Good bye

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May 26, 2018
I wish you all the best hunting and shooting, but I found out that my political beliefs are mostly not met here.
You will have your reasons, your local views and that is ok. I don't judge.
I hope you have a wonderful future with your CIC and I honestly hope that we will never have to look at each other down the barrel.


PS: Thanks for taking down the Nazis. This is not forgotten over here
Well Fotis,
actually not sure.

I got this message and there is my reply to it (I will not say who send it):

I would immagine you, and many around the world, are wondering what the hell is going on around here. I’ve been a conservative voter all my adult life but Trump scares the hell out of me and what is even more concerning is the lack of honor and integrity through out the party has allowed him to amass the power he now has.
The republicans lost their honor the democrats lost their way. I hoped democrats would move to the middle but instead they moved the opposite direction as well.
Good luck, I will miss your insight.

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May 26, 20181,023397
4 minutes ago
I can agree to "America first" to a certain degree. But actually - the US has a trade deficite because other products might just be better. No US-Citizen is forced to buy Mercedes, BMW, VW, .... Just make equal cars for an equal price. No one in Europe is keeping you from doing that. Just get better.
They might have a reason why they do not get US cars.

But what he does is not how you treat allies.

Taking Greenland (Part of the NATO-Partner Denmark)?
Canada as the 51st State?

You seem to be a reflecting person. I wish you and your fellow citizens all the best. Having a Musk (South African immigrant btw) ruling from the shadows doesn't sound too good for me. Or all the other Billionares bowing to DT.
You are supposed to be THE Democacy. And now you will be ruled by money?

Good luck
That is one way to look at it,
I actually work for a company that has sales in the US. We once had an "intercultural training" from a person from the US who lives half a year here in Germany, the other half on your side.
I would never have emagined - thinking us quite alike - but he said there is the "either you are with me, or against me" mentality. No idea if he is right.

What I miss from an ocean away is you guys trying to find the middle ground. Are you really that devided? Or do most of you want the same? The systems over here are different (NOT meaning better!) with more than 2 parties. Compromises are the norm. Good or bad? No idea. But it means you have to talk.

As written above, there seem to be Republicans that are not really happy. But I guess he still voted for DT, because he did not have an alternative.

Sorry for rambling.
I like this forum, really.

But I am considering if I have to take a stand.

There are enough people over here I would not share a beer with, because of their political stance (google AfD).

Same for my online-activity.
As for leaving the forum that’s your choice.

I would urge you not to. I enjoy hearing other viewpoints even if I disagree with them. You have a unique perspective that I value.

I will always be an America first, willing to die to defend a document, unapologetic, black socks, sandals, shorts, and Hawaiian shirt wearing stereotypical American. My idea of world travel is going to Dallas, Texas from Enid, Oklahoma.

I’m sure there are those here that will think I’m the one that sent the message. I didn’t but those whose opinions matter will know I didn’t without asking. I’m sorry you had to go through that. It’s sad that people hide in the anonymity of the internet. I don’t say or do things online that I won’t do in public.

Please stay and share your knowledge, wisdom, and perspective. Let our moderators nuke the cowards that try to hide in the anonymity of the internet.

I've been here a long time and honestly never knew there as a sub forum and glad I didn't and still don't won't to know.
There are lots of forums I visit and when they get crappy, I say my piece and leave them hanging not going back.
Some forums have features where you can block or disregard the unwanted content from a user or the user all together, and maybe that is something that is needed here.
Stay around and enjoy the things you like and refrain from reading the content that you don't.
I guess I am clueless. Is there a sub Forum for Politics. I would have no reason why that should be necessary. This is a hunting, fishing, trapping, reloading, shooting site for us to enjoy and share with each other.
There are a variety of opinions represented here concerning things other than hand loading, hunting, shooting, etc. I won't agree with all, and I'm quite certain they won't agree with me. The mark of an educated mind is the ability to recognise there are other views in the world, seeking to find middle ground. Those staking out the fringes with a determination not to allow any other view simply demonstrates that they don't really know what they are advocating. Even from such opinionated souls, I can learn something about hand loading, hunting, shooting, etc.
Politics interest me, and so do other peoples opinions even when I might disagree with them. I've often said that the biggest reason that I see people not able to get along is because they are not able to disagree politely. Politics can get harder than many topics, but I have just developed a thick skin and an open mind to the best of my ability because I have a genuine interest in the topic. However, if talking politics are just a burden for you, then there is certainly nothing wrong with leaving it alone. But if you do, I don't think anyone wants to see you leave the form as a whole. I talk to many people I wouldn't have a meal with on the internet, but I am OK just talking with those people on the computer about something that we share in common, like guns and reloading.
I think maybe that there is some misunderstanding here. It sounds as if the OP is concerned by Trump's policies, and someone PM'd him to express their own concerns. At least, that's the way I read it.

OP, while it's certainly your choice of where you spend your time, I would encourage you to remain here and ignore the political forum. The US electorate is broadly divided into Democrats, Republicans, and Independents, roughly 1/3 each. Neither party can win a national election without the Independent voters, and they shift depending on who is on the ticket. Personally, I tend to keep my politics to myself or discuss them with like-minded individuals, I'm not much for debate and arguing. At the same time, I try very hard to not define anyone by who they choose to vote for.

Back in the day, I put on a uniform and swore an oath to support and defend our Constitution. Part of that means that I support every citizen's right to vote for the candidate and party of their choice, even if I totally disagree with them. Case in point: I have been a conservative Republican since first voting for Reagan back in 1984. Yet a few years ago, one of my kids was a volunteer for the Bernie Sanders campaign. And that's ok...I didn't love them any less. As the great Winston Churchill once said, "If you aren't a liberal by the age of 18, you have no heart. And if you're not a conservative by the age of 30, you have no brain." It's ok that we don't all think alike.

Stick around, enjoy the shooting, and leave the politics for others. Just my .02.

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