truck driver
Ammo Smith
- Mar 11, 2013
- 7,395
- 1,065
I have been battling my M77 338Wm trying to find a consistent load. The action has been in 2 stocks, the factory and a used Hogue I purchased which was a pillar bedded model and I could never find consistency except with the factory stock but even it was iffy.
I had what I thought was a good day at the range with it yesterday after putting it back in the factory stock. I had previously opened up the barrel channel and thought I had free floated the barrel but apparently there was still pressure and the forearm was flexing with very little pressure applied which was discovered by a local gun smith at a GS I visit regularly.
He found there was still pressure on the barrel and said I should relieve the clearance for the barrel more. He also said that by using carbon fiber arrow scraps I could fill in the pockets in the forearm with pieces of the shafts and use bedding compound to hold them in place. The idea being the stiff arrow shafts would be light weight and when epoxied in place would add considerable stiffness and prevent the forearm from flexing. The shop also sells archery equipment and he had a bunch of arrow scraps and gave me a handful so I could cut them to fit and epoxy them into the forearm.
I roughed up the interior of the pockets with a dremil tool and degreased the stock.
Mixed up some devcon and laid a bed of epoxy into the pockets for the pieces of arrow shafts to rest in. I also applied a layer of epoxy over the pieces of shaft to fill all the voids so no water could lay in the forearm and freeze when hunting.
Here's a few cell phone pictures of the work done but not yet completed since the epoxy needs to cure.
I had what I thought was a good day at the range with it yesterday after putting it back in the factory stock. I had previously opened up the barrel channel and thought I had free floated the barrel but apparently there was still pressure and the forearm was flexing with very little pressure applied which was discovered by a local gun smith at a GS I visit regularly.
He found there was still pressure on the barrel and said I should relieve the clearance for the barrel more. He also said that by using carbon fiber arrow scraps I could fill in the pockets in the forearm with pieces of the shafts and use bedding compound to hold them in place. The idea being the stiff arrow shafts would be light weight and when epoxied in place would add considerable stiffness and prevent the forearm from flexing. The shop also sells archery equipment and he had a bunch of arrow scraps and gave me a handful so I could cut them to fit and epoxy them into the forearm.
I roughed up the interior of the pockets with a dremil tool and degreased the stock.
Mixed up some devcon and laid a bed of epoxy into the pockets for the pieces of arrow shafts to rest in. I also applied a layer of epoxy over the pieces of shaft to fill all the voids so no water could lay in the forearm and freeze when hunting.
Here's a few cell phone pictures of the work done but not yet completed since the epoxy needs to cure.