Reloading for an AR


Jun 2, 2011
My son just bought an AR. We are interested in your thoughts on what is the preferred bullet weight and maybe a few powders to try. We would like to use shooters pro shop to cut costs so nosler bullets preferred.

I already have plans to load the 64 gr. BSB but also looking for bullet to shoot targets, prairie dogs and an occasional coyote with.

What twist? Slower twist will limit higher weight projectiles. I like H335 for most of my AR loading.
I assume your AR is a 223/5.56 what twist rifling does the barrel have in it? If it is 9" you will be good to go with at least 69 gr match bullets for target and I shoot ground hogs with mine with 69 Sierra match kings and it does a good job. Varget powder really does a good job for me. The Nosler Custom Competition 69 gr bullets usually shoot just as good as the Sierra match kings. The 50 or 55 gr ballistic tip will take care of the varmints. I also get good accuracy with Varget with this weight bullet also. The only primer that I would not use in the AR or any other free floating firing pin rifle is Federal. I personally had slam fires with an M1 Garand using Federal. Their cup is too soft and sensitive. I have used CCI, CCI BR, WW, Wolf mag, Rem primers in these rifles with no problems. Use a small base full length sizing die and you will have no problems. Most rifles do not need the small base but some do. I also use a Lee Factory Crimp Die because I get better accuracy by using it. There are so many powders that work well in the 223 it is hard to find one that will not work well. Have fun experimenting.
Sorry, yes, 5.56/.223 and it is a 16" 1 in 9 factory barrel.

Thanks for the recommendations. I will look into the 69gr. Custom competition bullets. I currently have a bunch of varget so maybe I will start there. I typically use CCI or Win primers. Might as well get the small base full length die like you recommend just in case.

Otherwise perfectly sane shooters, given an AR-15... Often do a LOT of shooting... :grin:

Set up to load in volume... It really is hard to limit an AR-15 shooting session to 20 rounds or so... Think in terms of 200 instead.

Oh - and a lot of the commercial 55 grain FMJ stuff actually shoots pretty well from a 16" 1/9 twist barrel, and it's inexpensive.

Thanks again guys.

And yes Guy, this will be a mostly volume type load/gun. That's why I was leaning towards shooters pro shop, but I did not even think about fmj's. good call. I will get some of those too!
For target, prairie dogs and yotes..... we have a whole crew using AR's for these purposes, all but a few reload.

Across numerous AR's with 1:9.... we have one powder and one bullet that leads the charge ...frankly, I have yet to find an AR that wont shoot this combo very very well

Hornady 50g Zmax (code 22262), sold in 500 packs for under $60 (powder valley, mid south, joe bobs - free shipping when they have them usually).. (can also substitute 50 g Vmax - same bullet, just more expensive) ..............loaded over H322 (75% off crew) or XBR (the rest).

Accuracy is almost always below max. We load them by the thousands. Nice fast and flat shooters!!!!

Accurate, you will enjoy the show with prairie dogs....and are deadly/destructive on yotes (trust me, this bullet is heavy enough to do the job). Not fur friendly.

Personally, while i used to swear by it...I would avoid varget and try one of the powders I mentioned ....they both meter much much much better than varget while sharing the temp tolerance attributes (from bitter cold yotes to the sunny prairies.

If you want to stay with Nosler, their ballistic tips are a close second (and almost twice the price).

50G Zmax with H322 em up and bet you find it about 1/2 g under max.
Since you're talking about volume loading, I'd give some thought to powder selection. If you're as picky as I am about charge consistency I'd suggest something that flows through a measure well. AA2460, AA2230, H335, TAC, W748, and similar powders are the ones I'd be looking at. Benchmark is extruded but measures well also. I've never been satisfied with charge consistency with powders like Varget and others like it.
Great points...

I will try that 50 gr. Zmax with H322 based on your experience that sounds like another great place to start.
Since you plan on using the 64 for hunting, I'd look no further than the 69 grain CC HPBT. Also look into the similar Hornady bullet. Can often be found bulk for retail prices similar or lower than SPS blems. These are both respected match bullets although they have recently been eclipsed by the 75-77 grain weights for match shooting.

