New Hat.

Excellent Don. It's very rewarding to help the kids out. One thing to note, many of these young ladies outshoot the boys. We always get a chuckle out of it. Sue and I are both State certified Hunter Safety Instructors. It's been almost 20 years for me. Its a good time for sure.

Way to go. Most fun you can have away from a bedroom. I did for 16 years until my bad knees aand some plotics got involved. I probably would have kept it up except for the knees. I do miss it though. Most of the instructors I worked with ave either dropped out or passed away. AX fish & Game started having the game smokies take over teaching and putting experienced instructors off to the side as gofers. Bewtween that and the knees I finally said to hell with it.
Paul B.
Thanks Don- family commitments meant that I had to stop instructing many years ago. Always appreciate those who pick up the flag. Thansk CL