Best Brass Prep Station


Range Officer
Staff member
Nov 4, 2004
I am thinking about getting a brass prep station, specifically the Frankford Arsenal Reloading Tools Platinum Series Case Prep and Trim System 903156.
Anyone have one? I'm open to suggestions.
Thanks fellas.

I am thinking about getting a brass prep station, specifically the Frankford Arsenal Reloading Tools Platinum Series Case Prep and Trim System 903156.
Anyone have one? I'm open to suggestions.
Thanks fellas.

I love mine. Makes the process so much easier.
Natchez has a pretty good price on them.

Optics Planet has a good sale too.

Optics Planet has a good sale too.

That is a good price.

FWIW, there is a guy out in Colorado who makes adapters to trim straight-wall brass in the FA trimmer.
From someone who has spent a lifetime working with his hands and having both wrist surgically repaired I can say the Frankford Arsenal prep station works great.
I am thinking about getting a brass prep station, specifically the Frankford Arsenal Reloading Tools Platinum Series Case Prep and Trim System 903156.
Anyone have one? I'm open to suggestions.
Thanks fellas.

Is your motivation the trimmer or the case prep ability
I am thinking about getting a brass prep station, specifically the Frankford Arsenal Reloading Tools Platinum Series Case Prep and Trim System 903156.
Anyone have one? I'm open to suggestions.
Thanks fellas.

I have this model for at least 5 years and have had no issues. Case prep machines will likely outlast other reloading components since it is basic mechanical systems not requiring electronics like a powder measure scale.

My XMas gift was 7 more lbs of Ramshot Magnum from Midway it is $29 a lb cheaper than anywhere else and with the sale of Hodgdon to a foreign owner I figure having more than enough powder for my 7MM mag might be a wise choice. I also wonder if they are planning on eliminating magnum with the new Grand powder. I know they are different speeds but who knows now I should have a lifetime supply
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Actually all the brass prep functions. My least favorite job is brass trimming.

I use the rcbs station...
I think it's now called brass boss...

Same thing as mine but mine is eons older..still going

I trim with the lyman brass smith electric.
Works great.

No bigger than 338 lapua/WSSM cases
I have an RCBS one, I like it . it gets used every loading session . I keep a VLD inner chamfer , an outer chamfer , primer pocket brush , a bronze brush for cleaning inside the neck . I will put the inside the case primer flash hole debur tool on when prepping new brass with a burr . it's old , and it's been used hard . I'll guess the past year it's developed a clunk , but still seems to be working ok . it's always been a noisy tool . when this quits working I'll buy another prep station , they are well worth the cost . it's a time saver . I pick up a piece of brass , and I do all four , or five stations , then I grab another piece of brass .

this is the one I have . it's a 5 station , I use 4 stations all the time . I use the fifth station when I need to debur the flash hole . I have a separate case trimmer .
