Restocking my old Model 70.....

35 Whelen

Dec 22, 2011
The first year Winchester came back out with the old control feed ( pre 64) bolts, 1989 I saw one at a show
and snagged it, SS in 30/06.
They referred to my model as the ATR with black composite stock. I used it for nearly 30 years all over
North America and it performed flawlessly.
Recently I have noticed a couple of different outfits are
advertising some factory over run Super Grade stocks that
are advertised as Grade 4/5 Black Walnut, I already have the "150th Anniversary" 2016 Model 70/ 270, with high grade wood in a Super Grade standard. So thought it would be nice to redress my old Featherweight into a SuperGrade
so it can live out it's golden years with class.......Screenshot_20200404-012642~3.pngScreenshot_20200403-175844~2.pngScreenshot_20200404-025703~2.png
PS. I think maybe this quarentine thing is getting to me! :?
It’s getting to all of us. Thank god we have things to do. Building guns [emoji123]. Could be worse

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Mighty handsome piece of wood, E. Should make a most desirable presentation for that delightful old rifle.
Nice looking stick that's for sure.
Do what your heart desires you only live once and that might not be much longer at our age.
That will look awesome!!

Be sure to post pics once it’s complete!

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Wow that is sharp! Nice job on the stock. It will look amazing on that rifle. You planning on pillar and glass bedding it??? It will look pretty sharp out in the field and yes it will need to be hunted!!

Oh my and to think I could do the same thing to my Model 70 build in 280 AI! That is tempting!!
Thanks to all! I will post some pics when I get it all lashed
togeather! Should match up to my 150th Anniversary real nicely? Here is that stock for comparison:
Should be easy to pick the right gun to take, either taking the "red pad" or the "black pad". LoL. :grin:

6mm; No probably won't bother to bed or pillar post it, and if I was ever to go on a serious hunt with my old Featherweight, most likely would slap the composite stock back on it. But that won't happen either; as I am hunting the Sako Finnlight exclusively nowadays. :wink:
Well it's in and is NOT the stock I actually ordered they are now calling it a "stock picture". However they also called it grade IV/V wood. Is more like grade II/III on one side and it would be a streach to call back side grade I.......
So got till Monday to send it back???? Fits perfectly, and does have some figure under the action????
What you guys think???
Back side ????IMG_20200411_145652503.jpgIMG_20200411_145719357.jpgIMG_20200411_150829975.jpg
So you guys call it, was I expecting tooo much??? Should we keep it or send it back. How bout your vote?
The stock is handsome enough. It is a bit disappointing that it is not as advertised. To be sure, there is not as much figure on the right side, but the left side appears to be quite nice. I don't know that I'd send it back, though I might. I am certain, however, that I'd be cautious about buying from that company again.
Thanks for that input Mike, my thoughts precisely! Let's see what the other guys say?? Certainly makes it look totally differently than black plastic! I do hate this "well that's a stock photo" . May actually increase the value as much as the stock cost, not sure??
Adds exactly 1 lb over the factory plastic stock.
It's your call E but for me it would go back and tell them their stock photo was false advertisement.
It's a little bit of a decision, or would be for me, to drop that kind of money on a stock. If you do, you want what you think you're getting.

Not to say it's not nice. It is. I'd probably send it back and tell them to look through the pile and pick out a nicer one, that one looks nothing like the advertisement which clearly shows some pretty high figure.

BTW, maybe it's the Good Lord telling you not to be so greedy. :lol: That 150th anniversary rifle is NICE!!!! Holy cow.
Its hard to say, definitely not as advertised. But not a real bad piece of wood for the price, did they have any others to exchange it with being as they are using a 'stock photo' they must have a supply of them(sarcasm)?
Bruce Mc":3i84uo63 said:
I'd negotiate for a lesser price and keep the stock if they'd get right.
I think what Bruce Mc is saying is what I would do too. That’s a nice stock but definitely not what they advertised.

My Model 70 stainless has a wooden stock too though not nearly as nice as this one! Might need to take her hunting, just make sure it shoots right with the new stock!

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Bruce Mc,
That's an interesting twist, I am going to call them today and see what they are willing to do about it? I hate that run
for cover excuse, " that is just a generic photo" baloney.
My bet is; they say" simply return it" and I will get stuck with the shipping both ways??? Guess you win some and lose some............. It's all good. I can certainly remember when having a stock as good as this one, would have been
a "pipe dream"....... And it was NOT that long ago. Here is the pair of them. Though the camera angle, is certainly favoring the new stock.IMG_20200411_152043121.jpg
That darn back side.IMG_20200411_145655652.jpg
Well E pictures can be deceiving with light and such. The so called stock photos look like a different type of walnut then what you got.
The way the blank was cut out also has a lot to do with the wood grain figure and from the looks of the back side you got the out side cut and not the center cut with all the figure.
They do put you in a loose loose situation when they ship what is less then advertised and should have sent pictures of the stock before shipping.