New Henry rifle on my wish list


May 16, 2016
Ever since buying my first Henry 45-70 several years ago, I've been bitten by the bug. I'm now up to 5: two 45-70's, two 45 Colts, and a pump 22. I thought I was done...until today. That's when I found out that Henry and Remington are releasing a new cartridge and rifle, called the 360 Buckhammer. It's essentially a 30-30 case blown out to a straight wall, loaded with 180 or 200gr .358 bullets. Designed as a lever-action competitor to the 350 Legend, primarily for Eastern and Midwestern states. The specs on the cartridge are superior to both the 350 Legend and 35 Remington and the 30-30. There's a lot to recommend a load like that. I figure I'll jump on another Henry when they come out.

Interesting. Will open up a lot of doors particularly in states where straight wall cartridges are required. Maybe more people will discover the virtues of a 35 caliber soft nose bullet moving at those speeds in typical shorter range hunting scenario's. Should be a dandy cartridge.

I don't agree though that it is superior to the 35 Rem in modern rifles. Maybe in factory ammo that is kept at low pressures in the 35 Rem. They are showing a MV of 2217 with the 200 gr core lokt, I'm averaging 2325 and have room to move up pressure wise if I'd switch to a faster powder, but have no desire to.

I am glad a cartridge like this is coming down the pike. Factory ammo being pumped out for a new cartridge in those wonderful RN versions of this bullet, maybe, just maybe, that bullet will become available for reloading once again. Also showing a 180 version.......I'd be all over trying that bullet as well if it was available.
I'm guessing max psi is low in order to function in a henry? Rem's version of Hornady's legend with just being a tad bigger. For those who don't have a lever gun it could be nice for them, but I already have a 44mag and 45-70..........I'll pass. The only reason I'd get a legend is you can fmj's for it and use it in an AR. Would be nice if it were rimless, but Rem's trying to make the rim peeps happy I guess?
I'm guessing max psi is low in order to function in a henry? Rem's version of Hornady's legend with just being a tad bigger. For those who don't have a lever gun it could be nice for them, but I already have a 44mag and 45-70..........I'll pass. The only reason I'd get a legend is you can fmj's for it and use it in an AR. Would be nice if it were rimless, but Rem's trying to make the rim peeps happy I guess?
I think I read 50k PSI for the specs. The 350 Legend is 55k.
I think I read 50k PSI for the specs. The 350 Legend is 55k.

Be interesting to see what for speed powders are ideal and what the charge weights are for that cartridge whenever load data comes out for it. I don't know how it would end up when made into a straight wall case like that, but a regular 30-30 is about 6 grains less capacity than a 35 Remington.

If they are running that kind of pressure I'm thinking it will end up being fairly low charge weights of fast powder due in part to the case capacity, which will be impressive for that type of speed. A low recoil round with a lot of thump on game.
I read Boddington's article on it in Guns&Ammo. If not for the lever action fans kind of wonder, why Remington didn't straighten the 35 Rem case and shorten to comply with the straight wall case states. That way it would work in both bolt and lever actions. Not to mention if someone wanted it on an ar platform. Just a thought. Do hope the 180gr bullet is made available to reloaders but not holding my breath. Dan.
I read Boddington's article on it in Guns&Ammo. If not for the lever action fans kind of wonder, why Remington didn't straighten the 35 Rem case and shorten to comply with the straight wall case states. That way it would work in both bolt and lever actions. Not to mention if someone wanted it on an ar platform. Just a thought. Do hope the 180gr bullet is made available to reloaders but not holding my breath. Dan.
Remington chambered their M788 in 30-30 so I see no reason why the 360 can't also be chambered in a bolt action rifle. Come to think about it Savage also had a bolt action chambered in 30-30.
Remington chambered their M788 in 30-30 so I see no reason why the 360 can't also be chambered in a bolt action rifle. Come to think about it Savage also had a bolt action chambered in 30-30.
Oh, it definitely could, I'm just saying that's not the primary focus right now.
Remington chambered their M788 in 30-30 so I see no reason why the 360 can't also be chambered in a bolt action rifle. Come to think about it Savage also had a bolt action chambered in 30-30.

Yep, the 788 and the Savage 340 are the only bolt action rifles I can think of at the moment chambered in a 30-30. Likely was some others way back that I'm not aware of. Sears also sold a bolt 30-30 which was the Savage rifle but in Sears model number, but I forget what that model is.
Yep, the 788 and the Savage 340 are the only bolt action rifles I can think of at the moment chambered in a 30-30. Likely was some others way back that I'm not aware of. Sears also sold a bolt 30-30 which was the Savage rifle but in Sears model number, but I forget what that model is.
Sears/Roebuck 101
Remington chambered their M788 in 30-30 so I see no reason why the 360 can't also be chambered in a bolt action rifle. Come to think about it Savage also had a bolt action chambered in 30-30.
My brother and his buddy each have a Savage bolt. This opens the door for the 30/30 in bullet selection.
I have a 340; had it since I was a wee lad (or little turd, if you prefer). Sits in the closet with a Williams (style?) peep sight. Shoots just fine, but won't extract. I need a dowel and hammer to drive the case out. Just shooting factory Rem loads. Frustrating, but a fun little rifle. Doesn't really address the OP, though.

So, in that vein, maybe the solution to my extraction problem is to have the 340 recut to 360 BHMR... :unsure:
I think it will make a great little deer rifle, and I don’t need much of a reason to add another lever gun. You could probably buy Starline basic 30-30 brass, size it and trim. Basic brass hasn’t been sized or trimmed.
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