Black Rifles


Dec 2, 2010
I have never seen a post on this site about black rifles. I have a few and enjoy shooting them. I reload for both one is .223 and the other is 6.5 Grendel. I am just wondering why there is not talk of them here? (I hope I didn't hit a touchy subject)
I don't think it is a touchy subject; they haven't really caught on in the accuracy and/or hunting field yet. There are some fine black rifles delivering some excellent accuracy; and hunting with them is becoming more acceptable as accuracy increases. Some of the newer rifle cartridges and newer (for black rifle) chamberings, are probably of more interest. I think a number of people shoot them, however. I would imagine that your question could stimulate some discussion.
Im old, I am traditionalist, I don't own a semi auto big game rifle, and I shot such a rifle in Vietnam and did not care for them at the time. Not a touchy subject but most traditionalists don't have much interest in them. However they are fine rifles for those who are interested in them and care to own one. See you have already generated two comments. !!!!

I have always thought a grendel was a rodent :grin: :grin: :grin:
I own 5 evil black rifles, 4 are chambered with 223 Wilde chamber and one is 5.56 NATO
I have 1,1-7 twist, 3,1-8 twist and 1,1-9 twist barrel.
I shoot a 50gr V-Max in the Wilde chambers and 68gr BTHP match in the NATO.
I use them for busting jack rabbits, squirrels and Marmots.
Two of them I had set up for three gun match.

I have an original Colt AR15 H-BAR (from before the whole 'Colt Sporter Rifle' nonsense), and two stripped lowers in my safe, and I wouldn't bet against me ending up with two more stripped lowers before I head back to SoCal. I find, at least with the iron sights on my AR, that I can't shoot it worth a darn, so I mostly spray and pray. I would guess that when I do get around to building on my lowers, at least one will be a DMR style, probably one will be a predator rifle, and just about all will have some sort of optic on them.
I had a Remington R-15 in .223 and loved it. I sold it to buy a heavy savage .243 though. I have an lower sitting in my safe right now, I plan on topping it this summer as soon as I get a few other projects finished. Will go with a .223 again, a 18" something.

They make great farm truck/combine guns. And they shoot very well. The best three shot group I ever got out of the R-15 was .233".
I am down to just one currently. It is a 16" Bushmaster M4 Optics Ready Carbine that wears a Bushnell Elite 3200 1.5x4.5x32mm Firefly Riflescope. I have also added a JP Enterprises Adjustable Trigger, Speed Hammer and Springs to it for a really nice 3 1/2 pound trigger.

I have had this Bushmaster for about 4 years now, and it has accounted for 36+ Coyotes. I also carry it in my work vehicle and qualify with it once a year. It has never let me down.

With 55gr. Nosler Ballistic Tips loaded with H-4895, shooting from a bipod at 100 yards I can consistantly print 3/4" to 1" 5 shot groups from the bench.

I used to have two different DPMS Panther Bull 20 AR's also that shot super. However both were heavier than I wanted for a Predator Rifle so they ended up going away.

I have a Saiga in 223 and it's a blast but I just shoot fmj through it for fun. I don't reload for it or hunt with it so it doesn't come up in my comments. Now if I had a 458 Socom I would be talking about pig hunting loads. I've been lookin :wink:
I have a Bushmaster AR 223 that I varmint hunt some with but mainly punch paper with. One of the reasons I think that the black rifles have not caught on for hunting is the cost of them. For those that are suited and legal in many states to hunt deer with they need to be 6mm or larger caliber. Those caliber rifles cost between one and two grand. You can get one heck of a bolt action rifle that is just as accurate or more accurate most of the time for that kind of money and have some left over. Plus us die hard hand loaders don't like to be down on our hands and knees crawling around in the leaves and bushes looking for that empty case that just got flung out. :mrgreen:
I've got a DMPS Oracle A3.
16 inch lightweight carbine with a flatop upper.
Bought it for a plinker.It's alot of fun to shoot.
Doesn't matter what I run through it,it feeds everything but accuracy is horrible.
With a scope on it,from the bench it's a 2-3 MOA rifle.
Regardless of what I feed it,that's all it will do.
I plan on getting two more uppers in time though.
One will be a 20-24 inch varmit configuration with a 1/7 barrel.
The other is going to be 24 inch 6.5 Grendel.

I love black rifles! Ha, I carry them quite often. I haven't however had the urge just yet to buy one of my own. I use an HK416 at work, and to buy a comparable one for my own use, well, I think it would be pretty expensive. It is kinda funny, I have shot more rounds from the AR style rifles than any other rifle, but have the least amount of knowledge about them in the civilian market. I really need to get with someone smart to give me some tips on what to buy. I really would like a 16-20" flat topped rifle with a 1-7" twist in 5.56 in order to have for predator hunting. I think it would be a perfect yote rifle. They have proven their worth to me over and over. Just haven't jumped into that market, just yet. Scotty
I have a Law Enforcement Colt and a Plum Crazy Lower. It was great for work, but I don't do that anymore. I like shooting it but I don't like cleaning it, so I don't shoot it much anymore. Its pretty much the safe queen now. The plum will have a 300 Blackout upper for pigs.

223 wylde, 5.56, 25 WSSM, and 458 socom
I reckon there are a few black rifles represented on this site. Very impressive, RR.
Mostly I use them at work. Maintain a whole fleet of them, pretty close to trouble free though.

Here's a friend's rifle, a .308 I was playing with at the 600 yard line:

A Bushmaster .223 varmint rifle. Belongs to my oldest son:


One of the work rifles, a 10.5" full-auto RRA, brand new in the photos, not so anymore:


Much used and greatly appreciated old Colt work rifle:

Me, at "work" on a nice day:
Cool stuff, Guy. Couple of questions:
1. The .308, is that a U.S. Optics scope? How do you like it?
2. Are your work rifles full auto or burst-fire?
I actually just picked my first one up two days ago. It is a DPMS Oracle 5.56 nato. Took it out yesterday to break the barrel in and I must say I am very impressed. After shooting 25 rounds and cleaning in between each shot for that 25, (10 rounds then clean for another 100 rounds as well that I am in the middle of) she is a shooter. I shot 3 rounds into .287" at 100 yards with the federal 55 grain fmj you get at walmart. There was also a 10" rock out at 350 yards that was tempting me that no longer is after I got done with it. I will be buying another one in about 2-3 weeks.

I have some too.
Remington R-15 w/3-12x Burris Signature Select, my coyote/varmint rifle.
Bushmaster ORC w/Millett 1-4x DMS, Aimshot LS8200 green laser, Fenix light, my two legged varmint rifle.
Hungarian SA 85M AKM underfolder unfired safe queen.
Hungarian SA 85M Thumbhole AK for a 7.62 plinker.
Russian SKS, picked it up during the Chinese SKS flood to be different.
