	973 	26,500 PSI 	5.8 	1046 	33,400 PSI 	  	  
180 GR. HDY XTP 	Winchester 	WSF 	.400" 	1.125" 	5.4 	946 	28,000 PSI 	5.8 	1013 	32,900 PSI 	  	  
180 GR. HDY XTP 	Winchester 	231 	.400" 	1.125" 	4.1 	797 	23,800 PSI 	5.0 	947 	32,900 PSI 	  	  
180 GR. HDY XTP 	Hodgdon 	HP-38 	.400" 	1.125" 	4.1 	797 	23,800 PSI 	5.0 	947 	32,900 PSI 	  	  
180 GR. HDY XTP 	IMR 	SR 7625 	.400" 	1.125" 	5.2 	935 	27,900 PSI 	5.7 	999 	31,700 PSI 	  	  
180 GR. HDY XTP 	IMR 	PB 	.400" 	1.125" 	4.1 	851 	26,200 PSI 	4.5 	917 	30,400 PSI 	  	  
180 GR. HDY XTP 	Winchester 	WST 	.400" 	1.125" 	3.9 	830 	28,300 PSI 	4.3 	888 	32,400 PSI 	  	  
180 GR. HDY XTP 	Hodgdon 	Titegroup 	.400" 	1.125" 	4.2 	877 	26,500 PSI 	4.7 	978 	33,300 PSI 	  	  
180 GR. HDY XTP 	IMR 	700-X 	.400" 	1.125" 	4.3 	904 	27,700 PSI 	4.8 	966 	32,500 PSI 	  	  
180 GR. HDY XTP 	Hodgdon 	Clays 	.400" 	1.125" 	3.0 	727 	26,000 PSI 	3.5 	847 	34,300 PSI 	  	  
200 GR. HDY XTP 	Hodgdon 	Longshot 	.400" 	1.125" 	5.0 	836 	23,900 PSI 	6.0 	954 	32,500 PSI 	  	  
200 GR. HDY XTP 	IMR 	800-X 	.400" 	1.125" 	5.6 	903 	28,300 PSI 	6.1 	951 	31,000 PSI 	  	  
200 GR. HDY XTP 	IMR 	SR 4756 	.400" 	1.125" 	5.1 	849 	28,800 PSI 	5.5 	910 	32,900 PSI 	  	  
200 GR. HDY XTP 	Hodgdon 	HS-6 	.400" 	1.125" 	5.5 	810 	27,000 PSI 	6.3 	900 	32,800 PSI 	  	  
200 GR. HDY XTP 	Winchester 	AutoComp 	.400" 	1.125" 	4.8 	838 	27,900 PSI 	5.2 	894 	32,100 PSI 	  	  
200 GR. HDY XTP 	Hodgdon 	Universal 	.400" 	1.125" 	4.0 	824 	25,000 PSI 	4.7 	903 	33,600 PSI 	  	  
200 GR. HDY XTP 	Winchester 	WSF 	.400" 	1.125" 	4.4 	786 	27,300 PSI 	4.8 	867 	33,100 PSI 	  	  
200 GR. HDY XTP 	Winchester 	231 	.400" 	1.125" 	3.9 	737 	25,900 PSI 	4.7 	857 	33,400 PSI 	  	  
200 GR. HDY XTP 	Hodgdon 	HP-38 	.400" 	1.125" 	3.9 	737 	25,900 PSI 	4.7 	857 	33,400 PSI 	  	  
200 GR. HDY XTP 	IMR 	SR 7625 	.400" 	1.125" 	4.2 	787 	27,700 PSI 	4.8 	872 	32,800 PSI 	  	  
200 GR. HDY XTP 	IMR 	PB 	.400" 	1.125" 	3.4 	714 	26,500 PSI 	3.7 	782 	32,200 PSI 	  	  
200 GR. HDY XTP 	Winchester 	WST 	.400" 	1.125" 	3.0 	654 	25,300 PSI 	3.4 	733 	31,100 PSI 	  	  
200 GR. HDY XTP 	Hodgdon 	Titegroup 	.400" 	1.125" 	3.4 	744 	27,200 PSI 	3.8 	822 	31,700 PSI 	  	  
200 GR. HDY XTP 	IMR 	700-X 	.400" 	1.125" 	3.5 	744 	27,000 PSI 	3.9 	810 	30,700 PSI
I've had good luck with universal.

you ever hear of "glocked" brass?
sometimes the 40's get a little buldge when fired in a glock..... the sizer will either correct it, or shave it off.

be careful with warm loads, glocks blow up.
That is because some chambers are unsupported. 10mm are bad for this Hence the bulges.
All Glock chambers are unsupported. Glock KBs are mostly isolated to those chambered in the .40 S&W cartridge though.