All of Varget, R15, BL-C2 are proven performers with this bullet. Basically any powder suitable for 308 Win 150-165 is a strong contender. AR comp is gaining popularity with HP shooters in the heavier slugs, and should do well with 64-69 grain bullets as well.
Thx! I really look forward to using that 64 gr. Bsb on deer and antelope. That is a stout bullet.
The ballistics of the 16” AR15 bbl will be similar to a 15” bolt gun due to the gas system. Also, there will be a lot of muzzle blast with the standard birdcage flash hider. The blast can be focused forward with: ... read-matte

You want to use the 64g BSB, so:

Cartridge          : .223 Rem. (SAAMI)
Bullet             : .224, 64, Nosler Bond SB 38135
Useable Case Capaci: 25.771 grain H2O = 1.673 cm³
Cartridge O.A.L. L6: 2.175
Barrel Length      : 15.0 inch = 381.0 mm


Powder type          Filling/Loading Ratio  Charge    Charge   Vel. Prop.Burnt P max  P muzz  B_Time
                                      %     Grains    Gramm   fps     %       psi     psi    ms
---------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------------------------
Winchester 748                     102.7     25.4     1.65    2860    95.5    60000   12440   0.753  ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon CFE223                     104.3     26.8     1.73    2851    92.9    60000   12609   0.752  ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon BL-C2                      105.0     26.4     1.71    2841    94.1    59532   12526   0.762  ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon H322                       103.5     23.1     1.50    2835    98.2    60000   11806   0.754  ! Near Maximum !
Alliant AR-Comp                    105.0     23.4     1.52    2830   100.0    56350   11554   0.773  ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon H335                        97.5     24.5     1.59    2827    97.2    60000   11954   0.759  ! Near Maximum !
Accurate 2520                      105.0     25.5     1.65    2817    96.1    58109   12193   0.778  ! Near Maximum !
Somchem S321                       102.1     25.3     1.64    2816    94.8    60000   12116   0.765  ! Near Maximum !
Alliant Reloder-10x                100.9     21.9     1.42    2816    99.8    60000   11340   0.769  ! Near Maximum !

W748 & H335 are very temp sensitive.

I would recommend the 60g Nosler BT as the second bullet. It meets all your needs and is closer than the others in weight to the BSB. Therefore, 1 powder might be able to be used for both:

Cartridge          : .223 Rem. (SAAMI)
Bullet             : .224, 60, Nosler BalTip 34992
Useable Case Capaci: 25.313 grain H2O = 1.644 cm³
Cartridge O.A.L. L6: 2.255 inch = 57.28 mm
Barrel Length      : 15.0 inch = 381.0 mm


Powder type          Filling/Loading Ratio  Charge    Charge   Vel. Prop.Burnt P max  P muzz  B_Time
                                      %     Grains    Gramm   fps     %       psi     psi    ms
---------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------------------------
Winchester 748                     103.7     26.0     1.69    2938    94.8    60000   12488   0.733  ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon H322                       104.6     23.7     1.53    2919    97.7    60000   11912   0.734  ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon CFE223                     105.0     27.3     1.77    2916    91.7    59368   12567   0.737  ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon H335                        98.4     25.1     1.62    2908    96.6    60000   12028   0.739  ! Near Maximum !
Alliant Reloder-10x                102.0     22.5     1.46    2902    99.6    60000   11503   0.748  ! Near Maximum !
Vihtavuori N530                    104.0     24.4     1.58    2892    93.8    60000   11994   0.739  ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon BL-C2                      105.0     26.7     1.73    2884    92.7    57268   12413   0.755  ! Near Maximum !
Accurate 2015                      104.9     23.4     1.52    2882    99.2    60000   11356   0.753  ! Near Maximum !
Alliant AR-Comp                    105.0     23.7     1.54    2882    99.8    54189   11683   0.766  ! Near Maximum !

Good luck.
I my 2 ARs 1-8 twist 69 gr Custom Competition 23.5 gr Benchmark 60 gr BT awesome bullet 24.5 Benchmark