Magnum Rifle Primers

Aussie Wanderer

May 5, 2022
Just wondering if your supplies in the States has improved? Really skinny on the ground here in Australia and am hoping we get some more soon and using you guys as a lead indicator.
They're available online just about anytime, although the supply on hand is low and goes pretty quick, but if you're tenacious you can easily get them. You can't be picky over brand, though.
Was told by a fellow range member there were Federal 215 primers at a store I sometimes go to for $15.00 per hundred. I didn't bother to go look. Dan.
Oops, they had primiers, Federal and CCI, but I did not check what they were exactly. Anywhere between $9/100 and and $12/100 with 200 primer limit. My other LGS sent emails they have primers, but I never stopped in to check prices.
Primer prices are now very high in UK anywhere from £14-£17 / 100 if you can find them. Most dealers here will now only sell you one or two hundred not like a couple of years ago when it was easy to buy 1000
depending on case capacity and temp using in you can/could use non-magnum (less than 65grs) as those are almost as bad to obtain in any flavor. i've seen large mag primers lately from 12-35 cents per with a 200 limit (except for the high dollar 1's). i saw 35's for sale @ $1.20/per..........sure glad i don't need those!
i've seen this on many other forums where new members post like this and never seen again or just change names..............i'll never buy from a site that doesn't accept cc's as that's the only protection you have!
most of the time there's no phone number to call and when checking posted location it's fishy/pfishy
I haven't been able to find large rifle primers of any variety, mag or regular. Small pistol & small rifle are at most LGS's around here.