Stick to mid level loads as max for any brass that is not new, or get a fully supported barrel for your guns. KKM, Lone Wolf, EFK, & Storm Lake are all excellent fully supported barrels and will prevent brass from blowing out. Lone Wolf barrels start at $100.
Yeah and they warn you not to shoot cast bullets due to the polygonal rifling.
My first Glock 22 I used as an IPSC open gun and shot metal matches every other weekend for two years.
I shot over 100k cast 155 lead round nose bullets through on top of 5.0 grs on Win Super Target.
Granted not a real hot load, wouldn't lock the slide open on the last round alot of times, but I never had a KB.

Also, Ammo that wouldn't drop into a Wilson case guage after reloading? Ran fine through the pistol.
I use Longshot for the Glock 40s and 10mms. Got more than few Glock 40s and never had one "blow up". They all get hundreds of rounds through them every year. From mild factory or reloads and up to Double Tap loads. All with stock barrels except for a G20 10mm. Most "blow ups" were user error of overcharged reloads, weak recoil spring, poorly inspected brass reloads, or some combination. Then add in an unsupported chamber that only adds to the problem.
Almost all of my 40 reloads have been 155, 180 and 185... no 150s or 165s, so I can't help you out on that front.

If I get a chance in the next day or two, I'll try to get a side by side picture of some 40 barrels to show the chambers. I can't speak for other manufacturers of Glock barrels, but I can say the Lone Wolf barrel does not have a fully supported chamber. While it is true it is much better than the OE Glock barrel, it does leave a portion of the web unsupported.

I'll also point out that there is a lot of differing information on Glock barrels w/ lead, brass bulges and kabooms. There are not very many people out there that can offer up clear and definitive reasons, causes and results for these seemingly Glock related issues... only first hand accounts... many times directly opposed to another's first hand experience. So what's the real answer? What should you do? I simply don't know with any amount of certainty. I'd say (and do) just play it safe and minimize the risk factors. Be careful while reloading. A double charge can ruin your day in any gun so start off by being careful. Secondly, inspect your brass. If you see the bulge on a piece, throw it out. We're talking 40SW brass here... it just simply isn't worth gambling with... no matter the cost of brass, but especially at the cost of 40. Third, don't slack on maintenance. A recoil spring is neither expensive or difficult to change. If you have a high round count through the gun or bought a used one with an unknown round count, swap out the spring. Fourth, if you insist on putting lead through an OE Glock barrel, make sure you are using an alloy of a relatively high hardness and don't push them too hard. Also regularly inspect and clean your barrel with a product that works well for removing lead. Fifth, the barrel itself. In my opinion, if you are only shooting factory ammo, just stick with the OE barrel. But you are asking about reloading so obviously shooting reloads is on the agenda. If you will only reload brass that you've inspected and aren't pushing the envelope, the stock barrel will likely be fine if you follow the above precautions. For me, I went for the Lone Wolf barrel. I mentioned elsewhere about a bulged 40 case not being able to chamber in a LW barrel but slid right into a Glock barrel. So just in case I miss something while reloading or the planets happened to align just right, I'll know that I minimized the risks.
I have 2 40's..... both Sigs....a 229 and a 239.

I prefer Universal.... it's fast and clean.

I load 155 grain Hornady XTP's for serious business.... and 140 grain HardCast Round Nose Flat Points for the fun and games time.
G'Day Fella's,

Dave A 37, I will ferret out the Subsonic load data that I used (180grn bullet), but here is an image of my IMI Jericho in .40 S&W (Short & Weak) and it's Proto-Type suppressor.
I hope to be able to shorten the OAL of this suppressor design, by 40 to 50mm or 1 1/2 to 2".....



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I use power pistol and Accuarte No.5 in my Beretta. I'm using 180gr Speer hp for my burglar loads and 180gr Speer TMJ for practice and plinking loads. I had good results with 180gr Hornady XTP bullets too.
I liked long shot, both accurate and good speed. But be cautious as stated earlier with warm loads. I shot some max loads in a 10mm that I had worked up in an after market KKM barrel and shot it in the stock barrel. Bad idea. I used one of my lives with that one, did not blow but came as close as you can get.

G'Day Again,

Dave A 37,

The load I use in my .40 S&W is as follows;
180grn Frontier CMJ, 4.8grn of ADI AP-70 (similar to Unique), Winchester cases, Federal 100 primer for around 1000fps.
Dave, this is a reduced Subsonic load for the 180grn bullet!

Hope that helps

Fotis, your a shocker but I do understand what you mean!
It's actually a Good Disease!!!
