Guy Miner... I'm callin' you out!


Dec 14, 2008
About your M70 Coyote, I believe it's a .300 WSM. I spotted a 7 WSM Coyote in a local shop, and I'm thinking about it a good bit. You obviously liked it enough to buy it back (unless I'm remembering a different thread, always a possibility!). So what can you tell me about it? Have you modified it at all? Any problems? What scope did you mount on it? Shooting/handloading results?
BK - dang, I haven't been called out in a long time! :grin:

Mine has a Jewel trigger, and is otherwise as built by Winchester. I've found several loads that manage to produce 1/2 MOA accuracy, which is pretty doggone good as far as I'm concerned. The thing that impressed me was that the accuracy held. A load that shot 1/2" at 100 yards also shot about 1.5" at 300 yards.

It's a little heavy for general purpose hunting here in the Cascades, but I carried it almost every day of our mule deer season last fall, no problem.

The fat forearm might feel a little odd at first. It's nice on the target range, but not so nice in the field sometimes. The rifle doesn't handle like a sporter, it feels a little like a club... Familiar to me because of my time with target rifles.

Mine has a real nice cushy recoil pad on it, that I don't think is factory. It's much appreciated when firing prone with 200 grain loads...

Good rifles. I get the impression that Winchester paid a little more attention to them than to run of the mill Model 70's of the same time period. The barrel on mine is obviously pretty good, and is clearly free floated. The magazine allows seating the bullets out farther than a short-action will. The fat cartridges feed real slick through what Winchester was calling a "controlled push feed" or something like that. It looks like a push feed to me, and works real slick.

I put a 4.5-14x Leupold with M1 target knobs on it. Intended use for the rifle is really longish range hunting, for me anyway.

Sounds good, Guy. I think I just about have myself talked into it. Although if I don't pick it up tomorrow, I'll have to hope it's still there in three weeks when I come home again. But what the heck, it's lasted this long, I hope it'll still be there when I come back.

I was thinking about the same scope... that is, if yours is a 30mm side focus... with the same elevation knob. Are you running a canted base?

Did you put the new trigger in it? If so, could you not get the factory M70 trigger light enough? I was thinking that if I replace it, I was going to go Timney.

Anyway, thanks for the response.



Photos taken last fall during mule deer season... :grin:

My scope is the older 1" tube model. I bought it quite a while ago, don't think the 30mm's were avail then, or side focus for that matter. At any rate, I had Leupold put the M1 knobs on it a couple of years ago. It's been a dandy scope. I've had it on several rifles.

Yes, mine is mounted on an inclined base from Badger Ord. As I recall its a 20 MOA base... Am embarrassed to admit that I can't quite remember, but I believe it's a 20 MOA base.

The Jewell trigger was installed by the previous owner. It's sweeeeet.

I really like the old Model 70 trigger - the simple one that was used for decades... Not sure about the one Winchester is using now. The new triggers feel okay, but dang I miss that old simple, rugged & reliable trigger on the old Model 70's... Don't know what the original trigger on this Coyote was like.

I got a great deal on the rifle, with the trigger, and the scope base, and two sets of dies, and loaded ammo with data, and a couple hundred more once-fired and new Norma brass cases. Plus some Winchester brass. It was a sweet deal. Interestingly when I got silly and sold the rifle, I kept all the "stuff" that went with it... Guess I was hoping I'd get it back someday, although I sure didn't plan it.

Regards, Guy
I have a Winchester with the new trigger, I like it but would rather the old style myself. The new trigger will only go down to 3 1/2 pounds and the old style you can take down until they are scarry light.
BK, Dr. Mike forced me into buying a 7WSM a few months ago. The first groups with factory Winchester 150's made me think I needed to have it cut for choke tubes to improve it's "pattern". However, a few minutes at the loading bench and it's pumping out sub-MOA groups with just about anything I've put down the tube. I went to the range the other day and a load using 140 Sierra BTSP's shot .737. A load using 150 Matchkings put two into .227 but I screwed up and pulled the third making it 1.27.

