Is the bull Barrel wortth it.


Sep 10, 2006
I have a burr under my saddle for a 22 Mag. I have settled on a Savage but price is always an issue. Ive found on older (no Accu-trigger) FV (Bull Barrel) that is overpriced at $280. MSRP on theSavage web site is $287 for the FV with an Accu.... Needless to say that one is staying there. However I found a used standard barrel with an Accu- trigger for $190 in very good shape. So is the bull barrel really worth the bucks? I will shoot it primarily off the bench but have no need to shoot it hot. In your opinion does a Bull barrel guarentee, on average, a more accurate rifle in say a cold barrel 5 shot group.?
Bull barrels simply mean it will heat up slower and if it tends o warp as it gets hot it will do so at a slower rate. You can have a pencil thin barrel that is as accurate as a bull
Depends on how much you shoot it.
Just going to shoot 5 rounds at a time, heating will not be an issue.
Going to shoot 100-200 rounds at a sittling, like shooting p-dogs in Wyoming, South Dakota, then you might want the bull barrel.
I'd go with #2 but by the time I'd get it shipped to me it'd be 300 bucks. Still busy talking myself out of anything. This procrastinating I do has lost me more rifles and saved my more money.....CL