Got my Coyote bait today!

35 Whelen

Dec 22, 2011
Heard this cow moose was sick ,so called local Warden and he decided it was as well, so here is 6/700 lbs of bait for this winter... (y)
Yeah, that should draw them in for a few days. I expect we'll hear of some success in dropping yodel dogs shortly.
Lol, well hard telling, till I get all my scope issues ironed
Out they are pretty safe, long as they stay outside the 400
Yd, mark! Lol
She should lure in those deer killers (y). I hope you are able to let the air out of at least a few :wink:. Looking forward to a story and a few photographs.

Be this weekend before I dare to haul it out onto the ice as there is only few inches yesterday
But it's -5 Here right now with wind screaming! So she is makin ice tonight!!!
Nope he decided to keep it......... :cry:
So because SG offer to take the 3rd Muller back for a full refund, I just grabbed a cheap Weaver Kaspa tactical, 3x12x44 with 30mm tube and side focus, mil dot ret, To run this winter. But am going to wait till Cabelas runs those VX2 CDS again @$250. And buy one.
Their new windplex reticule looks like a winner to me......(I don't like their duplex ret) I have the Vx2 on my 35 Whelen (German # 4) (y) and really like it a lot! By far my favorite on running game, ultra fast target acquisition. But for this 25 Whelen ,I really want to try a custom Cds dial with what ever bullet ,We finally settle on. I already Have the Z600 ret on my 270, but want to get the CDS system and see which one I like best, and Leupold says they will change the Vx2 reticule out to a #4 if I decide I don't like the Windplex, for $65 bucks!
Now I got worst case scenario, coyotes drove a little doe out onto the ice last nite ,and killed it, so till thats gone they won't Be around here, oh well, they will clean it right up in a few nites... they always eat every scrap of deer meat before they will touch moose!! :|

Update: Checked the ice this morning, solid 5 " everywhere and 6" in someplaces, so decided to run down the lake and Grab that doe deer they drove out onto the ice ,and tow it back here (1/2 mile) so I could get this "show on the ice". Well I have no idea how many coyotes ,had worked on it during the one night it was there, but I can tell you this:
As I approached it a dozen big fat Ravens ,and 7 Bald Eagles, lifted off that had been busy since daylight, and the results were, the only thing left of it was the main skeleton, (no leg bones) all the hide right up to the back of the eye sockets, all missing, no hooves, compleatly striped in one nite! They must have had a feast, a guy that was watching it told me later yesterday,that two coyotes had been out to it just before dark, and comented one was twice the size of the other and jet black :?
Coydog? German Shepard/ Coyote cross??? Who knows. There is a strain of them around here that I have shot a few of that are about the color of red fox, and sonetimes have pure white tips on there tails? So I often wondered is that an old Collie/ Coyote cross? I shot one 6 years ago that different folks saw and all thought it to be a Husky dog,
It turned out to be a big coyote marked exactly lije a husky with the ring around the neck??
The 25 Whelen is ready for revenge for that little doe they pulled down the other nite! :evil:
Go getem Earle, I hope that the 25 Whelen does its job on a couple of those coyotes (y)!
So we can see more photos in the near future :wink:.

Well we hooked onto the poor old Moose yesterday, with the Skandik snowsled and drug it out onto the lake, its now sitting exactly 300 yds out, so we are open for bussiness! (y)
Go get 'em, man! Waiting to hear of the performance of the 25 Whelen.
Lol, OK Mike I will do my best! Lol
Here is the set up you can see the moose out on the ice if you look closely!
adds new meaning to the song lyric "lookin out my back door". Tune up the Buck Owens.
Looks like my kind of set up! No freezin' your butt off. Understanding bride apparently? Deck rail has some scuff marks occasionally? :shock: :oops: This can be replaced... :) CL
Oh, yeah, that'll do. I do believe I can see a tiny speck out on the ice. Yup, that should bring a yodel dog or two.
CL, lol have never hit the hand rail yet, but this 25 Whelen will certainly keep the snow blown off it as these 117 gr SST slip out
Over it!! Scotty still just messing with that same loading of 57 gr RL25.......... going to load up some off those 100 gr Sierra PH
Tomorrow and see what they have to say over the Chrono, just for fun!
:lol: :lol: You are gonna learn some new words when you do.... Kinda like smokin' your chrony :roll: Or missin one on a barbed wire fence. or Shinnin bunnies from my uncle's LTD one night when we got a "new vibe" from the radio. Don't ask me how I know that an antenna will stop a bullet...... :grin: :grin: Whats the over and under on when the moose falls through the ice?? Legion used to make money betting when this years car would fall through the ice on beaver lake. Can you tell I had a great youth.... :) :) CL
Loaded a box of 100 gr Pro Hunter Sierras, over 58 grains of RL25, and that brought up 3220 on the chrono, then had a box that have 59 grs of same powder and those showed right at 3300........ no sign of any preasure but they barking right out there pretty good, this 25 Whelen is noisy! I am guessing 3400 is a solid possibility out of this gun. What a wicked coyote thumper,
This thing must be! The most violent impacts I have ever witnessed on coyotes; is with the .270 and some 110 gr HPBT bullets ,that we tryed on them a few years ago, the report that comes back off the side of them ,is amazing.And their reacted to being hit with them, is sort similar to eating a 1/4 stick of dynamite! I think those 110's chronoed 3150, So now I am guessing, this .257 is in that same league of horsepower, so am anxious to try it out!
Its show time. Looking forward to seeing a dead yote soon Earle. Good Luck.
