Appendix carry...


Oct 28, 2008
I didn't really like the idea of pointing a pistol in that direction, but I decided to experiment with it some anyway... Because anything I carry is far more concealed at 1 o'clock than it is at 4 o'clock.

Now that I've been carrying appendix for a few weeks I have to say it ain't bad at all.

As with any carry position, finding a holster takes some trial and error. I first experimented with wearing a Milt Sparks Versa Max 2 at 1 o'clock, it works better there than one might think, lol... If not for the cant it would work downright good. The cant made drawing the pistol a little weird but it could be done.... And I wanted to test the waters before spending money on a holster.

I first ordered a High Noon Alter Ego, but had to return it because it was just too thick... After some more deliberation I ordered a High Noon Public Secret, same holster as the the Alter Ego, but not tuckable which makes it about 1/4" thinner.

Everything is always a trade-off... The Public Secret rides maybe just a touch higher than it needs to for perfect concealment, on me.... But, that high ride enables a quick and easy combat grip right from the get go.... Very easy fast draw with a full grip and ready to fight.... I think trading some very minor printing for a good grip is a reasonable trade-off.

I concealed an officers grip commander length 1911 and the Glock 36 just fine at 4 o'clock but the slightly longer grip on the Glock 32 was more than my lean frame could hide.

I just wasn't willing to trade a fighting size gun for something smaller so I had no choice but find another way to carry it.

The odds of me ending up in a fight are pretty small, and I know most encounters only require a very few rounds... But I feel better with the odds stacked a little in my favor (more rounds, plenty of power).

No real point to all that rambling, just sharing a little more of my journey of switching up my carry pistol to the Glock 32.

Appendix carry has been my favorite since I left the PD. I carry my P938 in a DM Bullard holster OWB. Inside is just too uncomfortable. I also carry a P226 in an Galco OWB Appendix and can actually conceal it under a teashirt if necessary. Needless to say a "Good" gunbelt is needed for both holsters. I know there is concern of where the barrel is pointing but I have never heard of an accidental discharge involving that portion of the body.
diverdown":23rgya7k said:
Appendix carry has been my favorite since I left the PD. I carry my P938 in a DM Bullard holster OWB. Inside is just too uncomfortable. I also carry a P226 in an Galco OWB Appendix and can actually conceal it under a teashirt if necessary. Needless to say a "Good" gunbelt is needed for both holsters. I know there is concern of where the barrel is pointing but I have never heard of an accidental discharge involving that portion of the body.

Do you feel comfortable with a loaded ( chambered round ) concealed in the appendix area? I get second thoughts if I do, I mostly carry it on the inside of the hip. I carry the P239 or the P229 chambered and decocked.

Do you guys carry loaded / decocked?
I carry a Glock fully loaded.... I'm extra careful when reholstering though.

No matter how you carry, you're pointing the gun at either yourself or someone else more often than most realize.

It did take me a few weeks of experimenting with it to get comfortable with the idea of my pistol pointing at my gun, so to speak.

But now I'm just as comfortable with it as I have ever been carrying any other way.
I carry it at 1 to 1:30...

I cannot do the 12 o'clock thing at all... Every way I bend something is digging into something.
I carry at 4:00 and don't have a problem.
I think it's just as important to have a good gun belt as it is a good holster. Myself, I would prefer to have my carry gun pointed away from the front.

JD338":1a18d8hy said:
I carry at 4:00 and don't have a problem.
I think it's just as important to have a good gun belt as it is a good holster. Myself, I would prefer to have my carry gun pointed away from the front.


Tackdriver, I always carry with a round in the chamber. Carrying with an empty chamber in my opinion is an invite to getting yourself in trouble if your firearm is needed, the time element being the critical component. The Kidney carry as well as other positions require you to use your head when drawing or holstering. Not to sound funny but the brain is the critical component in drawing and holstering. I've seen people try and re-holster with their finger on the trigger (not thinking) and on two different occasions this turned out rather badly.
If you like Milt Sparks holsters you should try the Summer Special II with 0 degree cant.
Catherine carries all her pistols at 1oclock. 43; 17; 19. I don't think I've seen her Sig on her in over a year. Most of the time it's the 43, the 17 and 19 typically only when she's teaching a woman's defensive pistol class or training. She is 506" at115 to 120; 63 year old Grandma. I carry at about 330 but I am also starting to entertain appendix carry. We've done a lot of practice on contact and cover to where it's automatic if we get into a "hinky" situation. Try to keep her on my left, she takes a step or two, if I have to draw, bad guy should be focused on my movement, completely unaware that she's going to put one in his ear or clean up the bad guy partner.
If you carry and you don't have a plan in place for what your better half should be doing as the guns coming out, you need to figure that out.
Been a while since I started this thread...

I appendix carry a lot, but not all the time. I prefer a nice leather holster on my hip, it just feels "right". a flatbed truck driver, I can't always have the gun on me. The appendix holster lets me put the gun on or take it off in seconds... it just clips over my belt.

I don't like clip ons or paddles for hip carry... they move around too much.

Appendix is the most concealed carry method on me.... my Glock 32 is invisible during appendix carry... no printing or giveaways at all.

A small revolver is most comfortable there by far... the Glock isn't bad, but the rear of the slide is definitely there.

I went back to carrying the Glock 32, the SP101 was and still is great... but with the world being what it is, I like having 31 rounds on me... best I could do with the 101 was 15 rounds.

I could do 40 rounds with the Glock, but since I travel through states with 10 round mag limits I carry the reduced capacity magazines, 1 in the gun and 2 spares.
Sounds like a great setup.

I’m packing a J Frame 38 NSS and/or a Beretta 92/96. Appendix is the most comfortable and concealable for me. I use the Barami Hip Grip a a Tyler Adapter on the J Frame. Really comfy.


PS: (All in jocularity) The 38 NSS is the 38 Not So Special. Everyone and their cousin Johnny has one stashed away somewhere.