Factory Crimp dies

truck driver

Ammo Smith
Mar 11, 2013
I've never used a factory crimp die for reloading and only taper crimp my pistol ammo since all my pistols with two exceptions are semi autos and require a light crimp to hold the bullet.
Since I've never experienced any problems in the past with rifle ammo I was just curious to see if any one here uses a factory crimp die or crimps their rifle ammo?
I use the factory crimp on several different cartridges. It is far superior to the standard roll crimp.

I load a lot of Barnes tsx/Ttsx and find the factory crimp helps to hold the bullets in place. A compressed charge will push the bullets back out over time. The TSX bullets have much less bearing surface than conventional bullets and in short necked cartridges like the rum. I use it in both the 300 rum and 375 rum for that purpose.

I also like it for the straight walled cartridges like the 44, 45/454, and 45/70 where a good firm crimp is needed.

The only down side is you can't lock it down for future use, you have to fine tune it a little each time you set it up.

I have even gotten several custom factory crimp dies in cartridges they don't catalog
I use them with the 130 ttsx in my /06's, 35 rem, 45/70, 44 mag, 357 mag and a couple more.

If you use the carbide pistol ones and you shoot over sized cast bullets knock that sizer ring out of there to prevent it from resizing your bullets.
I was think more of using it for the Whelen and 300Bee but alot of the bullets I load don't have crimp rings and was wondering about deforming the bullets.

Heath, all my pistol dies are Dillon with tapper crimp so I don;t worry too much about swagging my cast bullets.
I had one made for my dads 35 whelen. It works great, you really have to reef down on it to damage the jacket
Thebear_78":12yldpmx said:
I had one made for my dads 35 whelen. It works great, you really have to reef down on it to damage the jacket
what I would like is a taper crimp die like they make for pistol cartridges.
The only rounds I load for that get crimped are 5.56 (223), 45-70, and 357 magnum...I always had better luck letting neck tension hold the bullet s in 45 acp (the round i load the most of, by far)
RR, I use tapper crimp on all my pistol loads and the 45 acp I also shoot alot of I have 3 different 45 acps which 2 are custom built and one is an old DCM war horse that now wears a .22 upper.
I may be over thinking my rifle ammo a little which happens when I do a lot of reading and second guessing myself.
My 45's...Glock 36 (my carry gun), Springfield XDc (my wifes carry gun), Baer stainless Stinger 1911 (my sons carry gun)...I just go easy on belling the case mouth making sure not to overdo it...45 acp is supposed to head space off the case mouth...always figured too much crimp was a problem waiting for a place to happen with 45's, so I figured out how to make it work without crimping, that is very minimal belling, and .470-.472" case mouth diameter with bullet seated...they will setback with repeated chambering if you just let the slide hammer them home (I don't do that)...no amount of crimping will stop that with straight walled pistol rounds and in my experience, good neck tension works better anyway.

Rifles...some folks say a crimp can sometimes improve ignition, sometimes, with certain load combos...I can see how that would be possible, but I've never ran into it myself.
RR, Shooting precision pistol matches I can't afford a failure to feed so I tapper crimp my 45 acp and have had no problems in timed and rapid fire matches. Everyone has to find what works best for them with all reloads. :)
Recoil can change over all length and that is what I'm trying to avoid with the rifle cartridges. :mrgreen:
I use a Lee Factory Crimp Die on the 110gn AB & Sierra Prohunter bullets to finish off my .25-06 ammo. I found doing so evened out my chrono readings so presume the resulting neck tensions were more equal.
The difference in both accuracy and ES improvements is very noticeable.

My conclusion is the extra few quid and time spent is worthwhile. ATB ET
Most Rifle Hunting Ammo, I crimp using the Lee Crimp Die. I have no reason Not to crimp.