Guy Miner
Master Loader
- Apr 6, 2006
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- 6,806
Yes. These outfitters may be hunting in either very open country, or country where long shots are to be expected. Nothing really wrong with that since they were up front about it and there's to prepare for that 600 yard shot.I’ve never hunted Elk before. I would love to, but have never had the opportunity (mostly due to financial constraints)
However, I think if I’m paying a guide to hunt Elk I’m making the decision as to how far I’m going to shoot, and how close I would like to be.
If that guide can’t do that then maybe I’m looking somewhere else?
I understand that there are no guarantees, but if I am paying for the hunt I would like to get reasonably within my comfort zone.
However, I suspect that most elk are shot at much shorter ranges. I've only taken three.
Bull at about 175 yards: 7mm Rem Mag, 175 gr Nosler Partition
Cow at about 340 yards: 30-06, 165 gr Nosler Ballistic Tip
Cow at about 405 yards: 30-06, 178 gr Hornady ELD-X
That last one worried me a bit. I had a 30-06 and a 6x scope. I've used that combo a lot, but hadn't shot game that far with it. We had stalked as close as we could in some rather open country and were simply out of anything that would conceal us. So, steadied the rifle on a tripod, held appropriate for the wind and range and let one fly. A few inches higher would have been preferable but the bullet broke her upper fore-leg, shattered it really, then punched right through the heart!
*EVEN THEN... She managed to cover another couple of hundred yards, on three legs before I could close with her and finish her at shorter range. Elk are strong and her drive to get back to the herd was strong. Much respect for them. I don't know that I'd be eager to start shooting at an unwounded elk 600 yards away... IF it was known that I'd be facing that shot, I'd start with a rifle, cartridge and scope more suitable for that task. Funny, after that 405 yard cow elk, I started working with a 7mm Rem Mag again, with a 3.5-10x scope.
If 600 doesn't sound like a reasonable idea, find an outfitter that routinely gets hunters to within more reasonable range.