Daughters 7mm-08 Range Day


Apr 30, 2016
Took the day off to spend with my daughter before she heads back to college..We hit the range with her 7mm-08...Her go-to load of RL-19 and 140 Accubonds...Looks like letting her fine tune her skills shooting up all those blem bullets is paying off. These were only shot at 75 yards, but still a proud Papa!. All I could find for scale was a .22 case.


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Excellent! (y)

And good on you for taking time off work to spend with your daughter! OUTSTANDING!

Thanks guys! I'd say when she comes home for Thanksgiving break, the whitetails around here will be one shy of their previous population.
Excellent post. Your daughter is in the groove; her riflery skills are up to any challenge she may meet in the field.
If she shoots like that, she won't need luck once she gets one in the scope. That is pretty impressive.

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Outstanding! That is some fine shooting. You daughter is shooting great and you have everything reason to be proud!

It wasn't always like that..She had a pretty good flinch. Still plenty good to take her buck at about 150 yards last year. So to work out the flinch I had her shoot up those 300 blem bullets, shot about 100 of those letting her shoot 25 yards then 50 yards just to build her confidence up by seeing those nice tight groups at the short ranges. And after 300 of them, and a little coaching, her flinch is all but gone.
That young lady can shoot. I wouldn't let her go shooting with her boyfriend since he might become embarrassed when she out shoots him.
Might make for a tense relationship. LOL
TackDriver, I have no doubt she will! Unless I can get a new set of eyeballs...