Load questions for 6.5x55

Cornfield SWO

Aug 16, 2007
I am working up a load for a late season cow elk/doe antelope hunt for my sporterized Swede M96. I had planned on using 140gr Nosler Partitions, but haven't been able to get very good groups with the first few loads I tried. Although I haven't seen any keyholing, I think this is probably due to the fact the rifle was rebarreled to one with a 1 in 9" rate. I will continue to play with the 140s, but I bought a box of 130 gr ABs I hope will stabilize a little better.

Has anyone on the board had success with these bullets and either IMR 4831 or 4064 with the slower twist barrel?

I'm am a little concerned about the lower weight bullet for elk. I already know I will have to be more selective in the shots I take, but since I am already pre-disposed toward taking a 1.5 yr old calf vice a full grown cow I don't think this 130 should be a problem as long as I do my part - any opinions?

I've had this rifle for a few years since I re-barrelled and re-stocked it, but deployments have gotten in the way with really playing with it until now. I've got other rifles I can take if I can't get this one figured out, but I'd really like to get this particular rifle out in the field again. It's a nice carrying, light recoil option that I intend my daughter and two sons to use when they get old enough.

With a 22" light contour barrel, I'm not expecting 1/4" groups, but I think I should be able to get at least get 1 - 1.5" groups and not have to settle for the 2.5 - 4" groups I've been getting so far. The action is glass bedded and the barrel is free floated. All the action screws are tight, as are the scope rings/bases. I haven't played with the seating distance of the bullets on the 140s yet and will do that next in conjunction with working up loads for the 130s.

Thanks in advance for any help the board members can provide. I'm new to the board, but this looks like a great place to put on my "Favorites" list.
My two 260 Remingtons have a 1/9 twist and work fine with 140 gr bullets at the same velocities as the Swede gives.
Have you tried R22 with your 140 Partition? I have found this powder to be amoung the best for the Swede with 129 and 140 gr bullets in mine and be sure to tweek the OAL. I have had 3 different Swedes and still have one, although all are 1/8 twist barrels, they all did much better the you are reporting. Top accuracy does in my limited experiance however come at higher velocity, around 27-2750 fps.
IF your accuracy issue is a question of stability, I don't think the 130 gr AccuBond will help solve it. The 130 gr AccuBond is very long, longer than the Partition, even longer than the Sierra 140 gr Gameking boat tail. So if your barrel won't stabilize the Partition, then it won't be able to stabilize the AccuBond. On the other hand, maybe it just doesn't like the partitions, and may shoot fine with the Accubonds. I waited a long time for the Accubonds ot come out for my Howa 1500 in 6.5x55, since it wouldn't shoot the Ballistic Tips at all. Sadly, it does even worse with the Accubonds, so I guess I am condemned to "red box hell" for the remaining time I own this rifle. It does shoot acceptably with Hxxxxxxx 129 gr and 140 gr Spire Points, I just wish it would shoot some noslers. I guess I will have to try some partitions, I just don't think they should be necessary at 2500 fps at the muzzle.
In the meantime, my .270WSM shoots the 140 gr Accubonds extremely well, and I have some 100 gr Solid Bases to try to see if they can match the performance of the 95 gr Ballistic Tips in my Stevens .243.
I'm am a little concerned about the lower weight bullet for elk. I already know I will have to be more selective in the shots I take, but since I am already pre-disposed toward taking a 1.5 yr old calf vice a full grown cow I don't think this 130 should be a problem as long as I do my part - any opinions?

The more I consider this, the more I think you could get by with another bullet. The fact you are taking a smaller young animal adds a lot more bullet choice. The Swedes have used the 6.5 on moose for a century with std cup and core bullets and good results. A young elk is no harder to kill. The fact you are not seeing instability leads me to believe the rifle simply doesn`t like Partitons, not an unusuall event. I have a few rifles that show a marked preferance for one brand/stytle of same wgt bullet over others. I`d try 1st adjusting the COL of the bullet and see if a different distance to the lands improves your accuracy, and if not try another of similar wgt.

The 6.5 140 gr Sierra (I know blasphamy) was wrote up by Finn Aaguaard as having the same penitration as a 180 gr Cor Lokt from his 30-06 in newspaper when fired from a 6.5x55. I doubt any elk would stand to a good hit with either bullet in the proper place.

The 125 Partition might also be a good 2nd choice as suggested. It should drive deep and open well on the smaller antelope. The lighter bullet at a bit higher velocity might also add a few needed yds of range to your load if a longer shot is all you are offered on your goat.
Cornfield SWO,

I second using Reloder 22 in your 6.5x55 with 140's.

I just finished developing a load with 140 Partitions in my M70 Featherweight and settled on 46.2 grains of RL-22 in Lapua brass with CCI 200 primers. I'm getting 2575 fps out of a 20" barrel and sub-MOA groups. I wouldn't hesitate to use this for elk, however, I would avoid taking shots over 200 yards.

Good luck!
I have had good success with Rl22 in my M70 Swede.
I am using 46.5 gr in Lapua brass, Fed210M primers.
I see 2600-2650fps, and 3/4" 5shot groups with the 140gr Partition.
Thanks to everyone who replied. I finally got out to the range this weekend to check out some of the loads I had put together with RL-22 and IMR-4064. I think I can conclude that my rifle is VERY finnicky about what it likes and doesn't like. Across different loads for two bullets and two powders I got groups ranging from .528" to over 4.5". Each charge was hand weighed and the bullets were seated .015" from the lands using new Lapua brass and CCI Large Rifle primers. I'm pretty confident the larger groups were due to the rifle and not the shooter or inconsistent loads. The better loads were:

130 gr AccuBond/45gr RL-22 - .528"
140gr Partition/35gr IMR 4064 - .664"

On a few of the loads on either side of the two loads above I had very significant vertical stringing. The groups were all about 4" from top to bottom, but only .163" to ..450" from side to side. I thought I had let the barrel cool sufficiently between shots, but perhaps not? Does any one think the vertical stringing was due to the barrel heating up vice an issue with the individual load. The two loads above and the rest of the not so good groups were all triangle shaped groups for three shot groups, so I don't think I was an issue with me pulling the shots into a vertical string.

Anyway, thanks again for the suggestions. I've got a couple decent loads for this fall's hunt and to play with in more detail later. Unfortunately, I forgot to change the battery in my Chrony, so I didn't get any velocity data. I'll load up some more rounds in the two loads I settled on and get it then I guess. I'm pretty confident the elk and antelope won't care to much though.
Had to jump in on the bullet weight concern. I'm quickly becoming a .260 fan. I purchased a youth Model 7 a few years back for my wife. It's taken several cow elk with the 120gr B-tip. Do your part and the 130's will be great.
Thanks again to all who provided suggestions. My rifle season is wrapped up for the year. My freezer is happy. I was able to take a smallish 8pt whitetail and a very large cow elk with my 6.5. With the 130 ABs and RL22 the accuracy and bullet performace was exactly what I needed. Looks like I've found the load to stick with now.

The whitetail was a double lung shot at ~40yds. Recovery was less than 30yds with a nice blood trail. Entry hole was caliber size and the exit hole about the size of a quarter.

The cow was a bang-flop neck shot at 80yds. I don't prefer neck shots, but I was hunting in some fairly thick timber and the only opening through the trees was the neck. Similar performance as the whitetail on entry/exit wound.
For good accuracy with this bullet weight I use Norma MRP which is much similar to RL22, my prefered bullet in 6.5/.264 is Hornady SST 140 grain