My rifle is just one of the generic Black Shadows but I'm seeing now what other posters have said before about the cartridge. It's sweet!!!

I really like the 7WSM, I think it's my favorite of the short mags. I already have a Howa in 7Wizzum, so I'm all set to load for it. I figure 150s are what I will start with, as I already have two 7 RemMags that get nothing but 160 Partitions, and a 7-08 that will probably get nothing heavier than 140s.

I really like your pictures of your guns, always a pleasure to look at.
I shooting 160 ABs in my 7 WSM. This load, launching the bullet at 3000 fps, is adequate for any game I'll encounter int he wilds of northern BC. I have to love this rifle. Ron, you done good in grabbing a 7 WSM. BK, a feller can never go wrong with one of these fine rifles in his hand.
well, I put a deposit on it, so I'll pick it up when I come home again (so no ragging me about pics, Pop! :) ) When I installed the bolt, it felt like I was the first person to do so since it left the factory, and just the few times I worked it, it smoothed up a fair amount. The trigger is the usual lawyer approved model, so I'll see how much it smooths/lightens as it gets used. I may be going aftermarket. I know it was mentioned that it is a push-feed action, but I guess I thought it was going to be otherwise. Weird. Time to stock up on midweight .284" bullets.
Here's a good article on the 7's, including the 7mm WSM:

And one on the 7mm WSM as a long-range hunting rifle:

I'm glad you're getting the rifle! Sure hope it's a good shooter for you. That second article on, about Ric Horst and his 7mm hunting rifle really fired me up about the WSM series. I'd been indifferent about them before reading that.

Congrats! Guy
Great reading Guy. That 7WSM is an awesome cartridge. Kinda too bad it has fallen off the skyline. I almost picked up a FWT, but missed out on it! Either way, it could be a future build or something. Scotty
I think it may well have been the best of the WSM's - but that's a guess.

Am kind of fond of the .300 as well, and the .270 WSM is a scorcher...

And the 8mm version is quite an elk, bear and mule deer cartridge according to a bud...
Guy Miner":14xwwgrm said:
Here's a good article on the 7's, including the 7mm WSM:

And one on the 7mm WSM as a long-range hunting rifle:

I'm glad you're getting the rifle! Sure hope it's a good shooter for you. That second article on, about Ric Horst and his 7mm hunting rifle really fired me up about the WSM series. I'd been indifferent about them before reading that.

Congrats! Guy

Yep, read both of those articles before, when I bought my Howa. I tend to be a little OCD with my gun stuff!
Tell ya what, if you dont like it, I'll buy it from you for what you paid!!

That cartridge outdoes the 7 RM by 100fps, and that coyote is a helluva rifle. I really really wanted one in a 243 but they are soo hard to find because everyone that has one, is smart enough to keep em.

I'd jump on it if it was a nice rifle and a good price. You cant go wrong with it if you reload...

I had a cheap winchester black shadow in a 7 WSM couple years back and the thing shot ridiculously well with 140g NBTs/RL22 at 3350fps, was outdoing my 7 RM by 100fps with 140s and 160s.
Tell ya what. One of these days I'll bring it over your way and I let you wring it out. But I'm pretty sure it's not gonna get sold. At least not 'til I'm dead.
If I can ever find a nice 7WSM, I will have one. Love that cartridge. Probably the most all around cartridge for most of NA, at least in my little mind. Scotty
Can't imagine being without my 7 WSM. It is a pleasure to shoot and a pleasure for working up loads.
Mike, I'd love to pick up an M70 Sporter, FW, or EW in 7WSM.
I'm curious about the Coyote. Does it have a heavy barrel?

The best Winchester I ever owned was Stealth that I bought when I heard they were closing the plant. Gorgeous rifle and shoots better then anything else I have but it is heavy. I recently wanted to buy another in .22-250 but found they aren't making them anymore.

So I saw the Coyote light but not sure about it. I take it the light just has a different stock than what you have.