Load for 375 H&H and 260gr Accubonds (Done!)

Guy Miner":1opwg90j said:
Best of luck!

At the range and on the hunt. The ammo looks good.

Thanks Guy :) ..I well post a range report this Sunday with photos as well, so far, my rifle seems to digest everything well, so I'm crossing my fingers with this load :wink:

That should about do to stand you in good stead for the hunts you have planned.
Very nice Lou! Can't wait to see the range report. I am thinking you'll have a quick trip and some rounds left over for moose.

Ammo looks great! Your buddy does very nice work.

Those loads look great!
They will put the smack down on anything you plan on hunting.
Looking forward to your range report.

SJB358":196e5p41 said:
Very nice Lou! Can't wait to see the range report. I am thinking you'll have a quick trip and some rounds left over for moose.

Ammo looks great! Your buddy does very nice work.

Thanks Scotty, Jim,Mike and everyone else :) ..Yes I owe it all to Frank, he's been reloading for 30 + years, and has killed a lot of animals with his loads, he also shoots for competition as well. I look forward to shooting the 260gr Accubonds this weekend, although I have a bunch of loaded 300gr Oryx bullets, I much prefer the AccuBond on this hunt since I'm only taking the 1 rifle in my pelican hard case. I hope they shoot well for me, if not, the Oryx gets the nod, or the 7mag and 160gr partitions. I don't really have much time left, 2 more weeks and the fun all starts, moose or not :wink:
I ran into this thread trying to find a powder to reload my 260 gr .375 H&H Accubonds with. I've used factory ammo and ammo reloaded with RL 15 for years out of my Blaser R93 with a Swarovski 2-12, and keyholing my shots at 200 yards at the range. FYI, the factory ammo has demonstrated the same accuracy and trajectory as the reloads which had 76 gr of RL 15. I've been holding onto 100 bullets and brass waiting for some RL 15 to show up for well over 13 years now. I think I might have actually found some...fingers crossed. More importantly, as this thread is 16 years old, what happened at the range with those reloads, and what happened to that moose, and if my RL 15 source dead-ends, does anybody have any suggestions on a powder?
Perhaps of interest, this is bragging rights of the AccuBond. I've never used a range finder other than an "After-the-fact" tool for curiosity. I've ended every hunt in one shot (coyotes, antelope, black bear, elk), I've never tracked an animal more than 100 yards, my scope's reticle is a simple crosshair, and I average over 200 yard shots, my longest being 358. I try to always shoot only where I'm comfortable. The point being, these Accubonds are the real deal, they perform, I never had this success with the bullets I used when I was younger.
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I ran into this thread trying to find a powder to reload my 260 gr .375 H&H Accubonds with. I've used factory ammo and ammo reloaded with RL 15 for years out of my Blaser R93 with a Swarovski 2-12, and keyholing my shots at 200 yards at the range. FYI, the factory ammo has demonstrated the same accuracy and trajectory as the reloads which had 76 gr of RL 15. I've been holding onto 100 bullets and brass waiting for some RL 15 to show up for well over 13 years now. I think I might have actually found some...fingers crossed. More importantly, as this thread is 16 years old, what happened at the range with those reloads, and what happened to that moose, and if my RL 15 source dead-ends, does anybody have any suggestions on a powder?
Perhaps of interest, this is bragging rights of the AccuBond. I've never used a range finder other than an "After-the-fact" tool for curiosity. I've ended every hunt in one shot (coyotes, antelope, black bear, elk), I've never tracked an animal more than 100 yards, my scope's reticle is a simple crosshair, and I average over 200 yard shots, my longest being 358. I try to always shoot only where I'm comfortable. The point being, these Accubonds are the real deal, they perform, I never had this success with the bullets I used when I was younger.

Welcome to the forum, and my goodness you did dig up an old thread.

I haven't been able to find any RL-15 in a long time, but that's okay, I switched over to H4350 with very good results using the same 260 grain Nosler AccuBond. This is data from Hodgdon's online reloading data center:


Regards, Guy
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Guy, thank you for forwarding that data, it's eye opening. I've got plenty of H4350 I can play with, I've just been too resistant to change. JD338 and Fotis, I researched CFE223, but I hadn't given it real consideration as I had been given one bad word-of-mouth about its use in large caliber magnum rounds, but you've re-peaked my interest. What I'm really curious about, Fotis is the performance you're getting from Leverevolution, speed and accuracy. I own and shoot a lot of lever action rifles and the Leverevolution ammunition has been a game changer in my opinion, but I've never given any thought to the powder.

In all, thank you for the responses, what I'm having to admit is that maybe there's no easy fix. But, it will be fun working up several loads and testing the results. I'll start with the powders I've got, H4350 and CFE223, maybe even H4895, and I'm going straight to researching Leverevolution Powder. Follow-up to come.
Guy, thank you for forwarding that data, it's eye opening. I've got plenty of H4350 I can play with, I've just been too resistant to change. JD338 and Fotis, I researched CFE223, but I hadn't given it real consideration as I had been given one bad word-of-mouth about its use in large caliber magnum rounds, but you've re-peaked my interest. What I'm really curious about, Fotis is the performance you're getting from Leverevolution, speed and accuracy. I own and shoot a lot of lever action rifles and the Leverevolution ammunition has been a game changer in my opinion, but I've never given any thought to the powder.

In all, thank you for the responses, what I'm having to admit is that maybe there's no easy fix. But, it will be fun working up several loads and testing the results. I'll start with the powders I've got, H4350 and CFE223, maybe even H4895, and I'm going straight to researching Leverevolution Powder. Follow-up to come.

Good luck on your load development - and we're looking forward to seeing your results. The good old 375 H&H has a lot of friends here on the Nosler Forum.
