Overdue thanks to a forum member!


May 18, 2011
I need to make right something I let sit too long...

I'm only here a few weeks, and when I was only here a few days, I received a very kind gesture from a forum member.

6mmRemington was selling some Leupold Standard bases/rings for a Winchester Model 70. I asked him a question about the fit of the rings, as I have the same rifle (model and caliber) they were intended for on his end.

He not only answered my question, he sent me the rings for all of $10! A very kind gesture from a forum member to someone he barely knew.

I really appreciate it, and the bases/rings are on my Model 70 and lookin' good!
David is a great guy, even though he does sport some extra body parts! The guys around here are awesome Tom. I have gotten much more in return than I have given, although it is hard to keep up. Seems my wife is always saying, "you got another box/package/etc"! Scotty
beretzs":7dkyfxiu said:
David is a great guy, even though he does sport some extra body parts! The guys around here are awesome Tom. I have gotten much more in return than I have given, although it is hard to keep up. Seems my wife is always saying, "you got another box/package/etc"! Scotty

I'm almost afraid to ask....

Tom that was awfully nice of you to say thanks like that, but you really didn't have to. I was more than happy to help you out. I really appreciate it and thanks!

Body parts...............hmmmmmmmmmm. Okay it's a nipple right! Now get over it! :grin: :oops: :shock: :lol: Had the darn thing for 50 years and never knew what it was until recently when I had my gall bladder taken out. Thought it was scar, a mole, or something. Anything but a nipple! Last thing on my mind!! You might have to ask Nodak7mm as he is frothing at the bit to divulge a little e-mail I sent to him, and has threatened to copy and paste it as "he thinks" it's pretty darn funny, but then Nodak does have a twisted sense of humor! Rod I hearby give you permission to post that e-mail as it's all in good fun, and I am laughing even as I write this. It's good clean humor and it won't offend anyone, and as I'm the person it's written about, who could possibly be offended? Fire Away! :mrgreen: :twisted: Give me your best shot. Guess you will just have to read all about it! :mrgreen: :oops:

Oh Scotty here I thought you were a friend too, but you also keep dropping these little snippets of information here and there, and I imagine people are wondering what the heck is all that about. You obviously cannot contain it any longer either so.......... Go ahead make their day. Just like I said there's not enough humor in our world, and a good laugh is always good for the soul.
tddeangelo":1jpw6c2i said:
He not only answered my question, he sent me the rings for all of $10! A very kind gesture from a forum member to someone he barely knew. I really appreciate it, and the bases/rings are on my Model 70 and lookin' good!

Tom forgot to add that he sent a check and I told him it bounced higher than a super ball dropped from the Empire State building, and just for a second he was concerned. I know, that's just mean! :mrgreen:
HA! Man, that was some funny when Rod wrote us about that. Such a nice guy with an extra nipple to boot. Man, maybe since you were given an extra nipple, the Lord blessed you with an extra large heart also! Your alright by me David. I am dieing to know what Rod has going on? I am sure his fingering teetering on the submit button right now! Scotty
Scotty I wrote him a little tale about my gall bladder surgery and my well check after the surgery was completed. It's kind of written in a humorous tone as it is pretty funny how it all went down. I believe he said he was peeing his pants he was laughing so hard.

When I was talking about you I was refering to the PM I sent you, Ackley, and Nodak. I figured he had e-mailed the letter to you guys so that's why I included you all in this as he felt you both would fall down laughing when you read it. Here he tricked me and didn't even send it and yet he got me to divulge my ugly little secret. Man is he sneaky or what! :twisted: :lol:
6mm Remington":3k8xtk2u said:
tddeangelo":3k8xtk2u said:
He not only answered my question, he sent me the rings for all of $10! A very kind gesture from a forum member to someone he barely knew. I really appreciate it, and the bases/rings are on my Model 70 and lookin' good!

Tom forgot to add that he sent a check and I told him it bounced higher than a super ball dropped from the Empire State building, and just for a second he was concerned. I know, that's just mean! :mrgreen:

You know, I'm just nervous enough about stuff like that that even though I am 1000% certain there was no issue, it made me have a "Oh *bleep*!!!!" moment and get worried. Thanks for the adrenalin rush, though. ;)

As for the spare parts, well....I can't really comment. I apparently came with some "onboard spare parts" as well.
David -
you would have enjoyed the email Rod sent Scotty and me :wink: . Like he said though, we would all be able to sit around a campfire and get a good chuckle out of it.
You know it's pretty funny how these forum items kind of take on a life of their own. This started as a wonderful sincere thanks and look at the direction it's gone! Pretty funny stuff. :lol: If you pay attention to them a guy will ask about a load on one particular rifle and the next thing you know we are talking about scpes, or dogs, or whatever it is. I'm beginning to think besides anal that most of us are a little A.D.D. as well! :mrgreen:
6mm Remington":ydo6cpmq said:
tddeangelo":ydo6cpmq said:
As for the spare parts, well....I can't really comment. I apparently came with some "onboard spare parts" as well.

Oh MY!

Dual aorta (apparently if I ever need an artery graft or bypass, I'm good shape, lol!), and a little stub that was the start of a 6th finger on my left hand. According to my parents, I was born, they took pics of my hand for a medical text book, and then they lopped it off, lol. Have a bump where it was on my left hand. Always wondered how I could get a copy of that text book, but it would have been from 1975, lol.
Heck RS3, thats what this place is, a support group..

Oh Hey, look a squirrel..... :lol:

I came without a good immune system but thanks to better life through chemistry, I am doing pretty well. now. As for ADD, I was an engineer so not, however I am probably OCD.
Charlie, thank you for all of the gear you sent my boy.

Just so you fellers know, Charlie sent my boy a bunch of 243 cases, loaded rounds and bullets. Plus some 300WBY cases, all for nothing. Can't beat this place. I think we have one of the best reps going for passing it around. Scotty
beretzs":op5lcv90 said:
Charlie, thank you for all of the gear you sent my boy.

Just so you fellers know, Charlie sent my boy a bunch of 243 cases, loaded rounds and bullets. Plus some 300WBY cases, all for nothing. Can't beat this place. I think we have one of the best reps going for passing it around. Scotty


That is just fantastic! Nicely done sir.
