Automatic powder measure/dispenser


Mar 10, 2010
Ok guys I'm thinking I would like one of these, it seems Scotty has a ISD smart reloader and doc has a RCBS chargemaster, so give me your thoughts of each, Hornady, Smartrelaoder, RCBS and Lyman. Thanks
I have an RCBS and like it. I have a balance scale that no longer really gets used. :)

Basically, having the electronic measure/scale is a lot like having a helper at the bench. Where I used to have to weigh out each charge, I can now have the ChargeMaster doing so while I'm seating a bullet or doing something else. Major time saver.

Stick powders mess with it a bit, so you can get overcharges. I haven't tried it YET, but I hear a piece of drinking straw in the discharge solves the issue. I need to do it, but honestly, my ChargeMaster overcharges very little, so it hasn't been enough of a problem to get me to do it yet. :)
I have a hornady and wish I'd have bought a rcbs. The hornady is "OK" but it can drift from time to time.
I have the RCBS Chargemaster 1500, and a Dillon Beam scale. I use both to verify my rifle loads. I love it so far. The straw trick works!
The RCBS Chargemaster has met my needs quite well. I had a friend with the Lyman dispenser; I was glad I didn't buy it.
In my research on this, reading and talking to folks that use them, the RCBS model was the clear winner.
If I were to go buy one it would be the RCBS version.
I've had two RCBS and one Hornady. The RCBS is a better unit. My nephew bought one of the new Lyman Gen 6 units, and he says it has been a very good piece of equipment so far.
I have a Pact unit, they made RCBS's dispensers and as far as I know still do.
It's been churning out accurate loads for over a decade now with no issues.
I haven't tried or had a need for any of the others you mentioned in your OP so, I don't have a opinion on them. IMHO, given my past experiences with RCBS equipment and their excellent customer service, I would be hard pressed to look any further......

I went with the RCBS Chargemaster recently and am very pleased with it. My old RCBS electronic scale was much slower to settle on a charge weight. A Mcdonalds straw is larger than a regular straw and fits inside the dispensing tube. I have very few over/under dispenses with Reloder 22 powder and it is quick and easy to tap a couple granules back in the powder reservoir and re-weigh the charge or dump the pan and start fresh.

I like the automatic dispensing feature so that when the scale stabilizes at zero the next charge is automatically dispensed.. Sinclair was the cheapest vendor with RCBS Chargemaster in stock when I ordered and there is a $50. Rebate now... Good luck
I had a Hornady , but it was slooooooooooow! I went back to a manual dispenser that I mounted over a digital scale. Same concept but way faster.
Another Chargemaster fan here.

Things to consider regardless of which one you choose imo. 1) drafts. Pay attention to where you set the scale/dispenser. They will pick up/measure pressure caused by air flow. Even something as slight as being set up near an air return for your heating/cooling if you, for example, calibrate it with fan running and use it when furnace isn't running you might be off. Another example/mistake I have made, is having it set up too close to my arm movements associated with running a press....the machine will pick up on the air movements my arms are making. Another example/mistake I have made is not paying attention to static electricity .... example....walk around in polyester based sweats on carpet and then put your finger near the EMPTY dump tray and watch the readout bounce. Last example for now...if your dispenser/scale is sitting on the same bench...or attached to the same bench/table you are working on...vibrations will throw it off (another reason I like the chargemaster, it has a visual indicator that it's stable or not...maybe they all do, I don't know).

Meaning for all this...... I love my chargemaster and have no issues/very accurate dumps provided I do my part .... but it's a good idea to continue to use check weights - and other scales to spot check your method of set up.

Chargemaster for the win! ;0)
For those reasons, my ChargeMaster 1500 is on a separate bench from my Rockchucker. I have the ChargeMaster producing a charge while I'm seating a bullet with no disruption to the scale. I don't charge a tray full of rounds and then seat...I charge each case and immediately seat after pouring the powder. Just my way of doing stuff. While I'm seating a bullet, the ChargeMaster produces a new charge. I generally don't wait more than 10 seconds, if that, and it's done (once I've seated the bullet, checked OAL, and put the new round in an ammo container). Then I seat the next one.

Two pieces of gear have made my reloading go so much more quickly... my ChargeMaster and my Hornady Case Prep Center. Between the two of them, I can now do in an hour what used to take three.
With you on the separate bench and seat while she's dumping tddeangelo.

I also give the machine a good wipe with an anti static dryer sheet (like bounce) before I get going, particularly in the winter time when the furnace has been running a lot.

Another little trick...if it happens to dispense .1 over from time to time, I use the brush that comes with the chargemaster....if you just barely touch the pile of powder in the tray, the little brush will collect a granule or 3-4 (depending upon the powder) to get you back to stable and proper.
Many years ago I dropped using stick powders and went with ball powders exclusively for rifle loading. Then, my ex-son in law bought a .300 WSM and dropped it off with the components suggested by a friend and asked me to do the load work up for him. He's not a reloader. Well I did it and by the end of the day was literally pulling what little hair I have off the top of my head. I hated 4831 and other powders of that ilk even though it handicapped some resulys I may have gotten with those type powders.
At the end of testing the first session I told him I'd need to get more powder and bullets to finish tghe job and went to my local Sportsman's Warehouse and got the bullets and powder. My wife went along for the ride and I pointed out the Chargemaster 1500 and told her that one of these days I'm gonna get me one of them. She said, "Why not today?" I don't have to be told twice and I love it. I even use those stick powdsers now and do it with a grin. If mine ever dies I'll send it back to RCBS and buy another so I don't have to wait.
Interesting follow up, once I found "The Load" for his rifle he came over and I had him do all the processing himself, rezing, priming powdering and seating bullets. Showed him how to do it all on a hands on basis. Within a week he bought a complete reloading set up including the Lyman machine because it was cheaper. (He's putting two kids through college.) I asked him how it was working for him and he just said, "It works OK." Hmmm. :?:
Paul B.
greenheadcaller":ip6084vk said:
Another little trick...if it happens to dispense .1 over from time to time, I use the brush that comes with the chargemaster....if you just barely touch the pile of powder in the tray, the little brush will collect a granule or 3-4 (depending upon the powder) to get you back to stable and proper.

I gotta try that...I've just been dumping back the over-charges when they happen.

Gotta get a Mickey D's straw and try the brush trick and that may speed things up even faster. Thanks! :)

I do love my ChargeMaster, though. It saves me so very, very much time over throwing and weighing each charge from a Lyman 55 measure. I'd do the standard process...throw a low charge and trickle up to the desired weight on the scale. I did that for years upon years. When I got the ChargeMaster, it was an immediate relief, lol.
PACT unit for me.
They were building the RCBS units but no longer.
They are a local company based out of Grand Prairie, Tx .
I've been running the ISD for about three years or so. Couldn't afford the RCBS unit so I decided to try it. Been very happy with it. Very adjustable for different powders as feed rates.
tddeangelo":qhjcd41b said:
greenheadcaller":qhjcd41b said:
Another little trick...if it happens to dispense .1 over from time to time, I use the brush that comes with the chargemaster....if you just barely touch the pile of powder in the tray, the little brush will collect a granule or 3-4 (depending upon the powder) to get you back to stable and proper.

I gotta try that...I've just been dumping back the over-charges when they happen.

(IF you are running heavy long stick powders and the brush won't pick it up up....tweezers will work too. This way the round counter on the dispenser means something for me/double check to brass leaving the load block)