Going Elk Hunting

WC, I just think at dawn & dusk the Leica is considerably sharper than the VX-6. I will need some more time in the field with the VX-6 which will come in Muley season this is just my initial findings. The other one that seems to be exceptionally clear for a 1" tube is my nephew's new Ziess Conquest 800 rapid Z:)
In my opinion it blows the Bushnell Elite out of the water but again that is my opinion.

I really like this new Zeiss Conquest 4.5-14 with target turrets. It seems to have an edge in clarity over any of my VX-3s.
We wish that you have great luck with your elk hunt this year and hope that you fill your tags for great eating this winter and prime hunting adventures as a benefit of living in prime hunting country. God Bless.

Physically, hunting is not to be for me this year due to extreme health issues in which I was essentially dead last Sunday (on and off) for two hours. God, in his beneficence and glory has chosen to once again extend my life and he must have some purpose in mind for me? I am slowly recovering and may hunt maybe next year? Gotta keep that hope strong and alive.
OT3, I do believe God has great plans for you. May you continue to gain strength and health so that next year you will be out in the field enjoying this great sport.
