Going Retro this year


Jun 13, 2007
I like old stuff. Can't help it. I collect old guns and shoot a lot of them. This year I am making a concerted effort to kill something with some of them. In particular my 1931 38-44 Heavy duty that was customized after WWII by Micro Sight. Someone added the smooth S&W target grips probably late 60's early 70's. The gun is an incredible shooter. I am shooting cast hollow points in it. It is encroaching into .357 stating loads which is normal for these guns. In my pre-war S&Ws I only run cast bullets. The other gun is a 2nd model hand ejector .44 Special. It has a Micro Sight which is pretty cool. This is a 1927 gun that is as tight as a new one. I am running 429421 Keith bullets out of it a bit over 1000 fps. Yes it can go hotter but not needed. I am going to try some WFN bullets in it as well. Now the fun part. I am going to use vintage hunting clothes. I have been collecting hunting clothes made in USA for a while. I am even carrying vintage Western knives. I will have a scoped handgun with me as well just in case for some of the locations. There will be some more stuff. Playing it by ear for now. Here are the two old S&W guns. I might throw another one or two in the mix. I have these ready to go though. I even have a cartridge holder for the 38-44 made by Alfred Goerg. Its all about keeping it interesting and fun. No better way to fill a freezer.

38-44 goerg cartrdge carrier.jpg3844 and 2nd model he.jpg
Sounds like a cool season for you this year.
Best wishes this fall. Be safe and have fun.
