noise level


Dec 20, 2008
looking for a pest control/varmint round to use that would be somewhat quiet

I had been thinking 22wmr as I want a little more than I can get out of a 22lr

however I have an encore and have toyed with the idea of a hornet I dont want a 17 as I would like to be able to what a yote from the truck if needed so here are the rounds I am thinking of

22 hornet or k hornet maybe enlighten me on this round
221 fireball

all in a 20-24" encore barrel

also open to suggestions on barrel length

please dont mention a 17
Here is a list of calibers and their decibels...

223, 55GR. Commercial load 18 _" barrel 155.5dB
.243 in 22" barrel 155.9dB
.30-30 in 20" barrel 156.0dB
7mm Magnum in 20" barrel 157.5dB
.308 in 24" barrel 156.2dB
.30-06 in 24" barrel 158.5dB
.30-06 in 18 _" barrel 163.2dB
.375 — 18" barrel with muzzle brake 170 dB

Got that from another forum.

Not sure how loud the hornet would be. Some thoughts would be a subsonic round such as the .300whisper if you don't mind handloading. A friend uses it to take deer and loves it. He does it in an urban area with a supressor. Even without it is not as loud as a .223rem.
If the main goal is quiet, the longer the tube the less loud you report will be. You will always have the sonic crack, unless you choose a subsonic cartridge bullet combo, which I wouldn't do for varmint hunting.

Those cartridges you listed look like good choices. The K Hornet is just an improved 22 Hornet, ackleyized. Obviously the one with the least powder burnt will be the least loudest. I've always wanted a 221 FB.
Got to thinking about this earlier. If you don't mind a single shot then a Contender or Encore in 5.7x28 would be good. You can shoot a 40 grain Vmax with only 10 grains of Lil gun for about 2700 fps. Should be good for varmits and keep your noise down.
The hornet is a bit quieter than a 223.

There was a few years back in the Shotgun News some 220 grn 223 subsonic ammo. Wouldn't be very hard to duplicate with a 223 if you ran the numbers on Quickload or a powely slide and used a .224 cast bullet of 175-220 grns in a 223. would almost certainly be subsonic and yet still hold a reasonable level of energy out to 100 yds. Really be easy in a single shot rifle, just make sure when you open up your mold (to make the bullet heavier) that the bullet will be long with a very slight taper like a vld so it doesn't engage the rifling even with a really long COL.

jtoews80":3fkc9nbd said:
The hornet is a bit quieter than a 223.

There was a few years back in the Shotgun News some 220 grn 223 subsonic ammo. Wouldn't be very hard to duplicate with a 223 if you ran the numbers on Quickload or a powely slide and used a .224 cast bullet of 175-220 grns in a 223. would almost certainly be subsonic and yet still hold a reasonable level of energy out to 100 yds. Really be easy in a single shot rifle, just make sure when you open up your mold (to make the bullet heavier) that the bullet will be long with a very slight taper like a vld so it doesn't engage the rifling even with a really long COL.


How long is a .224 cal 175-220 gr bullet? How fast a twist would be required to stabilize? The 80 gr 224 cal is over 1 inch in length and requires a 1:8 twist.

Check into loading 223 with Blue dot and as heavy a bullet that will stabilize with your barrel's twist. Speer usually has a reduced load in their books also. Would save the expense of buying a hornet if you can find a reduced load for the 223.
For the $200 you`ll spend on a new barrel why not get licensed and have a silencer made? You can then use the one silencer on any firearm you have depending on what you want to shoot that day...screw on, screw off... :twisted:
silencer yeah right did you not see the heading on my avatar Nor Cal = california = not a chance besides I am really considering a 22 cal centerfire incase I shoot a deer with it then I am legal
The221 FireBall or 5.7 with reduced loads should work, just make sure you get a safe reduced load that won't "flash" and cause a huge pressure spike.

If you want something for big game and small that is quiet, check out the 300 Whisper cartridge.