Powder thrower


Dec 24, 2011
It is 2013...

I was curious if there are any powder thrower/dispensers that are immune to the tubular..(IMR's Alliant's) that may have gone under the radar in the reloading world.

I use a Hornady and it works like every other one, ball powder it throws to the tenth all the time every time but tubular powder is always off, sometimes by more than a full grain.

I was curious if anyone came out with something yet that could tackle this task. I know looking at the internals and with the accuracy they try to achieve it is hard to do given the variable shapes of those types of powder in each grain.
To my knowledge there hasn't been anything made to compensate for the long tubular powders. RCBS makes an electric scale and powder drop that seems to get it close from what I've read but I still use the scoop and trickle method since I don't load hundreds of rounds at a time. Reloading is a time of relaxation for me so I don't need to be in a hurry to get it done.
RCBS Chargemaster 1500. Drops charges literally on the money and each charge is weighed i the process. A bit spendy but well worth the price. I love mine. Hornady and Lyman also have similar devices. My ex-son in law has the Lyman and while it works for him, he's not all that happy with it. Have no clue on the Hornady machine but it is less money.
I used nothing but ball powders as I hated messing with the 4831 type powders. It would take sevel hours making up load work ups with 481 which I'd used a lot until going to the ball powders. Now, I can use 350 and 4831 as other options because doing an entire load set from starting to maximum loads for a new cartridge doen't take much more than about 45 minutes to one hour. :grin: If my Chargemaster ever does turn toes up, I buy another the next day at the very latest.
Paul B.
I have the ISD Smart Reloader and have been very happy with it as well. I still keep my RCBS Uniflow on the bench for Varget and smaller powders, and also have the Hornady on my LNL AP set up. I am pretty sure anything 4350 is going to be rough through the cylinder type throwers.
Looking at the RCBS and the ISD myself.

I'll probably go with the RCBS because it's a known brand to this rookie.
I have three powder measures- a RCBS Uniflow, a Redding Model 3, and a Lyman 55. All work well with ball powder but with 4350 and 4831 I have to trickle the last few grains on a scale. I have found that the Lyman works better throwing small charges of flake pistol powder than the Redding. I'd like to find an old Belding and Mull measure sometime, since I hear they were excellent tools.
I use a redding model 3 for loading handgun ammo and scope and powder trickle for rifle loads. Like Truck Driver said loading ammunition is a way to relax for me.
Harrel, Sinclair carries them

I have the pistol measure for my hornet, intend to get the benchrest 60gr and the larger 120gr all in due time. I weight every load for rifle cartridge ball powder or not. and prefer beam scales. If you built strain gaged transducer as a profession these chepo's would scare you too.

I seem to have better luck with the stix powders as far as accurate loads go. Even trying H4198 to compare with AA1680 in my 221 fire ball.

H322, Benchmark, H4895 have all been producers of accuracy for me in the 223, 35rem, 358win 200&225gr loads. TAC would be my choice for all three of these in a ball powder. How ever no place I travel between Gaylord and Brighton carries it.
Chargemaster. With the straw trick, I run stick powders all the time with maybe 1 in 15 having to be rethrown for an overcharge.

I've thought about having a second one, and I'm looking seriously at the ISD. The design on the ISD and some of the small details, lead me to believe that they are actually the ones who made the Chargemaster for RCBS. It's just too similar... And the price is a bit better.
I have been using the RCBS chargemaster for a number of years now without any problems. I have never had a over charge and I use trickler to top everything up. But being old :wink: I still check every load twice using my slide scale :mrgreen:

AzDak42":2ozy7iv7 said:
I've thought about having a second one, and I'm looking seriously at the ISD. The design on the ISD and some of the small details, lead me to believe that they are actually the ones who made the Chargemaster for RCBS. It's just too similar... And the price is a bit better.

I'll say. It is about 1/2, and I gotta say, it has been as good or better than any RCBS I have worked with and it is very tuneable for different powders..

http://www.natchezss.com/product.cfm?co ... c=exrbSrch
The system appears to have treated you well, Scotty. It does look quite interesting.
SJB358":3h35xxr6 said:
AzDak42":3h35xxr6 said:
I've thought about having a second one, and I'm looking seriously at the ISD. The design on the ISD and some of the small details, lead me to believe that they are actually the ones who made the Chargemaster for RCBS. It's just too similar... And the price is a bit better.

I'll say. It is about 1/2, and I gotta say, it has been as good or better than any RCBS I have worked with and it is very tuneable for different powders..

http://www.natchezss.com/product.cfm?co ... c=exrbSrch

Nice. Never knew of that one.