Found another reason to really like my Lee Classic Turret...


Oct 28, 2008
...while I was home.

I was in a bit of a rush to get all those rounds loaded and rifles sighted in so to save time I put all my sizer dies (243, 308, 270, 30-06) in a 4 hole turret.

I've been reluctant to use it for large rifles because it seems it "might" not be capable of perfect alignment (straight necks, bullet runout and such)...but I figured what the heck, try it and least for sizing and priming.

It worked just fine...the ammo was as accurate as any I've ever made...I'm gonna try it with bullet seating too, but not with hunting ammo...not yet.

I don't particularly like many Lee products...but that press continues to amaze me...such a simple, yet effective design.

Not having to change out dies is growing on me...
I have found that I can produce accurate ammunition with about any die set and/or press. The determining factor is me. :grin:

I've had the turret for a while but I bought it mainly for pistol and 223 ammo...never figured it for any type of precision loading at the time but you're right...learn the quirks and its not rocket science.

To be honest...the thought had never crossed my mind to use it that way (all sizers and all seaters) until the other day...I'd say I can make it work but I didn't wanna try it with hunting ammo. I'll load some plinker rounds with it and see whats what as soon as I can.

I'm pretty anal about weighing my own powder though...besides, it can't throw enough for large rifles anyway.