I'm going to try it ...!!!


Jan 14, 2008
I purchased a couple of Boyds laminated stocks two Savages I have. They are stainless 116 and a 16. One was already in a Accustock but the other was in a cheap plastic stock.

Bedding these two stocks.
I purchased alum pillars and Devcon with steel. Also mold release agent and wax. I've not done this before but have watched plenty of videos and read the "How To" articles all over the internet.

If anyone has any hints or tips I would appreciate it. I'm going to take pics and notes when I do this for a record and I plan on doing this to most of my rifles that are not already sitting on an aluminum bed.
As busy as it is right now it will be a few weeks before I do this.
Thanks in advance.
I've done if a few times now. I used the "Acraglas" kit, which worked pretty well. But it's not rocket science, nor do I think you need one of these kinds of kits. Just worked out, and was cheap enough.

Just make sure you have release agent over everything. The one 'pucker' moments I always have is when its cured, and time to separate the stock from the action. :mrgreen: I'm always sweating permanently epoxying the stock to the action. :shock: Never happened of course.

It's not at all hard. Kind of a fun project.
I used about 2.25-2.5 oz of Devcon, but had mixed 4 oz the first time and 3 oz for the rem 700 I did. Surely better to have more mixed up than not having enough, but I'd say if you have anything else needing Devcon, have it ready for when you are done with the action.

I had about 30-45 minutes of cleaning up the squeeze out, and it was still flowing so don't feel rushed.

Put release agent on everything and be mindful of where you put your hands. Devcon magically gets everywhere.

Lastly, pictures :)
Standard auto body filler works. Then use Dish washing liquid as a release agent. I have used Acraglass before and Bondo works the same way.
Put release agent even in places you think the epoxy can't get. (y)
Use extra release agent.
Good tape to wrap the barrel for free floating.
Someone may have already mentioned it, but use an adequate amount of release agent.
I use Kiwi neutral shoe polish as a release agent with Devcon. A couple of notes:

1. Float the rear tang on your Savages. I usually place 2-3 layers of blue masking tape under the tang, and that works well.

2. Do not leave extra release agent on the action. Apply, buff off. Apply, buff off. Apply, buff off. Think of it as putting wax on your car. Just like you remove the wax, you remove the release agent. You do NOT need to "see" it on the action before you bed. It will be there. If you can see it, your bedding job will look like $#!+. The only reason I do it 3 times is because shoe polish is cheap, and I want to be sure I didn't miss any areas. I just use old t-shirts to remove it.

3. Q-tips lightly wettened with WD-40 works great to remove the extra bedding agent that will squish everywhere. It works especially well with Devcon.

4. As with most jobs, preparation takes a lot longer than actually bedding.

5. Once I mix the Devcon, it's usually an hour until I am fully finished with the job and leave it alone to cure overnight.

6. I have boxes of gloves from the office, and use them when bedding. You WILL get some on your fingers and not know what to do next.

7. Play-Doh works great to fill holes.

8. Put release agent on the Play-Doh as well as any tape that you do not want the Devcon to stick to. Otherwise, it will stick.

Good luck!
Let us know how you like the Boyd's stocks and post pics as you go. Good luck.