I've been wondering for a little while how the 7mm RUM is to load for. I've know it's freebored 0.4" from Remington, so does this round have some interesting load characteristics??? I've only used the 7RM not the bigger STW or RUM, so my curiousity has been caught. I've wanted a 7mm Sendero in STW or RUM for awhile, but can't quite justify it with the 264 in the safe. A 28-31" barrel would do crazy things with either caliber, but I'm wondering if I've missed something. I know there is a curious lack of data for the RUM(Nosler #6 only listed 3 powders) & Sierra doesn't offer data at all, so I'm curious as to why. It is a seriously overbored round, but heck so are the 264 wm, the weatherby's, STW's, 22-250 & 220 Swift. Any one have a 7mm RUM and load for it??? I know there are a few STW guys on here and those are supposed to shoot well, what loads work in the STW??