Hunting this year

Actually, My Turkey season is only 30 days away.....

I've got some nice Tom's out back, in fact 8 shooters. 8)

I'm going coyote hunting with fellow forum member Antelope_Sniper in the early morning. Looking forward to seeing what happens and getting out of the house for a little bit.
Turkey starts next week...the archery elk and thenfrom that point it is on....antelope rifle in WY and then here in CO and then right into rifle for elk and deer....can't wait.
I'll be going back to the Salmonberry/Nehalem river area in the Tillamook National Forrest(north west Oregon. Just hope that they are done logging (according to what they should on Ax men they are I'll have to go check it out to be sure) so I can get back to some good three year old clear cuts!
My dad, my buddy, and I have an elk hunt booked for a private ranch hunt in New Mexico for elk. We have been there before, and the place is 100% on elk for the last few years. We have shot some really nice bulls there in the past. Looking forward to it, for sure.
black tailed bandit,

I recently built a library in Seaside north of Nehalem.
Have you hunted around Jewell?
I have heard there is alot of ekl in the area.
Black-tailed bandit":2zrm0t53 said:
I'll be going back to the Salmonberry/Nehalem river area in the Tillamook National Forrest(north west Oregon. Just hope that they are done logging (according to what they should on Ax men they are I'll have to go check it out to be sure) so I can get back to some good three year old clear cuts!

I just drove through there this week and it was snowing pretty good. :shock: I was hoping for a vacation from the snow when I went over there.
Walleyes and Prairie Dogs... :grin: :lol:

Cant wait to chase Ol Mongo this fall tho.. But I am really pumped for my daughters youth hunt this Sept. Soon as the range dries up out we go with the 243 & 257 to find out which she prefers.. I am hoping like heck she gets a chance at Mongo or at least one of his brothers...

Till then, Walleyes and PD's are the ticket..

Slow goats and Axis. Two more weeks until our week for Axis. Horns should be hard by then. Chomping at the bit.
Sounds like a lot of good hunting is to be had. I 've been listening to and seeing turkeys for a couple of weeks and the season opened last Saturday but they stopped comming all the way up to my place.(DRATS). I'm wearing out my shotgun running back and forth to the creekbottom. :( Anyway it's good to hear I'm not the only one chomping at the bit.

Great Hunting
Elkhunt :grin:

Its in our blood, always awaiting the next season. :lol:

1 turkey
1 elk
1 mule deer
3 antelope
countless varmint and small game.
Just bought deer, bear and cougar tags for Washington, as well as a small game license and a fishing license. Out nearly $120 for it all - and haven't applied for any "special permit" hunts yet - they're not avail until later this month. When they're avail, I'll put in for a late season buck hunt, as well as tags for mountain goat and bighorn sheep. Slim, really slim, possibility of drawing either the goat or the ram permit. Maybe on the late season mulie...

Bought same for my 16 year old son. Our big focus every year is a family & friends mule deer hunt in October. We don't have a high success rate, usually one or two of us bags a mulie buck. Young John will also be putting in for a late season doe tag. Pretty good chance of success with one of those in hand! My wife is not fond of elk meat - so I don't hunt them anymore. Phooey. Plenty of bear here, good chance of that. Cougar? They're here - it's finding them that's tough! Grouse & pheasant, and maybe turkey too... We'll see. Am sure hoping to get out for some springtime varmint shooting as well!

Still debating about grabbing an Idaho non-resident deer license. Need to make up my mind on that soon.

Big trip this year is to Alaska in September for silver salmon on the fly rod! :grin: Dad and I do this every few years, and it's great!

Good luck to all you hunters & fishermen! Regards, Guy
Guy, Good luck on the hunts and fishing. Went to Alaska (Shelter Island) with 14 friends last August. One big fishing/drinking fest. Just love to catch and eat halibuts. (Did I mention drinking!) :lol:
Well Russ, I'm not too much of a drinker - a glass of wine with dinner is nice - but yup - I surely do love Alaska. Only get up there every few years, first trip was in the 1970's. What a place!

Not sure I'll ever hunt there, the prices are pretty steep, but I do like the fishing & backpacking.

Regards, Guy
Guy, I'm like you. I like a good glass of wine. I like to watch my friends get drunk, and do silly stuff. Better that TV. I try to get up there every three years or so. Its beautiful country, but your right, hunting is pricey. I'm like you, I'll stick to fishing.
Spring Bear in Alberta - opens April 17 but its a bit early still-with lots of snow in northern Alberta. Ater that will be elk/moose/WT & mulies come the fall, maybe a few Ruff grouse. Maybe if lucky get drawn or Big Horn Sheep in one of the trophy zones (9years + and waiting)
Colorado this year for mule deer. This is going to be my first trip to the Rockies, that is, if I get drawn. :wink: