375 H&H Magnum Favorite Loads

Way to go Jim! What kind of groups did you get with that load? Also H414 (AKA Win 760) works well in it as mentioned above.
I used the Sierra 300 SBT and 76gr WW760 for a 300 grainer.
My friend and I use WW 760 for 300 grainers. I noticed that both our 260 grain (RL-15) a 300 grain (WW760) are hotter. Perhaps it has to do with our selection of primers. We use Remington 9 1/2 Magnum. Rifles used, 3 different M70 CRF
I shot the 375 H&H off the bench in the pole barn and got the following results.
Nosler 260 gr AB
69.0 grs RL15 (Guy Minor's load)
Avg MV 2745
ES 16
SD 6
Speer 270 gr Boat Tail
70.0 grs Varget
Avg MV 2743
ES 2
SD 1
Need to play with the seating depth



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I bet RL17 would wake that baby up. Can’t dismiss those ES and SD numbers.
Great numbers all around right there. Shouldn't be much tinkering left to do for bugholes.
My 260 AccuBond load in my 700 is loaded to max box length and still jumps a full .260" to the lands. Shoots moa or better depending on me that particular day. Was kind of surprised when I worked it up actually. I know Accubonds like a jump but dang.
I have a Nosler M21 375 H&H Magnum arriving next week. I've got new R-P brass, Nosler 260 gr AB, Hornady 270 gr IL, Speer 270 gr SP, and 285 gr Grand Slams along with Varget, RL15 and IMR4064 on hand. I would really like to get more 260 gr AB's if anyone has some extras laying around. What are your favorite loads?
Thanks fellas!

thats great Jim, congratulations. You will enjoy that rifle/caliber

you did not mention where you were taking the rifle to hunt, but if it will be used on any of the dangerous 7, I would respectively suggest ( as your second shot ) a

solid. We used GSC Flat Nose monolith solids and they worked well. Woodleigh, bitterroot, and North fork are no more, so I would probably also be looking at Nosler and Swift ------BUT, like me, anything I suggest is "yesterday" You and the boys have a much better idea of whats the hottest thing on the market today.

thats great Jim, congratulations. You will enjoy that rifle/caliber

you did not mention where you were taking the rifle to hunt, but if it will be used on any of the dangerous 7, I would respectively suggest ( as your second shot ) a

solid. We used GSC Flat Nose monolith solids and they worked well. Woodleigh, bitterroot, and North fork are no more, so I would probably also be looking at Nosler and Swift ------BUT, like me, anything I suggest is "yesterday" You and the boys have a much better idea of whats the hottest thing on the market today.


Northforks are available again!
thats great Jim, congratulations. You will enjoy that rifle/caliber

you did not mention where you were taking the rifle to hunt, but if it will be used on any of the dangerous 7, I would respectively suggest ( as your second shot ) a

solid. We used GSC Flat Nose monolith solids and they worked well. Woodleigh, bitterroot, and North fork are no more, so I would probably also be looking at Nosler and Swift ------BUT, like me, anything I suggest is "yesterday" You and the boys have a much better idea of whats the hottest thing on the market today.

Thank you for your words of wisdom!
I'm planning on a grizzly bear hunt and an African safari. I would like to use the 375 on buffalo. Both of those would be hunted with 300 gr PT's. Not sure I could afford hunting the other species of DG that would require solid. I definitely will look at the GSC monolithic solids and take some to Africa just in case. I will let you know when we get serious about going to Africa. I am really liking the 375 H&H Mag.

I do not get too tied up with SD #'s. Remember SD is a measure of uniformity. Thus a load can be uniformly accurate and uniformly inaccurate. I have run into that and the opposite. That said Jim, you are on your way!
Thank you for your words of wisdom!
I'm planning on a grizzly bear hunt and an African safari. I would like to use the 375 on buffalo. Both of those would be hunted with 300 gr PT's. Not sure I could afford hunting the other species of DG that would require solid. I definitely will look at the GSC monolithic solids and take some to Africa just in case. I will let you know when we get serious about going to Africa. I am really liking the 375 H&H Mag.

Let me know about Africa. I might go with you.

Northforks are available again!
Good !

Woodleigh is also suppose to manufacture some of the bullets they once made, but not all

Does anyone know if someone has purchased the equipment from whoever inherited it, at Alaska Bullet Works and are there any plans to produce bullets in the future or, is this another one that is gone forever. Rhino is another. These private small companies produce good products but nobody has the knowledge or inclination to keep the business operating when the current owners retire or pass on. In Woodleighs case it was a fire and lack of enthusiasm to "reboot", at least until they traveled a bit and then only on a smaller scale. However; others pop up. A good one who makes copper bullets in Montana is off and running, but I am forgetting their name. I hate old age ! But it is very hard to go wrong using Nosler and Swift products so it is not like we have no place to buy good bullets. ;)

Jim, the Cape Buffalo is a wonderful hunt, especially when one of them takes exception to your hunting him ;) IMHO, I would still use a solid for my second shot, but it does not need to be a solid from GSC, that just happen to be a "solid" we had good luck with. Yes, the elephant and lion hunts have gotten crazy expense. I believe the only country that still allows "REAL" Rhino hunts in Namibia and they are crazy expense ( the other countries allow you to "dart " a Rhino, but not shoot him. And leopards are so damn boring and expensive. Dont discount a hippo hunt, as they can certainly get your attention quick and are not that expense ( in comparison )

What country will you be hunting ?

Thank you for the sound advice on using a solid for follow up shots on Cape Buffalo. Over penetration isn't going to be a concern on a buff that you're trying to stop. It makes a lot of sense to me.
Not sure what country in Africa at this time. Target species would be Kudu, Water Buck, and Cape Buffalo.

Jim, you can find them and hunt them in several countries in Africa. I respectfully recommend Tanzania

You can also hunt Gemsbok in Tanzania, but if Gemsbok was your prime hunt list, I would recommend the Kalahari Desert in Namibia.

If time permits, visiting places like Victoria Falls, Cape Town, Table Mtn, and several other locations, are worth a look. Try as many of the different game meals as you can and both fortunately an unfortunately the camps have gotten nicer and nicer. But if the opportunity presents itself to "rough it", so to speak one night, you might enjoy it. The "sounds" of Africa take on an entirely different meaning when your camped among them ;)

As my time comes to an end the safari's in Africa certainly do occupy my mind. Fotis said he would go with you and that is always a good thing to have a friend go with you. You will share the memories with each other for years, after the hunt.

You might even make it a group hunt. Salmonchaser said he would like to go back and Guy is headed that way. How much fun would it be for you, Fotis, Salmonchaser, and Guy to spend a month hunting Africa together :) Just a thought
Thank you for this information, it is very valuable to me! I'm going to be retiring in the spring of next year and we definitely want to spend some time in Africa taking in the sights. Victoria Falls is a destination that you have mentioned in the past.
A group hunt would certainly be a fun adventure for everyone.

Anyone have any pet loads using Varget or IMR 4350?
I’m loading 300gr partitions and found some Nosler solids to load also.
It’s going to be my primary rifle in Africa next year.
I used 235 grn barns in it previously.
Good !

Woodleigh is also suppose to manufacture some of the bullets they once made, but not all

Does anyone know if someone has purchased the equipment from whoever inherited it, at Alaska Bullet Works and are there any plans to produce bullets in the future or, is this another one that is gone forever. Rhino is another. These private small companies produce good products but nobody has the knowledge or inclination to keep the business operating when the current owners retire or pass on. In Woodleighs case it was a fire and lack of enthusiasm to "reboot", at least until they traveled a bit and then only on a smaller scale. However; others pop up. A good one who makes copper bullets in Montana is off and running, but I am forgetting their name. I hate old age ! But it is very hard to go wrong using Nosler and Swift products so it is not like we have no place to buy good bullets. ;)

Jim, the Cape Buffalo is a wonderful hunt, especially when one of them takes exception to your hunting him ;) IMHO, I would still use a solid for my second shot, but it does not need to be a solid from GSC, that just happen to be a "solid" we had good luck with. Yes, the elephant and lion hunts have gotten crazy expense. I believe the only country that still allows "REAL" Rhino hunts in Namibia and they are crazy expense ( the other countries allow you to "dart " a Rhino, but not shoot him. And leopards are so damn boring and expensive. Dont discount a hippo hunt, as they can certainly get your attention quick and are not that expense ( in comparison )

What country will you be hunting ?
Lotsa good bullets out there right now for sure!

I think Hammer is what you're thinking of in Montana, which seem very close to how you all described the GSC bullets in the past.

I know nowadays, doting on a single bullet and selling your left leg to get it seems almost crazy, as there are always a 1/2 dozen other great ones available to step right up.

Nice thing about the Hammers is they're available when a person wants them.