Hunt Club Maintenence


Dec 24, 2006
Well, between my wife, daughter, and friends, we were able to get our hunting areas bush hogged, trails opened up and for the first time, we put in some food plots.

Some pictures of the cultivator action..

We worked into the night on Saturday in preparation of seeding on Sunday, before the ran came..

We seeded with oats, turnips, clover, beets, Austrian Winter Peas, and some other stuff as well..

Dylann even got in on the seeding action as well..

Lori helped with the equipment cleanup as well..

It was a ton of work, but hopefully we will draw some more deer into our club and hopefully we can put some more kids over their 1st or in my son's case, 5th bucks!

Should make for a good Fall. Had a good shower last night, so here's hoping some stuff takes root and grows for us!
That rite there is some good stuff Scotty ! Once that stuff starts turning green the kids will be having a field day as it will sure fatten them deer up and hopefully improve the gene pool of the local deer population! You guys got it going on and I hope you pull the deer from everywhere once the word gets out Scotty planted us some turnips :) those deer will be fighting each other to get into the field for sure! You can bet it will be worth all the hard work and keeping them kids busy with a buck knife is so cool! Game camera will be busy this fall for sure !! Just glad ya do not drive the tractor like the 4 wheeler :lol: tractors do not float as well :mrgreen:
Congratulations on completing all the work and best luck for many large bucks this season.
Thanks again. It is a lot of fun. I love that sorta work and once something green pops up I'll be much happier.

Hopefully we get some sprouts soon and the turnips and sugar beets keep them deer coming till late in the year. We've been trying to do a little more each year so we can only improve the hunting I believe.
It looks like you worked very hard & put the effort in. I believe that it is going to pay huge dividends later this fall. Good job!!

I understand that's the way it's done back east. Improve the crops, lure in the deer.

Was a member of a hunt club in Northern Virginia back in the 1980's when I was stationed there. Great hunting opportunities!

Never did have a chance to work at improving the place like you, your family, and your friends are doing.

Good job! Hope it works out for everyone.

Regards, Guy

Looks like you all had a lot of fun!
Hope the food plots produce some good hunting.

We just planted food plots last weekend. We only have a month to go!

It looks like everyone had a great time. Nothing beats a nice day working in the field !!! (except hunting) Congratulations on a great day together.
Scotty I know you have a water source not too far from this area and I would strongly suggest planting a few crab apple trees in various places where the deer had to look into the sun and not notice someone ! I have also read that ya do not wanta use too much bug spray as that is what the smaller animals are there for ! Too eat your plants bugs!! I do not think you could ever use too much natural fertilizer but it sure is cheap if ya find the rite farmer looking to get rid of some! :)
Pitching in like that makes belonging to such a club a joy. Congratulations to your family for sharing in the work.
The girls seem to like driving the tractor? I did when I was a kid as well. Your labors should bear fruit in the fall!
Look out--no better place to learn how to drive a manual transmission than a tractor!

We got a lot of rain up here last night, hope you got some on the seeds also.
Lookin Good Scotty!

Were you sitting on a camp chair sipping a frosty beverage while the ladies were cleaning? hahaha