375 H&H Magnum Favorite Loads

I agree with you Scotty. I've got 2 boxes of Speer 285 gr Grand Slams to try . Who knows, at $37 a box, it could become my new favorite.

I've been playing with seating depth and pretty much have the Speer 270 gr SPBT where it needs to be. Just a few clicks East.


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I haven't run a full power load in my .375 H&H in years. Rifle is a Ruger #1 and I mostly shoot a 270 gr. Cast bullet (RCBS #37-250-FN) over IIRC, 53.0 gr. IMR4350. Load was made to practice a rapid reload in the Ruger. Never chronographed the load but I estimate somewhere around 2100 FPS. Recoil is about like a hot loaded 30-06 with a 220 gr. bullet. Accuracy at 100 yards runs around 1.5 to 2.0". Usually did the rapid reloads at two targets, one at 50 yards and the other at 25 yards. I'd shoot the one at 50 yards and quickly reload to hit the 25 yard target. Lots of fun. Usually ran 20 rounds and called it good. Otherwise it could be too much of a good thing.
Paul B.
I have a Nosler M21 375 H&H Magnum arriving next week. I've got new R-P brass, Nosler 260 gr AB, Hornady 270 gr IL, Speer 270 gr SP, and 285 gr Grand Slams along with Varget, RL15 and IMR4064 on hand. I would really like to get more 260 gr AB's if anyone has some extras laying around. What are your favorite loads?
Thanks fellas!

RL 15 and I would suspect the new Reloader 15.5 would be excellent in the 375 HH had several over the years all Sako’s and 260 Accubonds .
RL 15 and I would suspect the new Reloader 15.5 would be excellent in the 375 HH had several over the years all Sako’s and 260 Accubonds .
I had no idea such a thing existed until you mentioned it. Excellent concept, but that looks a LOT like my bottles of plain old RL-15; I can see accidents happening.
I had no idea such a thing existed until you mentioned it. Excellent concept, but that looks a LOT like my bottles of plain old RL-15; I can see accidents happening.
I believe the grain weight between the two will be so small it will make no difference. They are basically the same burn rate just with additive for temp stability…..that’s all . I had no problem with RL 15 in 375 HH actually it was excellent with 260 AB.
I believe if you dig deep enough no matter what powder you use it will not be 100% stable against temp no matter what the manufacturer says. They all will deviate velocity based on temp some just more than others. My days with the 375 HH and 375 Ruger was about 5 years unless I was going in the costal Alaska big bear country I have no use for anything bigger that a .338 dia here in Alaska.
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I've been working on a couple of loads for the 375.
250 gr TTSX and 260 gr AB.
I've been using RL15 and Varget with the 250 TTSX and trying different seating depths but couldn't seem to shake the flyer. Thought I would try CFE 223 and appears I may be into something. The group went .990".

I had the same issue with the 260 AB and RL15. Time to try something different so my next step was Varget. Not sure about the first shot but 2&3 cut the same hole. Need to reshoot it and maybe seat a tad deeper. I think I'm getting there.


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Looking good Jim. I'm interested in that Varget load you have going there. My loaded 260 AccuBond stash is getting low and my current load is with RL15 which I haven't seen in years up here. Looks like you should have her dialed in soon.