components coming back


Apr 30, 2016
I use the shootingbot app and noticed a gradual increase in the frequency of alerts on in stock items. Just the last few days there must have been a primer dump because I got several alerts that various vendors had them in stock, of course they sold out within an hour. Bullets and powder are showing up more frequently. Although prices are still inflated, especially on primers, but hopefully we are beginning to see the market rebound, albeit slowly, but maybe the trend will continue until it gets back to pre-covid/election levels. Hopefully people will only get what they need, and not buy out pallets full just to put on GB for a 4X profit.
Man I hope you're right. I don't want to be a downer, but on the primer front, it's not what I'm thinking. Particularly on LR primers. The most recent reports I got is that the ammo manufactures are still more than a yr out on backorders. That may not be correct, just repeating the info I got recently. On all other fronts I most certainly agree that it appears to be a slow but steady increase. And maybe we will see it on rifle primers also. Let's hope.
Man I hope you're right. I don't want to be a downer, but on the primer front, it's not what I'm thinking. Particularly on LR primers. The most recent reports I got is that the ammo manufactures are still more than a yr out on backorders. That may not be correct, just repeating the info I got recently. On all other fronts I most certainly agree that it appears to be a slow but steady increase. And maybe we will see it on rifle primers also. Let's hope.
Sadly I agree about LR primers, although I managed to get 1000 Winchester LR’s from midway this morning around 8:00
I have noticed more components showing up as well.
I am in a good place with LG rifle primers, but my small rifle primers stock is not great.
I did pick up 500 CCI small rifle and 1K CCI small BR primers last week though, so I feel much better now
Shotgun primers are definitely coming back at spots. Not something I'm after but I hear guys talking, and apparently some big shipments came into some places. I'm also seeing some pistol primers and small rifle primers showing up some. High prices and 1 or 2 pack limits on the pistol and SR primers. Talking at shops, not online. Everything but LR seems to be slowly catching up. It will get there also at some point.
We are seeing some product dribbling out but at triple the price. I saw CCI SR BR primers at Scheels for $129/1K and Cheddit shotshell primers at $59/1K.
We are seeing some product dribbling out but at triple the price. I saw CCI SR BR primers at Scheels for $129/1K and Cheddit shotshell primers at $59/1K.

I seen an old tattered red brick of Winchester LR primers on a table recently. Me being nosey and wanting to keep up on prices, I asked him what the price was on them. $15 per pack. o_O

A small LGS got some LR primers in recently. Don't know, but I suspect they bought them private. $13.95 a pack with a 2 pack limit. The SR and pistol primers I've seen come in locally are usually priced around $8 a pack.

Just got to ride it out I guess. Historically speaking it's always come back, but this has been a unusually long and deep trough that we are in, in my opinion.
I have noticed more components showing up as well.
I am in a good place with LG rifle primers, but my small rifle primers stock is not great.
I did pick up 500 CCI small rifle and 1K CCI small BR primers last week though, so I feel much better now
For awhile this past month Powder Valley was getting a lot of CCI small rifle and small pistol primers. I scored well since March from them. Last Friday they went back to limit 1000 so with Hazmat if you are not getting other stuff gets expensive. I just missed 8lb jug of Retumbo for my new 7mm Mag a couple of days ago as they sold them out fast seems like Mag powders are in demand compared to other powders.
I lucked out yesterday on a trip to my LGS. They had gotten some powder in, and I managed to get a pound of Varget and 2 lbs of H4350. Wasn't out of either, yet, but a little extra won't hurt.