Etip beyond 500 yds

At 500yds, my 130gr E-Tip load should be humming along at roughly 2300fps (haven't chrono'd it at that distance, so I'm not 100% sure...) which would be sufficient for opening on a deer shoulder, I suspect. I'm going to try to get a 300yd shot through the lungs on a doe this year (or a buck, if opportunity presents itself) and compare the results with the results at very close range and at 175yds. At 300yds, impact velocity should be 2750-ish, so it's still moving along nicely. I guess that's one of the advantages of launching them at 3425-3450.

I, too, look at the E-Tip as a magnum velocity round, and use them in my 270Wby and (if I can find a good load) in my 300Wby. I don't use them in my 8x57 or my 30-06. If forced by some green-lib-jackleg to use lead free, I'd drop waaaay down in bullet weight in standard chamberings to maintain velocity. I'd have no trouble using a 130-150gr monolith in a 30-06, or a 140-160gr in the 8x57, I suspect.
Something didn't seem right about the numbers I posted so I rechecked. I was looking at the energy figures (ft lbs) and not the velocity (fps). A 7mm RM should be good out to 700 yards with 1850 fps with enegy around 1100 ft lbs.